*Jedi Kush* (Cali Connect') ~ Indoor Grow log "Passive Hydro" - Coco


Well-Known Member

^^^ lol I know what that is now mate, my lazyness from not cleaning the stakes properly from the last run lol. In my haste while in a rush too, I just gave them just a quick rinse instead of scrubbing them down (as I usually do btw), schoolboy error eh mate lol. The "white stuff" on the stake is just old nute salt buil up from when the stake was last used is all, I must have had that in at the bottom last time. Looks like a nasty mould build up but it's cleaned easy and is just salty residue from the nutrients. Thanx again @ Wolverine97, if it had been mould it would have been a massive problem for me mate. +Rep brother and love n Respect to you sir.


Well-Known Member

^^^ lol I know what that is now mate, my lazyness from not cleaning the stakes properly from the last run lol. In my haste while in a rush too, I just gave them just a quick rinse instead of scrubbing them down (as I usually do btw), schoolboy error eh mate lol. The "white stuff" on the stake is just old nute salt buil up from when the stake was last used is all, I must have had that in at the bottom last time. Looks like a nasty mould build up but it's cleaned easy and is just salty residue from the nutrients. Thanx again @ Wolverine97, if it had been mould it would have been a massive problem for me mate. +Rep brother and love n Respect to you sir.
The reason I pointed it out is that I had a bunch of my bamboo stakes grow some fungus on them while sitting in storage, I missed some of it when cleaning and it spread into some buds. I'd hate to see that happen to such a nice plant. And I'm still hoping that one (or both) of my Jedi's turn out as nicely as yours here. Excellent grow Skunk.


Well-Known Member
Damn, once you trim off all the green it'll be a shimmering silver. Good job dude! I can't wait to flower mine out. These seedlings had a rough start before I got all the new products I've been using down, now they all look great, just a month behind, lol! I still have a few happy and healthy new seedlings to bring up right though :D

What's next on the grow agenda for you?


Well-Known Member
Damn, once you trim off all the green it'll be a shimmering silver. Good job dude! I can't wait to flower mine out. These seedlings had a rough start before I got all the new products I've been using down, now they all look great, just a month behind, lol! I still have a few happy and healthy new seedlings to bring up right though :D

What's next on the grow agenda for you?
Thanx mate and those pic's are a few days old now, I'm tokin on P#3 atm :wink:. Smoke report is all written up and ready to go, I've just gotta up the pic's then post it all :bigjoint:.
And what I'm growing atm are all listed in my sig mate. Journals to follow although you can see most of my grow progress in this thread now mate >>> https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/477172-connoisseurs-choice-epic-multi-journal.html, as well as my other thread linked in my sig too. Got loads of things goin on and some real fire on the horizon fella :fire: and things are far from over yet ;-).


Well-Known Member
Good to hear. I have an explosive variety of plants right now, I'm just scratching together more lamps for them at the moment! I'll check the other threads out.


Damn I thought so. I have Jedi going right now, I'll just flip it and pick up some Tahoe seeds next week.
Thanks SkunkMunkie