January 6th, 2021


Well-Known Member
And now for a silly moment.

After the Retrumplican insurrectionists were cleared from the House and debates regarding objections started back up, the lunacy wasn't over.

the CSPAN video doesn't capture the ruckus, which begins with "SIT DOWN!" heard over the vid. Lawmakers stand and start moving to something going on off camera. What was going on were two Representatives facing each other off. Reps. Andy Harris, R-Md., and Colin Allred, D-Texas

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Harris on the left is an anesthesiologist.

Allred on the right is linebacker who played at Baylor and in the NFL. His stats list him at 6' 1", 240 pounds.

Harris was one of the Republican gasbags who objected to Connor Lamb characterizing the claims made in their speeches as lies. Harris wouldn't shut up or sit down even though what he said was in fact filled with lies about the election. But he kept at it when the former linebacker confronted him. Does anybody want to bet on Harris in such a situation?

It was a long day. I'm sure Colin just needed something to hit. I wish Harris had given him the excuse.


Well-Known Member
More worth reading in the article.
McConnell circulates procedures for second Senate impeachment trial of Trump
Outgoing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Friday circulated to colleagues a memo outlining the procedure for holding another trial for President Trump if the House impeaches him for a second time in just over a year.

The document, which was first reported by The Washington Post, lays out how the Senate would proceed if the House approves articles of impeachment and transmits them to the upper chamber before or by Jan. 19, when senators are scheduled to resume regular business after the January recess.

McConnell says the most likely scenario if the House impeaches Trump in his final 12 days in office is for the Senate to receive a message from the lower chamber notifying it of the action on Jan. 19. That would then give the Senate the option of ordering the House managers to present those articles on the same day.

Senate Impeachment Rules require that at 1 p.m. on the day after the managers exhibit the articles, the Senate “must proceed to their consideration,” the memo states.

As a result, the Senate trial would not begin until one hour after President-elect Joe Biden takes the oath of office.



Well-Known Member
The turtle is just going to stall.
Basically they will say you can get your trial but it will be under Biden;s watch and it will delay his proceedings. Then the 72 million can be mad at Biden. Heck, I don't think they will cit Biden slack anyway. Time to cut the head off the serpent otherwise he may come back to bite them.

Or, if the States do their job right they might put put the snake away. It is a tough choice.


Well-Known Member
Feds say police found a pickup truck full of bombs and guns near Capitol insurrection as wide-ranging investigation unfurls
An Alabama man allegedly parked a pickup truck packed with 11 homemade bombs, an assault rifle and a handgun two blocks from the US Capitol building on Wednesday for hours before authorities ever noticed, according to federal prosecutors.
Another man allegedly showed up in the nation's capital with an assault rifle and hundreds of rounds of ammunition and told acquaintances that he wanted to shoot or run over House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, prosecutors said.

The revelations are some of the most unsettling details federal prosecutors have made public this week as they detail the extent of the arsenal available to aid pro-Trump rioters who stormed the Capitol. Other individuals have been accused of taking guns and ammunition onto Capitol grounds and more charges are expected to come as a wide-ranging investigation unfurls.
The details about the weapons cache in the pickup truck were contained in federal documents charging Lonnie Leroy Coffman of Falkville, Alabama, with federal offenses. A bomb squad detected the arsenal during the scramble to secure the federal complex after it was overrun by pro-Trump rioters and other bombs around Washington, D.C., were found.

The Department of Justice announced charges against 13 Capitol riot-related defendants on Friday, including a West Virginia lawmaker and a man who entered House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office and sat at her desk.
The insurrection on Capitol Hill has shaken the nation's capital and the descriptions of the charges are adding to a growing understanding of the extremist elements of the crowd.
While Coffman has been arrested and charged with possession of an unregistered firearm and carrying a pistol without a license, Friday's sworn statement from police provides some of the most extreme allegations yet about the amount of danger around the Capitol building on Wednesday.


Active Member

Babbitt was a libertarian and supporter of President Trump, according to her social media posts, as well as a follower of the far-right conspiracy theory known as QAnon. The Anti-Defamation League describes QAnon as a "wide-reaching conspiracy theory popular among a range of right-wing extremists" and states the movement has "marked undertones of antisemitism and xenophobia."

Babbitt frequently retweeted far-right figures like the pro-Trump lawyer L. Lin Wood, and former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

McEntee told NPR that Babbitt was known for her outspoken political views.

"She had a personality that you either loved or hated," he wrote. "She wasn't apologetic about it ... she was proud of it, just like she was proud of her country and proud to be an American."

One less person to be arrested and prosecuted. She didn't have to die but then again, I'm not sorry.
Fucked around. Found out. Should have complied with officer request, law and order etc etc


Well-Known Member
Must-See New Video Shows Capitol Riot Was Way Worse Than We Thought

Chris Hayes: “It is entirely possible that there were people in that crowd, looking to apprehend, possibly harm, and possibly murder the leaders of the political class that the President, and people like Mo Brooks, and even to a certain extent Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley, have told them have betrayed them."


Well-Known Member
Is that equipment he is wearing, helmet and vest GI? Even though retired, he is subject to recall and military justice, he used military equipment and training in a lethal attack against the government of the US, in an act of insurrection.

He looks like he has a fucking screw loose in the picture, not all there. In fact this whole sordid fiasco looks like they emptied the contents of several mental hospitals on the steps of congress.