Jeffrey Epstein arrested for sex trafficking minors


Active Member
Then you must know every time you reply by reposting his message that states “trump fucks kids”, you’re just adding to the evil google CIA database!! Dear god, man! Have you no decency!?


Trump fucks kids
What is a kid? We are Children of God.


Well-Known Member
How do you know if he does Or doesn’t? Maurice, what is a kid? Maurice, do you think God exist?
I’m an FBI agent

I took part in the warrant served on Epstein

I saw dozens of tapes labeled “trump fucks kids”


Active Member
I’m an FBI agent

I took part in the warrant served on Epstein

I saw dozens of tapes labeled “trump fucks kids”
Maybe you were there when they served Jeff, so Maurice beside Bill Clinton who else will be introuble. Oh and thanks for letting me know this is a Google page. If it wasn’t it wouldn’t be helping their algorithms.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you were there when they served Jeff, so Maurice beside Bill Clinton who else will be introuble. Oh and thanks for letting me know this is a Google page. If it wasn’t it wouldn’t be helping their algorithms.
Based on the dozens of tapes labeled “trump fucks kids” I’d say trump fucks kids


Active Member
I was thinking pompatos, my bad.
So do you, or Maurice know what Pompatus means, since I thought it was prophecy of love. Which I understand, indoesnt make sense with the word Pompatus, thought Maurice would know. Maybe ask Azazel?