Jerry Garcia cannabis

I went to a few festivals, phish etc. I went to the 1st Bonnaroo and literally went to use the Porto-potty 2nd day and saw a mountain of shit poking out of the toilet. Truly was the nastiness thing I ever seen, I almost vomited just opening the door.
Man the same thing happened to me Bonnaroo 2012(?). I was tripping waiting in line for like 20 mins at the portajohns near one of the stages. I finally get in and there is a pyramid of shit coming out of the top of the toilet bowl, I just started cracking up
Touch Of Grey opener I said to my buddy “ I can’t hear Jerry’s guitar, they need to turn him up”. Then I realized he wasn’t playing the solos.
The openers and the first song after set break could be rough... I never got to see them with Jerry but the Grateful Dead is my favorite band. You can tell when he starts to come back to reality, it sucks a lot of great musicians loved herion
Im a happy stoner but F this sxxx gents. It is all a money grab, nothing noble, not even a single element that says anything except they want to cash in on his name.

Do they have an amazing unknown pheno? Do they have 30 years growing experience? Nope. They got a name, and gosh they might not have milked it for every last penny.

Lets partner with the "best" and sell the best! Lol reminds me of Jim Belushi going on TV lately to promote his pot farm. Its the best! F this advertising culture of lies.
"...According to Trixie, every last detail of Garcia Hand Picked was carefully curated. From eco-friendly packaging to Jerry’s original artwork, quotes from Jerry, and a suggested playlists for each strain, Garcia Hand Picked products and merchandise were designed specifically for the fans."

Thank you Garcia family! I want to buy pot that has nice packaging, original artwork and a playlist.

Lol just make sure its an experience lol. I want cannabis, not bs.
Also from the documentary- believe Weir was Jer's bagman for his dope, because he had got to the point where he couldn't trust himself with his own stash and would run thru it all quicker than he would like, as most heroin users do> there's never enough. He trusted Bobby seeing as Bob Weir didn't use H and would ration out amounts so Jerry could get by and not get sick, and not go use up his stash and a very fast amount of time. Definitely some enabling behavior but better to have a buddy like Weir with him than not and hey...this is the Grateful Dead!

Also people and fans have supposedly seen Jerry walking around with said briefcase handcuffed to his wrist.
What they could have is a lot of good connecs to get genetics from if they cared about weed that much. You know if you tour constantly and eveyone wants to know you then you could have collected all the old genetics or at least made good contacts. But it does sound like bs. Shit Janet Jackson could open her own seed co. and give us play lists.
What they could have is a lot of good connecs to get genetics from if they cared about weed that much. You know if you tour constantly and eveyone wants to know you then you could have collected all the old genetics or at least made good contacts. But it does sound like bs. Shit Janet Jackson could open her own seed co. and give us play lists.
Ya I think they went with business model that looked good to them and that was holistic industries which is a multi state operation. I'm sure the numbers where right, but that’s probably about it, on their(garcia fam) part. I do wonder how much one can make from a famous name(father) for a brand?