January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.


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Will Bannon Go To Jail? Trump Vet 'Turns Red' As DOJ Rests Jan. 6 Case On Hiding Evidence
125,173 views Jul 21, 2022 The Justice Department rests its case against Former Trump aide Steve Bannon, after just two days and two witnesses. Politico reporter Josh Gerstein, who was in the courtroom, said it was a “sign that the prosecution is confident that they can persuade the jury this is very simple” but added Bannon’s lawyers “have been pretty skillful at backdooring in many of the theories that the judge has ruled out as legal defenses."


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Are 1/6 Hearings Changing Trump-Backers' Minds? | The Mehdi Hasan Show
55,903 views Jul 20, 2022 The primetime January 6th hearing on Thursday will feature new witnesses and evidence in an effort to shed light on Trump’s hours of inaction during the insurrection. But are these hearings changing any Trump-supporters’ minds? Despite the blanket denialism from right-wing media like Fox, we have reason to believe the answer is yes. Author and historian Nicole Hemmer weighs in.


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Capitol rioter who declared ‘This is our house’ is convicted of Jan. 6 crimes
A Memphis-area man has been convicted on several counts for his involvement in the Jan. 6 riot, the U.S. Department of Justice reported Thursday.

Matthew Bledsoe, 38, spent 22 minutes inside the U.S. Capitol after scaling a wall to get inside, prosecutors said. He was arrested Jan. 15, 2021.

Bledsoe was found guilty by a jury in Washington, D.C. of the felony offense of obstruction of an official proceeding, and four misdemeanor offenses, including entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly and disruptive conduct in a Capitol Building; disorderly conduct in a Capitol Building, and parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol Building.

Sentencing is set for Oct. 21.

Federal prosecutors said in a criminal complaint that a tip led the FBI to Bledsoe. An investigation revealed video posted to a social media account that authorities said showed Bledsoe on top of the wall outside the Capitol, and inside the Capitol, on Jan. 6.

According to prosecutors, Bledsoe turned to the camera and said, “In the Capitol. This is our house. We pay for this ****. Where’s those pieces of **** at?”


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Steve Bannon's Defense Seeks Acquittal Then Rests Case
Lawyers for Trump ally Steve Bannon did not call any witnesses and declined to testify himself in his contempt of Congress trial on Thursday and instead argued the judge should just acquit him, saying prosecutors hadn't proven their case.

The decision to forgo calling any witnesses in Bannon's defense cleared the way for closing arguments to begin Friday. The judge didn’t immediately rule on the motion for an acquittal and the case is likely to end up in the jury's hands by midday Friday.

One of Bannon's lawyers, David Schoen, contended they should able to call Rep. Bennie Thompson, the Democratic chairman of the House Jan. 6 committee which had subpoenaed Bannon's testimony, to question him under oath instead of the congressional lawyer who testified during the trial. The judge has previously ruled against that request.


Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Capitol rioter who declared ‘This is our house’ is convicted of Jan. 6 crimes
A Memphis-area man has been convicted on several counts for his involvement in the Jan. 6 riot, the U.S. Department of Justice reported Thursday.

Matthew Bledsoe, 38, spent 22 minutes inside the U.S. Capitol after scaling a wall to get inside, prosecutors said. He was arrested Jan. 15, 2021.

Bledsoe was found guilty by a jury in Washington, D.C. of the felony offense of obstruction of an official proceeding, and four misdemeanor offenses, including entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly and disruptive conduct in a Capitol Building; disorderly conduct in a Capitol Building, and parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol Building.

Sentencing is set for Oct. 21.

Federal prosecutors said in a criminal complaint that a tip led the FBI to Bledsoe. An investigation revealed video posted to a social media account that authorities said showed Bledsoe on top of the wall outside the Capitol, and inside the Capitol, on Jan. 6.

According to prosecutors, Bledsoe turned to the camera and said, “In the Capitol. This is our house. We pay for this ****. Where’s those pieces of **** at?”
i hope he can remember that on top of the world feeling for the rest of his life, because i doubt he'll ever feel it again...or at least for the next 23 years...


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DC police officer corroborates story that Trump got in ‘heated argument’ in vehicle on Jan. 6
A Washington, D.C. police officer corroborated previous testimony Thursday that former President Trump got into a “heated discussion” about going to the Capitol with his supporters after his speech on Jan. 6, 2021.

