James' CFL Indoor Grow

Do you find this thread helpful for growing auto-flowering plants?

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Completely off topic: What are your thoughts on the quality of health care you received? Was it timely? Any complaints? Praises? All my family from my Mothers side is in Scotland, where she was born and raised (Edinburgh). I'm assuming the government health care covered the bill (or did they?). We just hear a lot of talking points about the benefits and/or downsides of socialized medicine. Just wondered what the thoughts were from someone that may have been on the receiving end of it. My only experience is my Nana (in her 90's) wasn't getting appropriate care and my Mom flew out there from the States to try to get things pushed thru/approved. She wasn't left with a good impression of the health care system.

In any event, good to hear you're on the road to recovery. Cheers.


Hi boomdiddly! Thanks alot for checking it ut for me...the link is:


Looks like a bucket with some kind of insert to me...doesn't look like a lid at all!

Looks like you will just need to find a bucket with a big lip around the top that the fan can sit in or make some kind of some kind of fan holder its a lot harder to get stuff over here, nothing really like wallmart exists :cuss:

And pabloesqobar the NHS is Scotland is a separate organization than the NHS is England, I can say without any lie's the NHS does the best it can for the budget it gets from the government.



Well-Known Member
You can get 5L buckets on ebay only £2.50 each:
(They are 8" diameter too like Roseman's..)

I recommend Ona Gel it is great I use it too but I just leave the lid off when I need to mask the smell..
It is strong stuff and works really well - You can buy a In-Line adapter for it so you can make your own
in-line style odour controller:


As far as the fan goes those clip on ones are about 6-7" so they would work well if you needed to make one like Roseman's..
I bought several from B&Q last year.. they'll have tons of different sized ones in stock now that we the UK weather is on the turn at last..


Active Member
NHS is the best, you get ill, you get treated for free. Get a health service in US, chuck those nasty "health insurance" companies they are a disaster,and not just a disaster for the ppl who can't afford insurance too, i hear even if you have coverage then your insurance company will do their best to wriggle out of paying on any technicality they can find :-(

hope your well james


Active Member
Hi Guys!

I am fine! been out for a great weekend after my operation! the weather has been around 25-27 degrees the whole time. Been to the park, pubs, bars, rivers, walked through the whle of central london and on top of that have had an absolutely fantastic time! Just got home swince Friday and am reayd to check on my babies and smoke a nice sunday joint!

Thanks so much guys for the kind wishes!

I will be posting pictures either later today or early this week (kinda depends when i can be bothered) lol! The plants are already moving ontp their second set of leaves and have grwn a lot since i saw them last a day and a half ago!



Active Member
Hi all!

My thermometer/hygrometer arrived by mail yesterday so i have been putting into action for past 24hrs to make sure that everything is in order as before i had this meter it was pretty hard to judge.

I seem to be averaging roughly 21-22c and a relative humidity between 40-50%. I am extremely happy with this!!!! ALmost perfect with no effort.

The other measuring device i received is for the soil. I have 8 tests to measure the soil Ph throughout my grow. I shall be attempting to take the first Ph reading anyday now and once i have it i will post it for one and all!

Can anyone help me with what Ph range is suitable for my two autos and also the photo-period WW?

Here are some updated picstures for everyone. I was also hoping someone could take a look at the pics and tell me if they look healthy? ESPECIALLY THE WW..LOOK AT THE 5TH PIC..IT DOESNT SEEM QUITE RIGHT TO ME BUT PELASE LET ME KNOW! also the ww tip of leaves feel a little crisp to touch!

Top 3 pics are the pakistan ryder
Next two are WW.
Last two are lowryder #2



Well-Known Member
Nice.. looking good m8.. ph should be between 6.5 - 7 for soil.. I wouldn't worry too much about the WW it hasn't discoloured has it? sometimes they just grow like that..you'll be alright with that one Jim.. Is the WW an Auto too?


Active Member
Nice.. looking good m8.. ph should be between 6.5 - 7 for soil.. I wouldn't worry too much about the WW it hasn't discoloured has it? sometimes they just grow like that..you'll be alright with that one Jim.. Is the WW an Auto too?
The WW is not an auto....i'm gonna try and measure soil ph later tonigth and report back. What do you mean by it discolouring..i dont know much about this subject at all?

The leaves on the WW feel dry and slightly crisp at the tips...dark coloured i would say as well at the tips and drooping a bit. What you think?

Also do bio-bizz nutes (bio-grow, bio-bloom, bio-topmax) increase the acidity of the soil or decrease it? My gut feeling is that the ph may be slightly to high say between 6.8 - 7.5 but i will not know till i measure it properly later this evening or tomorrow. Any free or mega cheap ways or correcting this problem?..(only buy online so any links would be great)



Well-Known Member
James, I use Neem oil but it's a different brand. The directions on mine say to use 2 tablespoons per gallon. So that works out to 1.5 teaspoons for a quart (32 ounces). I either use a 32 ounce sprayer mixed with the 1.5 teaspoons of oil - or use a 16 ounce sprayer with 3/4 teaspoon of oil. I don't add any dish detergent, but it can't hurt. Use luke warmish water, it helps it mix better. Be sure to shake the spray bottle regularly to keep everything mixed up good.

I only spray during the evening, never in direct sunlight. It's organic, fairly harmless stuff. Hard to screw it up. Make sure you spray the undersides of the leaves. My directions say to spray every 7 days for a significant bug infestation. Otherwise, every 14 days as a preventative.



Active Member
James, I use Neem oil but it's a different brand. The directions on mine say to use 2 tablespoons per gallon. So that works out to 1.5 teaspoons for a quart (32 ounces). I either use a 32 ounce sprayer mixed with the 1.5 teaspoons of oil - or use a 16 ounce sprayer with 3/4 teaspoon of oil. I don't add any dish detergent, but it can't hurt. Use luke warmish water, it helps it mix better. Be sure to shake the spray bottle regularly to keep everything mixed up good.

I only spray during the evening, never in direct sunlight. It's organic, fairly harmless stuff. Hard to screw it up. Make sure you spray the undersides of the leaves. My directions say to spray every 7 days for a significant bug infestation. Otherwise, every 14 days as a preventative.

I have just purchased the neem oil above along with a 500ml sprayer. Do you think i should add any soap into it or does it not matter? Your neem oil is made for plants especially...what about mine? Bit afraid of which soap to use. The only one i have come across which i would feel happy and safe to use is really expensive so dont want to buy it. QUite confused about soap i can even use? Would appreciate it somebody could check out the neem oil i bought and let me know if i should add soap or not. And if i should add soap then please someone find me an ebay link or uk link to buy some at a cheap rate! You can see it in the link below:


Thanks guys for all of your help! I am getting through the vegetative stage fairly strongly and have seen a few pests, although i could not name a single one to you so no idea if they are good or not. Found a red spider mite the other day and then after killing it realised it was a good one! haha...oopss! Your help is much appreciated gusy and your really helping me get my grow on!



Active Member
Hey James - looking good so far. I've grown the LR2 & it's a nice smoke. Gonna get some Pakistan Ryder goin on soon so will be watching your grow with interest. Best of luck buddy...


Well-Known Member
I looked at the link, but there's not much info there. Not even a picture of what you're getting.

I wouldn't worry about the soap. I think the soap is just suggested as an aid in the application of the spray. Kinda like when you put a few drops of dish detergent in your water before watering dry plants - it helps break the surface tension, rather than pooling on top of the dirt. If that makes any sense.

Hopefully someone will correct me if I'm wrong.