Jigfresh's DIY Closet DWC Scrog 650w HID - Hindu Skunk & White Widow- First Grow Ever


Well-Known Member
I am feeling a little better and decided winter is not all bad. The snow is very beautiful.

I went ahead and cut a hole in my ceiling. Because of the snow, I only did the inside part. If things calm down tomorrow I'll dig out the spot on the roof and finish making the hole.

I also finished up my outlet, making it look nice and sit flush with the wall. I put aluminium tape around it as flashing, just in case the holes in the roof leak.

haha made me laugh seeing the hair tie around your wrist, assuming thats for the woman.
Yes and no. It is for my long hair, but I only tie it back for her. I either tie it in a knot on top of my head or leave it down. It's pink because it was originally bought for a girl. Before I had long hair I wore one on my wrist to offer girls I might be with. I wear it out of habit really. I used to wear a rubber band. I like having something tight around my wrist like that. (just not handcuffs officer)

Hulk Nugs said:
.......hope your dog is inside now
It's actually a really big cat house. The cat is normal size, but I can't seem to build things on a small scale. He stays outside (poor fella). He acts like he wants in the house, but he's a feral cat that wouldn't mix well with all the others. He does have a very thick coat though.

Question for people: does this look like a good RO filter:


Well-Known Member
Hey poorcripplekid. I like saying your screen name. I checked out your grow, seems like your getting things dialed in.

And as for the setups, we'll have to compare buds at harvest. That'll show if all the money I'm pouring into this is worth it. Not that I've grown yet, but I figure care, attention, and environment are most important and it seems like you've got all that. I'm getting my clones this weekend, so depending on how your seeds do, and the flowering time on both our strains we might be getting done at the same time.

It'll be cool to kinda be growing along side someone. We can do it together. Hopefully not flail together.


Well-Known Member
Alright guys, it's all happening down here. My wonderful neighbor, who I don't know all that well, did me a huge favor and gave me a lift down the mountain. She took me to AutoZone and payed for a new set of tire chains for me. Then took me with her to the Grocery store for a few things to make it through. When we got back home I successfully removed the old chains from inside the wheel well and put the new ones on. This allowed me to make the harrowing journey to the post office. I got my check and made a break for the bank. Once the money was deposited I burned through it quickly.

1. Petco - for airpump, hose, stones, and hardware (pics below).

2. Home Depot - plant sprayer (foliar), pvc pipe (for room exhaust), and new rez (cuz i drilled a bad hole in mine (pics below).

3. ebay - 5 stage RO filter, DM Liquid Light

4. wormsway.com - DM Supplements (except liquid light)

We also got our Federal tax return deposited into my wifes account. Thanks uncle sam, you are going to buy my plants.

Clones will be in place this time next week. I'm excited.

Oh, and I'll explain what I'm going to do with all the air pump stuff later.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
hmm not sure but if your going to hook up all those air stones to that one air pump you might not get good air bubbles out of them since theres more then one stone


Well-Known Member
hmm not sure but if your going to hook up all those air stones to that one air pump you might not get good air bubbles out of them since theres more then one stone
I have 2 air pumps. The Tetra 60 gal from petco and a commercial grade pump from plantlightinghydroponics.com. The commercial one is 38 Liter/minute @ 2.9 psi.

I'm going to use the Tetra 60 gal, to power 4 of the little stones. Those 4 going to 4 plants. The commercial one I'm going to power the two long airstones (that will be at the bottom of the rez) and two small airstones for the other 2 plants.

So that's 6 little airstones and 2 - 6' airstones. I'm going to mess with it right now to see how it all bubbles up.

Thanks for paying attention hulk. It's good to have you along for the ride. When are you getting here to help me shovel anyways? ;-)

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
me shovel nah never i would buy a snow blower hahaha at my cabin i have a tractor we use to clear the way but thats only if it will start up


Well-Known Member
Nice lookin setup, can't provide much input since I know nada about dwc, but I like the screen idea to keep roots to themselves, might use that in my aerocloner/vegger. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I got the snow off the roof today and busted a hole right through to the closet. The exhaust pipe is in place and I used the roofing repair gunk to seal it. Let's hope it holds up.

I also tested all the air pump stuff out. Not knowing how much bubbles i want, I think I have enough. (pics below)

One pump is putting out air for the two large airstones and two small ones. The other pump is powering 4 small stones. I'm going to keep the 2 six inchers on bottom, and keep the 6 little ones dangling below each plant.

I like the screen idea to keep roots to themselves, might use that in my aerocloner/vegger. bongsmilie
I got the idea from someone else in my thread. It came out looking alright, we'll see if it works.

Pics are:

1. strong pump - all 4 stones
2. strong pump - close-up of 6" at bottom
3. strong pump - close-up of small stone near surface
4. weak pump - all 4 stones
5. weak pump - close-up of small stone
6, 7. Both pumps - all stones blazing
8. Vent to outside through roof (ducting will attach to light exhaust)
9. Shade for thermometer


Well-Known Member
I stayed up late last night and finished hooking up the light exhaust. Also cleaned some stuff up.

