Jail Gets a Bad Rap

The said that they are a Department of the City and that if anyone was going to be sued it would have to be the city, then they used the same argument in the second point and said that they are immune to lawsuits, then they asked that the case be removed to Federal court, and they didn't say this last part but I know the reason they want to go to Federal court is so they can bring up Sovereign Immunity which States can usually use in Federal court to get lawsuits dropped.

But all of that is covered in Tx Code Title 5 Chapter 110, they are suable and have waived sovereign immunity.

Why not just add the City to your lawsuit?
Do you believe there is no credence to a religious defense for using cannabis as a sacrament? How many of these cases have you examined? That's what I'm interested in.
I'm not referring to this religious weed case. I'm referring to the part where he thinks he's sat down with crops and bloods and had them talk about their gang with some white boy. I'm referring to the parts where he speaks about jail and the bull shit about helping get ppls cases dropped he has no idea what he's talking about and pretty much everything he's mentioned about jails systems have been lies. So why would I believe anything else he says
Cops invented the term marijuana, I never call cannabis marijuana.

I think they call seed production for edible purposes, hemp also. Therefore it can also be female hemp in that case. It's all semantics
I call it Bhang, I just use the word Marijuana so non-Hindus know what I am talking about.

The semantics that they got into what what Deffered means versus Deferred Adjudication, and specifically what it means in Texas. But it ended with a dismissal, so that is where the semantics were really irrelevant.
So why would I believe anything else he says
Well because I appreciate FinShaggy. In many circles he is regaled as a national treasure. I wouldn't be surprised if he has an alliance with members from both the Bloods and Crypts. Regardless, he is a young guy in his 20s with tons of potential and is on the ball more than a hell of a lot of people his senior, imo.
If you'd believe it would be possible that he has any alliance or association with bloods or crips , you must be very ignorant to the way they work. They have very strict rules and when those rules are broken ppl are hurt and murdered. And I know a big rule is not discussing with ANYONE outside the gang their history or ways of life.
I call it Bhang, I just use the word Marijuana so non-Hindus know what I am talking about.

The semantics that they got into what what Deffered means versus Deferred Adjudication, and specifically what it means in Texas. But it ended with a dismissal, so that is where the semantics were really irrelevant.
No. I clearly give you two options.

You chose number one. They dropped the revocation which considered the deferment complete. You completed the deferment. A deferred adjudication is a plea bargain where you complete terms and rehabilitation.

Sorry but you didn't win that case because of religious reasons.

Now, I wish you the best and I hope you win your current case.

If you'd believe it would be possible that he has any alliance or association with bloods or crips , you must be very ignorant to the way they work. They have very strict rules and when those rules are broken ppl are hurt and murdered.
I'm not referring to this religious weed case. I'm referring to the part where he thinks he's sat down with crops and bloods and had them talk about their gang with some white boy. I'm referring to the parts where he speaks about jail and the bull shit about helping get ppls cases dropped he has no idea what he's talking about and pretty much everything he's mentioned about jails systems have been lies. So why would I believe anything else he says


I really don't care what any of you think, you act like I'm scared or something when I go in. If I didn't want to go to jail I would have stayed in Colorado and not come back to Texas to beat my case. And with all the law I studied I was able to help pretty much anyone and everyone, my celly was a Salvadorian with Tattoos up past his ears and that was one of the first cases I started helping with, and everyone else wanted help when they started hearing about me.
Why not just add the City to your lawsuit?
I didn't even want to add the Department to the lawsuit, I wanted to sue the specific officer who violated my rights, the Department just picked it up. I have no beef with the City or the Department, just the guy that stole Religious materials from me.
I didn't even want to add the Department to the lawsuit, I wanted to sue the specific officer who violated my rights, the Department just picked it up. I have no beef with the City or the Department, just the guy that stole Religious materials from me.
when you lose this case.. get outta town.. real advice. they are going to fuck with you to no end
Question: Why do people refer to hemp as a cousin of marijuana? Hemp is male cannabis, usually C. sativa L. If hemp is legal (cultivation is only legal in certain states, but it's not illegal to possess), how can marijuana be illegal? Are people really that dumb?
Hemp is usually considered to be Cannabis Rudaralis, but it is all Hemp.
I didn't even want to add the Department to the lawsuit, I wanted to sue the specific officer who violated my rights, the Department just picked it up. I have no beef with the City or the Department, just the guy that stole Religious materials from me.

If a lawyer failed to name the Department and the City, he would be committing malpractice. Employers are liable for the actions of their employees. I'm assuming you've already researched the notion of respondeat superior.
No. I clearly give you two options.

You chose number one. They dropped the revocation which considered the deferment complete. You completed the deferment. A deferred adjudication is a plea bargain where you complete terms and rehabilitation.

Sorry but you didn't win that case because of religious reasons.

Now, I wish you the best and I hope you win your current case.
And as I said, the case was dismissed after all of that, so it doesn't matter what happened at the beginning. I have over and over said that I did plea guilty, under the advice of a corrupt lawyer who no longer has a bar license, even though I told her it was my Religion and I wanted to fight. Then when I came back my new lawyer submitted a motion to dismiss with my Religious Memorandum of Law (144 pages), and in the end they dismissed.

I have even said that they probably dismissed it because they didn't want me to keep helping people with their cases in jail, as I was using the Kiosk with close to 30 people's ID#s, I even compared it to Gandhi who was "compassionately released" when he helped people in jail and overloaded the system.

You are like the news. You take small pieces of what I say and make it fit your preconceived notion of what you want to have happened. You can't spin it though. I won.
I hope you win your current case.

The Detective already sent another email today saying I can pick up all my Religious materials whenever I want. And since it happened 2x, and the first group seized everything, but the second group just took a sample, I can show that the first group did not use the least restrictive means when burdening my Religion with what I assume they think is a compelling Governmental interest.

So I am just suing the first group, for the seizure, and will use the second group as an example of what they should have done, and I will most likely win. But I'll appeal all the way up if I have to.
And the second group of Officers was actually very nice. When they let me out of the back of their car and took off the cuffs he told me that he was sorry for wasting both of our time (his and mine), and suggested that I get some kind of pouch to put stuff in so that I don't have things that look like illegal substances in plain view.