The Jan. 6 panel presented clips of testimony from Sgt. Mark Robinson (Ret.) of the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department, who was assigned to Trump’s motorcade on Jan. 6. Rep. Elaine Luria (D-Va.), a member of the select committee, said Robinson was in the lead vehicle with the Secret Service agent overseeing the motorcade, known as the TS agent.

During previous testimony behind closed doors, Robinson, who said he had been part of the presidential motorcade more than 100 times, described what he was told about Trump’s conduct in the presidential vehicle.

“The only description I received was that the president was upset and that he was adamant about going to the Capitol and that there was a heated discussion about that,” Robinson told the committee.

He said the TS agent described it as “heated.”

“Meaning that the president was upset and he was saying there was a heated argument or discussion about going to the Capitol,” Robinson said.


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Dramatic testimony: Pence security detail feared for lives during riot
The Jan. 6 committee on Thursday released previously unheard radio chatter among Secret Service officers on Mike Pence’s security detail as they frantically weighed whether they could safely move the then-vice president to a secure location as rioters invaded the capitol.
The audio, played over footage of rioters entering the Capitol, shed new light on how concerned Secret Service was about the vice president’s safety, as well as their own.

“If we lose any more time, we may… lose the ability to leave. So, if we’re going to leave, we need to do it now,” one Secret Service agent said in a radio transmission.

As other agents relayed the location of rioters, one official asked if they would encounter rioters if they tried to move Pence to a secure location in the Capitol.

The White House National Security Council was listening to the radio conversations in real time and commenting in a chat log. One national security official wrote at 2:24 p.m.: “Service at the capitol does not sound good right now.”

The committee interviewed an anonymous White House security official, who told the panel that the message was reflective of how panicked Secret Service appeared to be at the time, and that some were fearing for their lives.

“There was a lot of yelling. A lot of very personal calls over the radio, so it was disturbing. I don’t like talking about it, but there were calls to say goodbye to family members, so on, so forth,” the anonymous official said in audio played Thursday.

“I think there were discussions of reinforcements coming but again it was just chaos, they were just yelling,” the official continued. “If they’re running out of options and they’re getting nervous — it sounds like we came very close to either Service having to use lethal options or worse.”

The committee juxtaposed the sheer panic expressed by many Secret Service agents on the ground with a tweet former President Trump sent at 2:24 p.m.—the same time security officials said Secret Service were radioing goodbye messages to their families—condemning Pence for failing to reject the election results.

Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify,” Trump wrote.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I look forward to the J6th looking into the Fake Elector Plot, and the "Green Bay Sweepers" Hanging a few RepubliKKKunts out to dry before the elections will just spice up the next Congress!
i'd like them to get more than a few of them...if i was planning the strategy, i'd go after any of them running for office in 22, and let the ones that run in 24 sweat for a while, watching the first batch get raked over the coals before they get their chance.


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I look forward to the J6th looking into the Fake Elector Plot, and the "Green Bay Sweepers" Hanging a few RepubliKKKunts out to dry before the elections will just spice up the next Congress!
Garland and Georgia are looking into that and trading notes no doubt. The investigation in Georgia is far reaching too and includes more than Trump's recording, it has the added benefit of being on TV and the process with the initial grand jury is well underway.

They will probably indict Trump first, but he is still running around inside the GOP sprinkling his shitty candidates in primaries. Oz an Herschel come to mind as his picks and guys like Ron Johnson are in deep shit over J6, Mitch is pissed over it and it will cost him the senate. Donald needs to reassert his power inside the GOP, now more than ever and will be holding rallies and running for a nomination that is two years away while spouting the big lie. Why in the world would anybody want to indict him yet? ;-) Winning the house and senate with a useful majority is the most important consideration, letting Donald run around loose and spooked serves this greater purpose. It is about preserving the constitution and country from an existential threat that involves more than Trump, he was a symptom, like a heart attack is for heart disease!


