James' CFL Indoor Grow

Do you find this thread helpful for growing auto-flowering plants?

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Ok so i have managed to arrange for my new 300w dual spectrum CFL lamp to be sent back to me. I am hopefully going to receive it tomorrow. I am keen to get my new set up under way! I am going to be using cable ties and some strong string so i can hang the light sideways. Think this to be of importance because i only hae black white reflective sheeting and no actual reflector with the lamp. Going to take a little bit of time to morph it into an adjustable sideways hanging cfl with the circumstances i have in my grow room but gonna try my best. When i switch the plants to the larger grow room, this is when i will have trouble hanging the light at all from the ceiling. Will have to do some DIY of my own. Thinking of putting a clothes hanging rail (like everyone has in their in your closet for hanging clothes from) in to dangle the lamp from. Other wise i am just going to but a ceiling hook fixture which i will have to assemble. Will take a bit of thought and cash but should not be a major problem!



Active Member
sounds like a wicked idea, thinking of maybe investing in a few more cfl so the plant gets its light from all angles and grows into a budmonster, need to get a bigger growing space first hmm...


Nice grow. I'm subbed. I'm also doing an auto grow using the bio bizz range. There now into there 3rd week and I have been feeding them on 2ml of bio grow every other day. They seem to love it. I think the best thing is to wait until the first sign of flowering before starting the bio bloom. And I'm unsure as to when to start the top max. I'm thinking about upping the bio grow to 3 ml and see how they handle it.

Here's a little pic. One blueberry, one ak47 and one White Russian. I really mist take a pic in normal light as everythig look yellow lol.



Active Member
dude those plants are phat motherfuckers. What kind of lights you got them under? and do you water everyday?
hey james, what reggae said about how close you can be to a light is right, but I think you might only be able to be that close with a 125watt CFL, I know that 250 300watt CFL's are considerably hotter! and you dont want to heat stress/burn your plants.. just worth reading up a bit first, CFL info is in the CFL sub forum in INDOOR GROWING
Ah yea of course... Forgot about the wattage... My bad! Burning ur plants is never a good idea... Less its after harvest then its spark o'clock!! haha


dude those plants are phat motherfuckers. What kind of lights you got them under? and do you water everyday?
There under a 600wt hps. And I water them every other day. Glad u like em. I can't belive how much they smell all ready lol


Active Member
Hi Guys here at the most up to date pictures. I finally managed to find time to set up the current grow room properly! Check out the pics and tell me what you think? Really need help as to where to place the small desk fan im gonna buy?

p.s the 3rd picture on the top. Exactly to my left from where the picture was taken is a window. The window is about 3ft back from the front of the closet. Help with with my ventilation would help guys...only gonna able to buy a desk fan due to serious budget constrictions! Please help!



Well-Known Member
Sweeeeet all looking good so far m8 I'm subbed.. I got 4 x Lowryder#2 on order from Pick N Mix seeds should be here tomorrow so will be watching your grow with interest..I've never grown these Autoflowering strains..so it's gonna be a interesting ride!


Active Member
Sweeeeet all looking good so far m8 I'm subbed.. I got 4 x Lowryder#2 on order from Pick N Mix seeds should be here tomorrow so will be watching your grow with interest..I've never grown these Autoflowering strains..so it's gonna be a interesting ride!
Hi Ed! Cheers mate! Yeah looking good so far! Trying to stretch out the autos as much as possible, going well so far, growing nicely each and every day!

No problems so far guys! Just worried now that i have finally set up the grow room for the first couple of weeks that it is going to get too warm in their for the plants. I just ordered a clip-on-fan from ebay which should help the air ventilation massively and also bring some nice wind for strengthening exercises for my ladies lol! Still waiting for my digital humidity thermometer to arrive. This will make things much easier as its hard to judge the temp and hmidity properly!



Well-Known Member
Lowryder #2's arrived today so got them germinating now in some water then into coco plugs in 24 hours..Will have to compare grows.. mine are not too far behind yours?



Active Member
You only went for the regular ones, how come not feminised?

My plants are now on days 5 and 6 since they were potted in the soil!

Hi James---Your grow is looking awesome.Ive got a White Dwarf autoflower going on day 22.Its on track to being a good looking plant.Showed sex on day 19.Im nuting with bat guano only.This is my first auto grow too.Thanks for posting and best of luck to you.


Well-Known Member
You only went for the regular ones, how come not feminised?

My plants are now on days 5 and 6 since they were potted in the soil!

Yeah I went for the regular just because of price really no other reason.. I've got other gorws on the go too, so
it won't be too much of a loss if they turn out to be Male.. So mine are about a week behind yours.. should be fun!


Active Member
There under a 600wt hps. And I water them every other day. Glad u like em. I can't belive how much they smell all ready lol
Sick thought you must have them under some devastating light :-)

Like the look of your 300watt CFL too James, from my own small experience it seems to be light above everything that effects yeild, could be wrong but perhaps having a light thats cheap to run is a false economy. Hopefully have minimum 3 CFLs for my next grow, looking forward to seeing what kind of job your dual spectrum light does!


Active Member
Sick thought you must have them under some devastating light :-)

Like the look of your 300watt CFL too James, from my own small experience it seems to be light above everything that effects yeild, could be wrong but perhaps having a light thats cheap to run is a false economy. Hopefully have minimum 3 CFLs for my next grow, looking forward to seeing what kind of job your dual spectrum light does!
Thanks dit! Yeah 3 cfls sounds good mate! I am trying to go as budget as possible! Over the past cuple of days i have been reading about the Roseman bucket! Wow it looks amazing. I am going to buy some ONA gel, bucket and 8" fan to make my own for when that beautuful smell comes along in a couple of weeks! Should work a treat from i read and have heard!

Of all things i went for heart surgery today because i had a hole in the heart! Got myself some nice smoke to sit back and relax for the weekend!
I will be posting new pictures of my plants soon! Today is exactly one week since the two auto seeds were put in the soil and tomorrow will be a week for the WW!



Active Member
Hi Guys!
I said i was going to make the roseman odor bucket with fan and ona gel fresh linen 1L. However, i am slightly confused from the picture exactly what type of bucket that he is using!

Can somebody please help me and tell me a link to a website in the UK, or US if you cant, so i know what i need to buy. I understand the fan, the water, the ona but just not the model or type of bucket to buy...sorry sounds a little stupid! lol however i just cant make it out from those pictures?



Well-Known Member
Of all things i went for heart surgery today because i had a hole in the heart! Got myself some nice smoke to sit back and relax for the weekend!
I will be posting new pictures of my plants soon! Today is exactly one week since the two auto seeds were put in the soil and tomorrow will be a week for the WW!
Looking great james! Or should I say Bret?


You've been outed Bret. But, it's nice to have a celebrity on RIU.

In all seriousness, I hope the surgery is a success and you suffer no lasting effects.


Active Member
Looking great james! Or should I say Bret?


You've been outed Bret. But, it's nice to have a celebrity on RIU.

In all seriousness, I hope the surgery is a success and you suffer no lasting effects.
you joker pablo! good spot!

Thank you very much for your comments regarding my surgery! I am hping for the best too right now...at home after the op this morning now. Gonna suffer for a few days i reckon...can hardly walk! But dont you worry my plants will be cared for....of course!

