January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.


Well-Known Member
Is he trying to make an argument or is he just doing the typical narcissist troll act that is so common it feels scripted?
He always reverts to sentiment despite claiming higher education. That sort of fallacy would have been drummed out of him in the first semester, were that the case. So typical narcissist troll, with a different camo than we’ve been seeing. I mean, “for a more objective take than journalists will provide, talk to the folks at the pub.” Smh


Well-Known Member
The democrats need to play hard ball with these treasonous assholes and start making it real. If the republicans win in November they will unleash Hell on the democrats and Biden no matter how nice the democrats play in the meantime. Playing nice with these idiots make ya look weak to friend and foe alike and lack of justice breeds cynicism, complacency and apathy among patriots who love their country and want to save their democracy, or what passes for one. Lack of justice emboldens the enemies of the constitution and fear is the only thing they understand and when they are afraid they STFU at least. So Joe and the democrats need to put the fear of Jesus into as many of them as possible between now and November and 1/6 with it's associated conspiracies, plots and schemes should prove useful for that.

Much of the 1/6 public testimony and drama is scheduled for this winter when most folks are home watching TV with the pandemic stalking communities. If it can have an impact on the electorate, it will and present the republicans as the biggest threat to the constitution and democracy in recent history. The security of American democracy is a pivotal issue for many American voters.
I was quite pleased with the turn in tone that Garland, Harris and Biden produced in their speeches this week. They only have one shot at putting the perpetrators behind 1-6 on trial. They were very methodical last year and disciplined to the point where Democrats were wondering if they were going to do anything at all. There is nothing wrong with gathering evidence and holding it as such while telegraphing the next move to the public, which is what I think they did this week. Biden hasn't been nearly as direct about Trump's role as he was yesterday. Makes me think they hold a good hand.


Well-Known Member
I think if Liz Cheny is primaried this year, she should run as an independent and crowd source funding, she would be very well financed for an election. People like guts and courage never goes out of fashion, she would hurt the republican candidate badly or win outright. The 1/6 investigation can only help her and if Trump is still walking the streets he will spend money to primary her, he only spends political money for revenge, he already has control.


Well-Known Member
I was quite pleased with the turn in tone that Garland, Harris and Biden produced in their speeches this week. They only have one shot at putting the perpetrators behind 1-6 on trial. They were very methodical last year and disciplined to the point where Democrats were wondering if they were going to do anything at all. There is nothing wrong with gathering evidence and holding it as such while telegraphing the next move to the public, which is what I think they did this week. Biden hasn't been nearly as direct about Trump's role as he was yesterday. Makes me think they hold a good hand.
I think the public has the attention span of gnat and with the usual timely process, it will drive it into an election year and many news cycles leading up to the election. With Donald going nuts over NY, squirming and squealing, it could help. The democrats need all the help they can get and need to pull out all the stops. Lose and it's gonna be a bad time with political and civil strife, win and win big enough and they can drive everything through to save the country and democracy in six months, screw Machin and Sinema who are clearly profiting at the county's expense by being bottlenecks, it's painfully obvious. They will make changes that will exterminate the republicans and their disinformation system with changes to law and regulations to level the playing field. The domestic terrorist threat can be easily rolled up with new laws and a domestic terrorist watch list.


Well-Known Member
I was quite pleased with the turn in tone that Garland, Harris and Biden produced in their speeches this week. They only have one shot at putting the perpetrators behind 1-6 on trial. They were very methodical last year and disciplined to the point where Democrats were wondering if they were going to do anything at all. There is nothing wrong with gathering evidence and holding it as such while telegraphing the next move to the public, which is what I think they did this week. Biden hasn't been nearly as direct about Trump's role as he was yesterday. Makes me think they hold a good hand.
It is not revenge that will cause the democrats to exterminate the republicans as a political force, it is their duty to the constitution and their oaths. They represent a real and present danger to the constitution and republic and have repeatedly demonstrated this. The same goes for the disinformation system and who calls themselves a journalist might be like who calls themselves a doctor.

C. Nesbitt

Well-Known Member
ask your mom, she was the one holding the hot towels at the orgy, because no one wanted to fuck her...(i can get personal too, failed faux english troll)
now, i'm going to ignore you, because you have absolutely nothing of value to contribute to this or any other conversation...byebye, "english" troll....
Roger, that one has been rapid fire replying to all comers across like 4 political threads almost non stop for 24 hours.
I’ve had trouble keeping up.
Tactics have included both sidesing, name calling, I know you are but what am I’ing, playing dumb, pretending to agree that Trump is a clown, and feigning ignorance of American politics. I’ve concluded either sock, paid troll (possibly more then one at a time based on spam post volume), or meth bender.
He’s missed a couple of pop culture references and played dumb when asked to provide proof of where he lives, so who know. Not worth the time though.


Well-Known Member
Wake up cranky this morning, subby?

You aren't making many friends today.
Such is life.

No - not cranky at all. Perhaps I was a tad harsh on the US - I don't subscribe to the US being the best in the world - I also do not think the UK is either, in fairness. I do, however, love the place and its people - we share a rich history, and I hope that continues. I am in no way a hater of the US or its people. I apologise if my sparring has come across like that, and also if I upset anyone - was not my intention to do so.

I dont hate Russia either.

(thats a joke).


Well-Known Member
Such is life.

No - not cranky at all. Perhaps I was a tad harsh on the US - I don't subscribe to the US being the best in the world - I also do not think the UK is either, in fairness. I do, however, love the place and its people - we share a rich history, and I hope that continues. I am in no way a hater of the US or its people. I apologise if my sparring has come across like that, and also if I upset anyone - was not my intention to do so.

I dont hate Russia either.

(thats a joke).
Things went off the rails for a while there.

Curious if you would want Trump for your national leader with all the authority a US president has?


Well-Known Member
Things went off the rails for a while there.

Curious if you would want Trump for your national leader with all the authority a US president has?
I sometimes get caught up in the sport a bit - I am quite good at it, not that that is a boast at all. Should have checked myself, really - I. am nearly 52, for crying out loud,


Well-Known Member
Things went off the rails for a while there.

Curious if you would want Trump for your national leader with all the authority a US president has?
Having just seen how people get upset when I am a tad too honest, I'll pass on that one - he will never lead the UK, so its such a wild thing to imagine that I simply cant.

I am glad he is no longer in power, as he was a loose cannon. I'd cant hide that.


Well-Known Member
One thing - not political - but Biden is proper old, right? I think I read somewhere that he is 78. is that a concern at all?


Well-Known Member
Not a chance - he'd be hung from the nearest lightpole. Thats the obvious answer though, right?
I'm just trying to find out what you mean when you say Democrats are same as Republicans or as shitty as Republicans or maybe you aren't saying that?

We had four awful years with Trump. And we voted him out of office. Trump and Republicans refused to relinquish power after losing an election.

I don't see how your "both sides bad" argument holds up to those facts.