January 6th, 2021

I want to make it clear that i hope i am wrong, but shit has gone so fucking wrong over the last 5 or 6 years that it is hard to believe in justice and fairness anymore. trump and other scumbags like him have learned how to play the system, how to avoid accountability, how to drag things out when it suits their purposes, how to use their influence to get on the dockets of sympathetic judges.
Behavior that would have gotten a senator or a congress person severely censured if not outright kicked out of the party and out of office are now common place. the republicans learned they can win if they appeal to the lowest of common denominators, the uneducated poor, the extremists, the right wing fringe. of course, once they start to appeal to that segment of the population, they started to get candidates from that segment, like boebert and greene, ignorant bigots with loud mouths. now they're stuck with them, and can't get rid of them without losing a significant portion of their voter base. so now people have become desensitized to their fuckery, and just shrug it off as more republican whackiness....or they buy into it with their last dollar. either one is bad. It makes it hard to find an impartial jury. one fucking trumptard on his jury and the trial is fucked. how many hung juries and retrials will it take till people lose interest? how many till trump dies of old age spending other people's money?
I want to make it clear that i hope i am wrong, but shit has gone so fucking wrong over the last 5 or 6 years that it is hard to believe in justice and fairness anymore. trump and other scumbags like him have learned how to play the system, how to avoid accountability, how to drag things out when it suits their purposes, how to use their influence to get on the dockets of sympathetic judges.
Behavior that would have gotten a senator or a congress person severely censured if not outright kicked out of the party and out of office are now common place. the republicans learned they can win if they appeal to the lowest of common denominators, the uneducated poor, the extremists, the right wing fringe. of course, once they start to appeal to that segment of the population, they started to get candidates from that segment, like boebert and greene, ignorant bigots with loud mouths. now they're stuck with them, and can't get rid of them without losing a significant portion of their voter base. so now people have become desensitized to their fuckery, and just shrug it off as more republican whackiness....or they buy into it with their last dollar. either one is bad. It makes it hard to find an impartial jury. one fucking trumptard on his jury and the trial is fucked. how many hung juries and retrials will it take till people lose interest? how many till trump dies of old age spending other people's money?
Funny, I thought he would have achieved all this way back befor he got elected. If it were not for the virus it might be a much different country by now.
If insurrectionists are allowed to go unpunished, it’s the beginning of the end of your republic.
How strong was the foundation when a subnormal moron can bring it all crashing down? It was festering cesspit, Trump just opened the valve. Biden isn't perfect, so they are going to vote for a bunch of proven corrupt traitors with no ideas or plan to help the country, who will destroy their democracy and country at lightspeed. If Trump ran again, how many tens of millions of votes would he get? Even if he was under indictment, fuck he could run from his prison cell for child rape and still win FFS. The people cannot be saved from their own folly, Putin is the right leader for such people and they will have their version soon enough. If it wasn't for covid and being the worst person in the fucking world, he would be POTUS today and we would be screwed.
How strong was the foundation when a subnormal moron can bring it all crashing down? It was festering cesspit, Trump just opened the valve. Biden isn't perfect, so they are going to vote for a bunch of proven corrupt traitors with no ideas or plan to help the country, who will destroy their democracy and country at lightspeed. If Trump ran again, how many tens of millions of votes would he get? Even if he was under indictment, fuck he could run from his prison cell for child rape and still win FFS. The people cannot be saved from their own folly, Putin is the right leader for such people and they will have their version soon enough. If it wasn't for covid and being the worst person in the fucking world, he would be POTUS today and we would be screwed.
Any democratic system is prone to this. The element of faith in the electorate attached to the process is an Achilles heel.
Any democratic system is prone to this. The element of faith in the electorate attached to the process is an Achilles heel.
The vast majority of people have always believed absurdities, look at religion. I think what we are seeing is what happens when the tower of Babel of mass religions is torn down and a million demigods empowered by the internet and media take their place. Bigotry and fear are the two biggest factors that impede human progress and the flourishing of a liberal democratic society. Bigotry and fear equal power all too often and people can be manipulated by conditioning and tribalism to fuck themselves and unfortunately do.
Any democratic system is prone to this. The element of faith in the electorate attached to the process is an Achilles heel.
We’re hampered by the fact that the Founders simply couldn’t imagine a two-party system in which one party was committed to the destruction of the other party, and equally committed to capturing the government and legislating itself into permanent power. As a result, we never put into place the laws and penalties such a situation requires.

How long has this hole in our defenses existed? Since the very beginning? I can’t tell; but I believe it’s been *protected* by ex-Confederates, Confederate sympathizers, phony patriots, industrial wage-slavers in the north, their ideological descendants, and corrupt judges since the Slavers stopped fighting and went home.

