Jebban's DIY aeroponic grow (Strains: WhiteW, Strawberry Cough, Buddha, Northern L)


Active Member
Day 13
Ph: ~5.5-6.0
EC: 1.6
ppm: 800

Hey all

I just realized that today is only day 13 since I started this thread. I was under the impression that my plants were doing so-so, but now that I look back at the old pictures I realized just how much they have grown! Always important to keep progress through pictures as they are a good reminder of your progress. I made the mistake of moving my plants around this week without keeping track of where they needed to be so I got them a little mixed up :cuss:, but I'm pretty confident I can identify the different strains. (took me a while though)

Thanks to Demo and morris for keeping track with me and helping me out so far, I really appreciate it. I went looking for insulating materials this week and apparently I must be living in a backwards ass city because nobody knew what the hell I was talking about. I ended up using bubble wrap and aluminum foil to insulate the top of my rez (Q: Should I insulate the rest of the rez as well?).................andddddd to my surprise three days ago these are the temps I am currently experiencing (thanks to dropping in frozen water bottles three times a day :S) :bigjoint:

YES! I am ecstatic. Maybe there is hope for this grow after all. I'm still going to purchase hygrozyme this week just in case. Thanks again demo for recommend insulating....and for anybody reading this thread...know this...Insulate your rez if you are having heat problems!! I lost about 15F in combination with the insulating material and the computer fan (which I have blowing onto the water..I find it makes a bigger difference)

In other news one of my BUDDHA seeds finally germinated...even though I don't have any space for him. The two plants in the pots on the rez are also unknown strains. :lol:

Stay tuned.....


Well-Known Member
sick glad to hear it worked out for you man! now that you have the res temp problem cracked you should be good to go :) those plants look pretty healthy from what we can see!
Thanks for the tips. I have my rez elevated off the ground. I don't have any reflective material so I covered the top of the rez with some aluminum foil. Is this effective? Not sure of the reflective capabilities of aluminium foil. Still have to make some cut out to cover the neophrene as well...

Also Demosthenese: do you know any good tutorials on converting a computer fan to a standard outlet? I have one lying around but I don;t have any idea how to wire it up..:neutral:

To wire a 92mm computer fan all you need is a 12 volt dc transformer. I have used 9 volts before but rpms are sacrificed. My 12 volt source on several occasions was a Norelco electric razor ac charger. It converts 120 ac to 12 volt dc. I used this for 5 years on the same 92 mm fan and neither one crapped out. Any 12 volt dc source will work.


Active Member
So your pump is currently submersed, correct?

Depending on your pump, if you build a little platform for it to sit on (above the water) and run tubing to the water supply below, that has helped others in the past. Someone else made a thread...somewhere.