dude you've been blowing what i said outta proportion from the start so to me it just sounds like YOUR A KNOW IT ALL..when i was in high school was when we were trying shrooms and almost all my friends and just people i
knew were eating at the least a half an 8th and up to an 8th..not everybody has the same tolerance or gets the same quality of shrooms..i remember ours being bone dry and i've heard the softer and fresher, the better.
I wasnt trying to argue but u called me a KID and u have never spoken or met me so who are u to talk?? and yea i got a rough past and i can talk about it freely ur the one showing how to make shrooms isnt that not
suppose to be talked about on RIU lol
Wow man, I mean you try so hard to convince not only yourself, but RIU that you know what you're talking about....and you clearly don't.
First of all, RIU has an entire Hallucinatory section, not sure if you noticed. Yeah, it's funny because everyone else seems to have found it, and they post all kinds of useful information about not only mushrooms, but other psychedelics.
Secondly, you weren't originally recommending people to just take half an 1/8. Stop crying in every post how you said just half to a 1/8. You started your glorious postings here sounding dumb right off the bat:
what is that a piece of cow shit lol????
So right away, everyone can clearly see you have no idea what you're talking about. What you thought was 'cow shit' was vermiculite, which looks nothing like cow shit. But with what you said, it sounds like you have no idea what you're talking about. Doesn't bode well for your credibility. Strike two.
So then you post this gem:
crazy, so those are the real shrooms that u trip off of?? looks like it..thats tight i though it had to be grown off of cow shit..??
So according to this, you can barely identify mushrooms growing on a PF cake. Strike three against your credibility. Sad.
rookies should start with half 8ths for the first 2-3times then trip off a 8th or maybe a little more
You are recommending people once they trip a few times to take an 1/8 OR MORE every time, because:
that's how things go down.
Horrible advice from someone who just doesn't know; doesn't know because of a lack of experience.
yea i've never been really into shrooms did it 3times and only ate a full 8th once the other times were half 8ths..i know lots of people who do or use to do shrooms and its was always full 8ths for 20 or 25bucks, sometimes they would split 8ths
So here you admit you have little experience with 'shrooms', admitting you've only done it 3 times
when i was in high school was when we were trying shrooms
and then only ate a full 1/8th once. Then for some reason you go into a pricing structure of mushrooms in your world.
were im from i'd say when most people shroom they average..at the least a half 8th and the most a full 8th.
Now after you've realized you've made a mistake by recommending 1/8 or more in previous posts, you decide to moderate your original 'guess', because that's all it really was...a guess.
I speak from 15 years of growing and freely distributing mushrooms to people I know can handle it. You speak from a handful of experiences you've had with shoving a few mushrooms in your mouth.
Which do you think people are gonna trust and believe in? So you can cry and whine like you have about how I just don't know what EVERYONE in the WORLD thinks....no shit.
I'm saying I RECOMMEND for most people a 2 GRAM DOSE...NOT 3.5 grams or more like you are recommending.
i use to sell shrooms just didnt wanna put it out there like that cuz i know how RIU people act..my dosage was pretty much the same as yours
No it wasn't. You started this thread off recommending anyone that has taken shrooms once or twice to take 3.5 grams or more, because
I started my recommendation by saying 2 grams. I know this is difficult for your GED brain to figure out, but 3.5 grams + is almost TWICE as much as 2 grams.
I'll quote myself, because I think you just completely missed the boat on why all of this is important:
I'm recommending 2 grams for anyone per dose each time. You just nonchalantly pine "3.5 + grams", like you know what you're talking about.
For someone who's not used to tripping, even if it's their 2nd or 3rd time, you're almost doubling the dosage recommendations of not only me, but of many others who have years of mushroom experience.
Just because I'm the only voice you're hearing now, doesn't mean I'm not right. There are very few people who can speak about mushroom cultivation/dosing with any clarity, so when people like you try to act all slick by throwing out a few dosing numbers, I've gotta step in.
You may not kill someone from a toxicological overdose, but if someone who isn't maybe mentally in the best place takes twice as much magic mushroom as they could handle, who knows what kind of behavior they will exhibit? Maybe they injure themselves because they take a chance on something they wouldn't normally do if given a manageable dosage?