Jiffy pellets ??


Well-Known Member
What about this -

on the propagation bottom tray fill will perlite 1-2 cm high then place all the peat pellets on top of the perlite then put the lid on ??

Hi ya Rtoke :)

Just a tray with a raised grill, put some water in the bottom of the tray pop the grill in and sit your plugs on top , This will allow them to get air all round ( even better if you can raise them up so air can pass under them ) and then a well misted lid on top .

Try not to overthink it :) just keep it simple , People swear by the jiffy pellets ( Im Useing Jiffy Coco Pellets for the ferst time )

Simple to use and after rooting you can drop them straight into the same medium your useing ... rather thasn Rockwool to Soil ... or rockwool to Coco ... makes sence really :)

After you soak them overnight in water and a bit of H2O2 ( No its not bleech it's liquid oxygen in a very small dose ) just a slight squeeze out so they are moist ( not soaked ) and your ready to drop your seed or clone in , I got mine up to temp by putting them in my clone box to warm up befor i planted , For seed ... warm moist soil in a humid condition and dark till they crack :)

Thanks for the friendhip offer :)

Hope all this is helping ...and remember ... don't overthink it all :)


Active Member
Does any one germ there seeds first in paper towels then plant them in the pellets, or do you just plant the seeds???

i do them that way ,just started a few months ago and for me its workin way better than puttin em in soil right after the paper towel also if u just put them into the pellets lot of times u have to dig around in there to turn em right side up, so as soon as they pop on paper towel i put em in the jiffy dome a few days then to soil


Well-Known Member
Whats better, a peat pellet or a peat pot filled with peat moss.

What about this -

on the propagation bottom tray fill will perlite 1-2 cm high then place all the peat pellets on top of the perlite then put the lid on ??

Ok man, now your just throwing out weird questions..... There is no 1 way that is 'better' than another. Different things work differently for different people. For god sakes you can just throw the damn seed in dirt that's in a cup and put it in a closet and it'll sprout in a couple days. This isn't as dificult as your making it out to be. Just sayin. Germ your seed then toss it in dirt and be done with that part. simple as that. It'll grow.

good luck and good growin

And I have no idea why you'd put that perlite down there like you were talkin about. I see no benefit in doing that in any way. Just throw your seeds in some dirt after germin them. They'll grow.