Jerry's Winter Organic Garden

lot of info pilled into the last two pages
i relly enjoyed post 70

i cant wait for the group to start budding up
i even enjoyed reading the lineup
looks like a full house spread gona get funky in dere fo sho

and i agree you need a whole defensive team to stop da dank funk running back from breaking through
wit da stuff you be growin especially if you a family man
not sum creep up in a dark hole wit dirty clothes all over lookin like it stanks even with outh the weed
day dont seem to woory about smell i guess nobody comes ther anyway but if you got peeps in and out you better be prepared

i have a can an fan inside my tent along wit two bulbs runnin -the exaust from all three gets fed into a line that takes erryting to a fan and can outside on the floor
outside ihave this device by vaportech electronic scent release like in big public bathrooms

an every now and again
So I was checking out the plants just now, and received a most pleasant surprise...Chemporer x Candy #1 is showing female preflowers! This plant was already the stinkiest out of the entire lot and ranked right up there in vigor and branching, so I'm most excited for this fortuitous development!

Hooray! :leaf:
its a girl... hehehe, my stank issues are gone since i got my filter too, its an activeair,it puts in work but i dunno what the reviews are really...

happy for your gain, lookin foward to seein a good light show here... stop by my thread sometime its in my signature, i just started it got pics of the babies up aready and theflower room too
So I was checking out the plants just now, and received a most pleasant surprise...Chemporer x Candy #1 is showing female preflowers! This plant was already the stinkiest out of the entire lot and ranked right up there in vigor and branching, so I'm most excited for this fortuitous development!

Hooray! :leaf:
Yeah I can't wait to see how this girl is for ya. The chemporer alone sounds dank and I know what that candy can do;).
I've been super busy lately (that will change today around 5pm:bigjoint:), but I wanted to toss up a pic real quick so you guys stay interested!


Here's one of the filter. You can see I just put the fan right on top and let it rip. Can't believe how well it has performed so far, but the real test will come with flower...


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Itll work in flower, suprisingly.. I turned mine off for like 30 mins, and the whole yard reeked... Lmfao

what kinda filter is that?? and you got a vortex?? i love mine =) it kicks ass
Itll work in flower, suprisingly.. I turned mine off for like 30 mins, and the whole yard reeked... Lmfao

what kinda filter is that?? and you got a vortex?? i love mine =) it kicks ass

It's a MountainAir MA0640. I like it very much so far.

The fan is a Tjernlund M-6 6" centrifugal fan. Pushes (or pulls) 530 CFM. I like them so much I have 2!
SO YOU BIT THE BULLETT ON THE MOUNATIN AIR? $$?? ill be watching to see how it works for ya
is that a DIY FILTER I SEE OPPOSITE THE mountainair? =)

ur blower it looks identical to a vortex i have.. well same color (silver/grey) and the cfm rating is very close the same i think...
SO YOU BIT THE BULLETT ON THE MOUNATIN AIR? $$?? ill be watching to see how it works for ya
is that a DIY FILTER I SEE OPPOSITE THE mountainair? =)

ur blower it looks identical to a vortex i have.. well same color (silver/grey) and the cfm rating is very close the same i think...

Yeah, decided at the end of the day the MountainAir was my best bet. The opposite corner does contain one of my DIY filters that was in operation prior to acquiring the new filter.
well ya did DAMN good on the dy.. looks reall good i never made one, cause im lazy liket hat an the hydro store is less the 10 miles away so i just go there
Well it's been a few days, but I got a pic for you folks to check out. I watered all the plants over the past few days with Hygrozyme, their first watering with anything other than filtered H20. After going through another round of training this morning, I have now 3 confirmed females and 0 confirmed males--that leaves 10 plants that could still go either way...many have preflower nubs, but they aren't quite enough to distinguish between balls or calyxes. I can always tell it's a male if you start to see the preflowers bunching up. As soon as you see a little cluster forming, you know its a male. Sometimes though, it's just a single little nub that could either push out pistils or more little nubs.

The Chemporer x Candy #1 is probably my best plant thus far, branching nicely and showing female preflowers in only 6 weeks. Going to snip a couple clones off her in the next day or two. The Apollo 13 BX #1 has also shown herself to be a female, and is growing healthily. Not quite as branchy as the Chemporer but will get there with a little additional training. The other female is the Dinafem feminized White Widow. She hasn't begun showing any preflowers, and is growing a bit more slowly than the other 2. She is also the least branchy of the 3, but again with time will get herself a nice hydra of colas!

I promise that my updates will become significantly more involved (as most of you are accustomed to with my threads) as we roll along. Part of the problem is my new space doesn't have an easy place to set the plants for a good pic (like the bathtub or sink in my previous house), but I'll figure something out for the updates.

Here they are just before I administered further training. I wish I got a before/after shot, because you can really see how much of an effect the training has (and how "severely" I do it). Unfortunately the lights went out just as I finished up, so I'll get one tonight when they come back on (7:30).



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YOU LUSH!!! lol, the babes look good jerry, im pulling for ya to get more females ??

and as for the bucket of sand, thats to keep bugs out the soil ya? regular beach sand? or twhat?
ya just put a layer over the pot i see, about 1 inch?
YOU LUSH!!! lol, the babes look good jerry, im pulling for ya to get more females ??

and as for the bucket of sand, thats to keep bugs out the soil ya? regular beach sand? or twhat?
ya just put a layer over the pot i see, about 1 inch?

Yeah...gnats lay their eggs in the soil, the larva hatch and munch on the roots (really the root hairs), then grow into pupa and adults and stop eating the plants. So catching the adults alone isn't going to solve the problem. So I put a layer of sand on top of the soil to prevent the pupae and larvae from reaching the surface and also prevent adult gnats from laying their eggs. Gnats need moisture as soon as they hatch so if they hatch into sand they pretty much die immediately.

So I just get a 50# bag of regular play sand and put it on top. When you water, it tends to bring up chunks of perlite and soil, and much of the sand falls down the side of the pot, so I like to add extra sand once or twice after my initial application. By the end though, the sand effectively regulates the percolation of water through the soil mass and literally eliminates premature runoff down the interior of the pot (around the soil rather than through it). After about 2 or 3 waterings followed by a top-off of sand, I can literally dump water in the container until it pools and none will run down the sides. Makes watering faster and more efficient. So the sand has a 2-fold benefit really. Oh and it's really cheap.
My stepfather used to use sand to control gnats and said it was killer. And cheap. And organic. Pretty much endless bonuses.

Nice update, Jerry.
ya i knew the why from your LAST thread you just buy it? id like to maybe get some opinions if you think i should buy it, or drive 25 mins to the beach and fill a bucket tommorrow, i could fed ex you a box too :clap:
ya i knew the why from your LAST thread you just buy it? id like to maybe get some opinions if you think i should buy it, or drive 25 mins to the beach and fill a bucket tommorrow, i could fed ex you a box too :clap:

Beach sand is full of salt...
Yeah a 50# bag of play sand from the hardware store works perfect and costs around $5.00. I've used packaged beach sand, and it worked fine, but I imagine as Wolverine said there is probably excessive amounts of salt in the stuff you harvest from the beach yourself. I suppose if you could rinse it first it would be fine.