Which IMO is exactly the sort of deep connection that ’critical race theory’ seeks to expose through research & analysis….

I think there’s evidence to support the idea that *monarchists* and would-be lords may have been among those who’ve enabled our built-in weaknesses, as there is of wealth having been accountable for the meager penalties in the constitution for betrayal in ALL its forms then as now, those penalties would cripple the common citizen while only burdening the comfortable to an extent. Certainly, the way it’s playing out is exposing the vulnerabilities in our framework - again, in ways the founders did not imagine.

Right here, the case for the constitution being a living document is made solidly: we are facing a direct internal assault on the fabric of our government - which *is* at the core of the nation - the sort of event that has toppled kingdoms, changed dynasties, split empires, and slaughtered untold billions.

They KNEW nations fell, that was the world of their lives, and they were reaching for something better - something that might endure such changes; they handed us a framework that allows us to change the framework itself, and that is something so powerful and precious that we need to PROTECT *IT*, defend it…and we need to know when to USE IT.

Those who argue that our constitution is NOT alive - subject to change and growth and improvement at the will of THE VOTING CITIZENS - are looking to carve it up and devour the pieces.

Sheesh…barely awake 2 hours, and I’m already at why voter suppression is both super-effective, super-not-okay and super-popular with “conservatives”… good morning, y’all!
. . . . . . . . Sheesh…barely awake 2 hours, and I’m already at why voter suppression is both super-effective, super-not-okay and super-popular with “conservatives”… good morning, y’all!
I know just what you need to over this. Take two hours of Metheny, Mitchell, Pastorius and Brecker and call me in the morning.

I want to make it clear that i hope i am wrong, but shit has gone so fucking wrong over the last 5 or 6 years that it is hard to believe in justice and fairness anymore. trump and other scumbags like him have learned how to play the system, how to avoid accountability, how to drag things out when it suits their purposes, how to use their influence to get on the dockets of sympathetic judges.

Behavior that would have gotten a senator or a congress person severely censured if not outright kicked out of the party and out of office are now common place. the republicans learned they can win if they appeal to the lowest of common denominators, the uneducated poor, the extremists, the right wing fringe. of course, once they start to appeal to that segment of the population, they started to get candidates from that segment, like boebert and greene, ignorant bigots with loud mouths. now they're stuck with them, and can't get rid of them without losing a significant portion of their voter base. so now people have become desensitized to their fuckery, and just shrug it off as more republican whackiness....or they buy into it with their last dollar. either one is bad. It makes it hard to find an impartial jury. one fucking trumptard on his jury and the trial is fucked. how many hung juries and retrials will it take till people lose interest? how many till trump dies of old age spending other people's money?
This *all* ‘began* in the ‘70s: the sudden pushback against war & military exceptionalism, Jim Crow culture & racist laws, monolithic religion, superficial social constructs of belief and behavior that marked the end of the ‘60s was terrifying for the general run of the populace, especially the ‘white’ contingent - those who had an implanted aversion to seeing place citizens as people, much less citizens. Mainstream religions were in a frenzy as church attendance dropped, the newly-Republican Dixiecrats were itching to crack the whip, military enlistment was at a low point, as people in general started getting more say in things.

Two big results were the Powell memo (Google it, if you haven’t) and the 700 Club / Moral Majority - shots across the bow from the invested money and power interests, to be followed up by “the Reagan Revolution”.

Since then, the insurrection-sphere has included the pulpit as a weapon of disinformation, and they have turned Christianity inside-out in pursuit of a fanatically “American” yet intentionally misinformed and misled cannon-fodder base who could be relied upon to betray what the ‘believe’, in the name of what they ‘believe’. During that same time, the economy was ‘refitted’ with a zero-sum survival-of-the-fittest update to red-meat capitalism that has DOUBLED the cost of living since 1990, and the policy of shifting tax burdens from the wealthy and well-to-do entirely onto the shoulders of employees everywhere - while simultaneously refusing to consider the needs of those ending up bearing the bulk of the burden.

You point at real things, but they’re not new; your anger is justified…but it’s not new, either. It’s been shared by those who came before us - and being shared by those coming up and catching on behind us - yet it is still your own, as mine is my own.
Watch this, especially the part when that tape came out & McCarthy asked shithead if he bears some responsibility for Jan 6.

And he said a little
Ha Ha Ha :) :) :) :) :) :)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The dumb fuck just gave Garland the silver bullet
And he gave the civil suits filed by the 100's of Cops that were attacked that day, all they needed to convict.
Just the civil suits, which he definitely will lose now are going to fucking destroy him. :) :) :)
Imagine just the lawyers fee's
And can't get loans.
He gonna need a GoFundMe account

Sweet :)

Tune time (this definitely works for me ever since saw that :) )
