Jail Gets a Bad Rap

Great so now you understand the beginning of it. Now, look up what a Revocation and a Dismissal are.
So you pled guilty and took a deferred adjucation. At which time you were put on probation. Correct?

You then skipped out on your probation? Correct?

Since you skipped on probation they issued a revocation on your deferred adjudication. Correct?

A warrant was issued. Correct?

You then turned yourself in. This is the time you spent in jail and put your defense together. Correct?

Now we get to the meat of the issue. The charges were dismissed. Which charges? The revocation warrant or the original charge?

The revocation was a charge itself. That leaves the original charge. If the dismissed the revocation then there was no violation of the probation. Then the deferred adjudication would be considered complete.

That means you still completed the deferment and what I said is correct. You will not be able to claim religious reasons on another charge.

When you filed a 144 pages, no matter the content, they looked at it and said screw it. It wasn't worth the time and money to pursue it any further.

What you say may be correct but the devil is in the details. There is two possible outcomes.

1. The revocation was dismissed and the deferment considered complete and sealed at the same time the revocation was dropped. It would allow them to walk away from the case but still have ammo in the future.

2. Both charges were dismissed with prejudice. Res judicata and no further charges can be filed.

Which is it?
So you pled guilty and took a deferred adjucation. At which time you were put on probation. Correct?

You then skipped out on your probation? Correct?

Since you skipped on probation they issued a revocation on your deferred adjudication. Correct?

A warrant was issued. Correct?

You then turned yourself in. This is the time you spent in jail and put your defense together. Correct?

Now we get to the meat of the issue. The charges were dismissed. Which charges? The revocation warrant or the original charge?

The revocation was a charge itself. That leaves the original charge. If the dismissed the revocation then there was no violation of the probation. Then the deferred adjudication would be considered complete.

That means you still completed the deferment and what I said is correct. You will not be able to claim religious reasons on another charge.

When you filed a 144 pages, no matter the content, they looked at it and said screw it. It wasn't worth the time and money to pursue it any further.

What you say may be correct but the devil is in the details. There is two possible outcomes.

1. The revocation was dismissed and the deferment considered complete and sealed at the same time the revocation was dropped. It would allow them to walk away from the case but still have ammo in the future.

2. Both charges were dismissed with prejudice. Res judicata and no further charges can be filed.

Which is it?


So now you are finally caught up, but you still have that pissy attitude. It was the 1st one, but that is not the end.

Ok, so now that you are caught up, here is what is currently happening. Once I am done suing the town I am in right now, I will be suing my home town. I have 1 year to file the lawsuit with the Federal District Court, I think the one for my home town is in Sherman, but I can maybe do it in Austin. I have until about August. The lawsuit will be how the case will finally come to resolution.

In the lawsuit I will be pointing out the various settled corruption cases in the city, as well as my corrupt lawyer and how the case was operated. Then I will bring to the attention of the court that the Police had no warrant or consent. Then when I was in jail waiting to settle the Probation Revocation the Priest there told me I was not allowed to be Hindu there, and they started changing rules so that I couldn't bring my Rig Veda places, but even with new rules on books they would let people bring Bibles but would not let me bring my Rig Veda places.

So I've got a pretty big suit to go through with the city still, it is no where near over, I just said I won the case. Which I did. Now it just has to be completely resolved. But I am suing another town right now.

So now you are finally caught up, but you still have that pissy attitude. It was the 1st one, but that is not the end.

Ok, so now that you are caught up, here is what is currently happening. Once I am done suing the town I am in right now, I will be suing my home town. I have 1 year to file the lawsuit with the Federal District Court, I think the one for my home town is in Sherman, but I can maybe do it in Austin. I have until about August. The lawsuit will be how the case will finally come to resolution.

In the lawsuit I will be pointing out the various settled corruption cases in the city, as well as my corrupt lawyer and how the case was operated. Then I will bring to the attention of the court that the Police had no warrant or consent. Then when I was in jail waiting to settle the Probation Revocation the Priest there told me I was not allowed to be Hindu there, and they started changing rules so that I couldn't bring my Rig Veda places, but even with new rules on books they would let people bring Bibles but would not let me bring my Rig Veda places.

So I've got a pretty big suit to go through with the city still, it is no where near over, I just said I won the case. Which I did. Now it just has to be completely resolved. But I am suing another town right now.
I'm not pissy.

I'm direct and to the point. If it was the first one, your advice doesn't really hold water.

Maybe a little pissy, you speak in half truths and some of your advice could possibly makes someone's situation worse off. Some of it I've seen could even harm or possibly kill someone.

Other than that, more power to you. Fuck the police. I've been through trumped up charges. Leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
I'm not pissy.

I'm direct and to the point. If it was the first one, your advice doesn't really hold water.

Maybe a little pissy, you speak in half truths and some of your advice could possibly makes someone's situation worse off. Some of it I've seen could even harm or possibly kill someone.

Other than that, more power to you. Fuck the police. I've been through trumped up charges. Leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

Don't act so proud of yourself, everything you know now is stuff you could have found just by asking me or reading this website. I have always said that I plead guilty, under the advice of a corrupt lawyer, then got deferred adjudication, then came back and it got dismissed. And I have also said here that I am going to sue the city for the entire charge and situation, as well as the Religious problems I had in jail while I shouldn't have been there.

You are just acting like you discovered that or something, but I have very specifically said all of those things multiple times.

Don't act so proud of yourself, everything you know now is stuff you could have found just by asking me or reading this website. I have always said that I plead guilty, under the advice of a corrupt lawyer, then got deferred adjudication, then came back and it got dismissed. And I have also said here that I am going to sue the city for the entire charge and situation, as well as the Religious problems I had in jail while I shouldn't have been there.

You are just acting like you discovered that or something, but I have very specifically said all of those things multiple times.
Don't be so sensitive. I don't have nothing against you.

I'm just saying, technically you didn't win. The revocation was dropped but not the deferment.

They still have ammo against you and a future charge there would cause you problems.

Get what I'm saying. You say you won because of religious reasons. They dropped the revocation but not the deferment.

If you win the lawsuit and get the original charged dropped with prejudice, you can claim you won.

Like I said , good luck. I wish you the best.

I do have one piece of advice. If you do sue make sure you dont plan to live there anymore. Cops will make your life miserable because of it. It happened to me. I finally moved because of lice harassment.

Don't act so proud of yourself, everything you know now is stuff you could have found just by asking me or reading this website. I have always said that I plead guilty, under the advice of a corrupt lawyer, then got deferred adjudication, then came back and it got dismissed. And I have also said here that I am going to sue the city for the entire charge and situation, as well as the Religious problems I had in jail while I shouldn't have been there.

You are just acting like you discovered that or something, but I have very specifically said all of those things multiple times.

You're gonna sue the City over the 2010 incident where you pleaded guilty? Will this be in State or Federal court?

What is the 2nd lawsuit for?