Jesus is my savior.

heir proctor

New Member
Well, in the past few days I've found my savior Jesus Christ. I've decided to trade in my all my drugs for a bible and a rosary.

Repent and you too can find salvation with our lord Jesus Christ.

Hallelujah Hallelujah!!

It's been real fellas!



Well-Known Member
So many FarelyWells in such short times. Sad and uplifting simultaneously. Love ya Procz, and hope you find all that you deserve.

And to the Son of God Himself: you better take good Care of my Brother... or else ;)

Full Circle

Active Member
Well, in the past few days I've found my savior Jesus Christ. I've decided to trade in my all my drugs for a bible and a rosary.

Repent and you too can find salvation with our lord Jesus Christ.

Hallelujah Hallelujah!!

It's been real fellas!

Posts like this are what tells me when the heavy drug use have finally toasted the very last brain cell.... Always obvious, because of the sudden need for someone else to tell a person how to live. Good luck Heir .... and remember, control of the weak minded has been the cry of more human murders than ANYTHING else since the beginning of recorded time !

Full Circle

Active Member
Who is Jesus? And what did he save you from?
Oh hell ...... The shit has REALLY started now !!!! LOL

Jesus is that dude that no-one can prove ever existed .... the one who is written about in that fiction book that was supposedly written by 66 different authors over thousands of years ..... But which was truly written by thousands of different authors as their need to control mankind, their greed for power and money, and their evil scheming saw fit to change the words around to serve their purposes.

Jesus is the make believe being that the evil rulers of this world use to make people STOP thinking for themselves, and sell their brains to that ruler's power and control over their lives. He is just one of the mystical people those rulers invoke the name of to steal people's time, money, privacy. and desires.

Jesus is just one of the names that has been used as an excuse to march on countless civilizations, and slaughter millions in the name of Organized Religiion .... And THAT is who Jesus is.

Glad I could clear that up ;-)


Glassblowing Moderator
Thanks. I thought he was Mexican or something. They must not have this "organized religion" around here..


Well-Known Member
Who is Jesus? And what did he save you from?

Here is a picture of him leading the animals to Noah's ark.

Seriously I have been christain and atheist, and everything in between until I had my first spiritual psychedelic experience, now I am more religious than I could ever imagine (but cuss like a sailor), except now my understanding of God, infinity and time, the holographic nature of the universe and everthing in it has propeled those thoughts way beyond what formal churches would want to accommodate for.


Well-Known Member
I respect what you would chose to belive in proctor but why Christianity? Its a religion charged with guilt as far as I can see. Always praising the lord and always praying for being alive while its leaders are surrounded by luxurys!

The religion of the yogi`s is all about detaching and connecting to the energy though.

ANC omg lmao :D


Well-Known Member
I have a bible and a rosary if you're still looking to trade your drugs for them Proctor.


Active Member
This has to be a joke. Most people that smoke, usually have deeper profound thoughts and use logic to come up with conclusions. This can not be the case with any man made religion, especially those based on Hebrew mythology. if this is true, I am truely sorry for you :cry:


Well-Known Member
Wait op are you saying that shrooms are bad? I believe that shrooms are one of the few drugs that god doesnt mind if we use. I mean it's completely natural, isn't it? I don't even think it should be considered a drug.


Active Member
yeah man i saw the light long ago now i follow it but tbh my life has never been better since i started following jesus, give it a try people and actually believe in him i promise you youll be amazed by him IF you truely believe