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I look forward to the J6th looking into the Fake Elector Plot, and the "Green Bay Sweepers" Hanging a few RepubliKKKunts out to dry before the elections will just spice up the next Congress!
Win in November and you already have the constitutional tools to deal with it effectively. Dust off the independent special counsel law and send them after everybody the DOJ missed, like congress members and senators. They can hold public hearings and prosecute too, like Ken Starr did, only here there are more crimes and shit than one could imagine. It would free up the congress and DOJ and make life Hell for republicans until 2024 with hearings, indictments and convictions. That is one reason the GOP are so desperate, many of them will probably end up in the dock of an independent special counsel's prosecution, that is why it was created in the wake of Nixon, to nail these kind of scumbags.


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Maybe, but the DOJ has hundreds of investigators and thousands of lawyers and should make quick work of inditing the seditious cowards in and out of Congress. Besides that is their job.


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Maybe, but the DOJ has hundreds of investigators and thousands of lawyers and should make quick work of inditing the seditious cowards in and out of Congress. Besides that is their job.
They will deal with the rioters and the top, including Trump, the independent special counsel deals with everything in between and was designed to deal with politicians. It was created specifically for these situations and has the power to investigate and indict. Republicans abused the law over Clinton and it was allowed to expire, it just needs to be dusted off and passed again, but you need to win to do it. Lose in November and all the republican congress people and senators involved get away, win and it will be Hell for the traitors until 2024.


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Trump Indictment in Georgia Expected Before DOJ Charges: Legal Expert

Laurence Tribe, professor emeritus of constitutional law at Harvard University, predicted that former President Donald Trump will face an indictment in Georgia before he is potentially charged with a crime by the Justice Department.

Georgia's Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis early last year launched an investigation into Trump's efforts to overturn President Joe Biden's election victory in her state. Leaked audio showed in January 2021 that Trump, while still serving as president, urged Georgia's Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, to "find" enough votes to flip the election in his favor.

A number of prominent legal experts have alleged that Trump's and his allies' actions in Georgia appear to be a straightforward crime and should result in charges. Willis has sent target letters to multiple Trump allies in recent days as the probe continues, with a grand jury reviewing evidence and issuing subpoenas.


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'Not just dereliction, but depravity': Takeaways from January 6 hearing
184,588 views Jul 22, 2022 CNN's George Conway and Gloria Borger react to the January 6 committee hearing that focused on former President Donald Trump's inaction as rioters stormed the US Capitol.


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Stephen's LIVE Monologue After The Jan. 6th Committee Hearing | Run, Hawley, Run!
267,442 views Jul 22, 2022 Stephen Colbert goes LIVE following the eighth televised hearing of the January 6th Committee, which focused on the former president's inaction as the insurrection took place, and featured footage of Sen. Josh Hawley fleeing the violence.


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Who Is Tony Ornato, And How Is He Tied To 1/6? | The Mehdi Hasan Show
102,249 views Jul 21, 2022 There’s a man in the Trump White House whose name is tied to Jan. 6 but about whom you might not know that much. Former Secret Service official Tony Ornato is at the center of key disputes over what took place at the White House as the Capitol was being attacked. Frank Figliuzzi joins the show to discuss.


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It will be a long hot summer for some in the SS as they are hauled before the J6 panel and perhaps the FBI. They don't really know if those texts are gone forever and they have enemies inside the SS. I imagine those in Pence's security detail are among them, those who were calling their families to say good bye in panic, as the mob brayed for Pence to be hanged outside the door! Trump also sickened hundreds of agents with covid, who were forced to attend his rallies, at one point they were short of agents and their families were at risk. He blew threw the SS budget in months and they never had to spend so much money in their history, as he used them to milk the government for cash. So yeah, Trump and the dirty dozen or so SS agents in the Pretorian guard have enemies inside the service.

Secret Service Text Deletion Scandal Deepens; Criminal Investigation Opened
128,932 views Jul 21, 2022 Carol Leonnig, Washington Post investigative reporter, talks with Rachel Maddow and an MSNBC panel about the latest developments in the investigation of the deletion of text messages by Secret Service officials on January 5th and 6th.


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Who Is Tony Ornato, And How Is He Tied To 1/6? | The Mehdi Hasan Show
102,249 views Jul 21, 2022 There’s a man in the Trump White House whose name is tied to Jan. 6 but about whom you might not know that much. Former Secret Service official Tony Ornato is at the center of key disputes over what took place at the White House as the Capitol was being attacked. Frank Figliuzzi joins the show to discuss.
Tony Ornato and Don.