I ran the light all night (8 hrs.) Temp - 87 Humidity - 28

I'm going to put in the room exhaust today, get those temps down a little.

Also, after reading last night I'm going to pick up some h2o2 and some cal-mag. RO filters take out the cal and mag (like they should) and h2o2 will keep your water and roots clear and white.

As for clones, I don't know what selection the store will have, but if they have it I think I'll go with (in order) Hindu Kush, Northern Lights, White Rhino, or White Widow (i'm only getting one kind)

Lastly, the RO filter gets here Wed. but plants are coming home Sat. so I will be starting out with distilled water, then moving to RO.


Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
distilled water that is ph right ??..... i have noticed that my distilled water is not the same ph reading .......looking good thoe man keep up the good work......were are you getting your clones from a clinic?? up in big bear or where? looking forward to sat bongsmilie


Well-Known Member

In fact it's six of them.

My wife saw that there is a storm rolling in for the weekend, so she told me I ought to go into Hollywood and pick up my plants. (i think partly she is just sick of hearing about them).

I bought them at Los Angeles Patients and Caregivers Group: http://www.lamedicalmarijuana.com/

5 are Hindu Skunk
1 is White Widow

I'm a dumb ass and only bought six. I totally could have afforded more and should have bought some insurance. But then again, I'm not going to kill anything am I?

I'll update properly later tonight.

And I know I probably won't mess them up too bad, but I am totally freaking out. I was going to be ready on Sat, but I'm not ready today.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Very nice man clones are looking healty and strong they didnt even have to cut the fan leaves ..... does that clinic deliever ?? i know theres http://la-confidential.info/ down there to they deliever and have a walk in clinic ..... havent visited that one yet maybe next week hahaha i like to make my rounds check out all my local shops espicialy if they have clones.......i just missed a watering my clones today :wall: :wall: stupid me and they all look so droopy from lack of water just waterd the shit out of them i hope they pull threw............oh yea how much do they charge per clone ? i found a place 1-$20 or buy two get one free :bigjoint: looking good man


Well-Known Member
Very nice man clones are looking healty and strong they didnt even have to cut the fan leaves ..... does that clinic deliever ?? i know theres http://la-confidential.info/ down there to they deliever and have a walk in clinic ..... havent visited that one yet maybe next week hahaha i like to make my rounds check out all my local shops espicialy if they have clones.......i just missed a watering my clones today :wall: :wall: stupid me and they all look so droopy from lack of water just waterd the shit out of them i hope they pull threw............oh yea how much do they charge per clone ? i found a place 1-$20 or buy two get one free :bigjoint: looking good man
no delivery, but a great shop. They have all kinds of accessories as well, like pipes and books and all. They have been around for a long time, and I haven't gone to that many shops but I think lapcg is the best. They have a points card. You get money back, you can save it up or use it next time. I had $15 saved up on mine from more than a year ago. I got my 2 eighths and six plants plus tax for less than 2 bills.

Thanks for the support.


Well-Known Member
here they are. they are in order from bottom left to top right (looking in the closet door). 1-5 Hindu skunk 6 White widow.

I have the water level to the bottom of the rockwool, that's right right?

Light is about 2 feet above top of plants. It can get closer with heat, but I figure they don't need too much stress right now.

I'm going to run the lights 24 hours with a 15 minute break for the light.

There are some weird parts on some of the leaves, but I'm not really worried. It looks like maybe they were leaning on a flouro tube at the shop or something.

I hadn't really heard of Hindu skunk before. I guessed it would be indica as hindu kush and skunk are. The folks at the store didn't really know. I found this at dr. chronic:

Hindu Kush is a long-maintained pure indica Strain from the mountains of Afghanistan. Initially selected by Sacred Seeds in the late 1970s for its excellent Hashish production due to dense buds and copious amounts of Resin. Crossing with Skunk No. 1 has helped to improve its performance outside of its natural habitat.
Hindu Kush Skunkn has a mesmerizing and intense high with an excellent flavour of sweet hash and fruit. It is extremely popular for its Resin yield.


Well-Known Member
I attached some pics of my roots. The big mass is the 5 hindu's together. The small is the widow.

Are these girls ready for some weak nutes?


Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
looking good man well with my clones i used a flush water for 24 hours then switched to ph water with a drop of superthrive for 24 hours and now i am going to switch them to the chart nute system but only half of what they are telling me ...... i was asking the same thing when can you give clones like that nutes for flowering ..... i was getting ready to just put mine into flowering but i didnt think they could handel the nutes so i willl give them a few days in the veg room .... i want to just put them into flowering ...... i read that they should have at least two new sets of leaves at the top before flowering ??? is this right you think jig?? i thought they only need good roots.... i need to find a book and start reading up i heard this jorge guy makes a good one ...my bowls ready bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
looking good man well with my clones i used a flush water for 24 hours then switched to ph water with a drop of superthrive for 24 hours and now i am going to switch them to the chart nute system but only half of what they are telling me ...... i was asking the same thing when can you give clones like that nutes for flowering ..... i was getting ready to just put mine into flowering but i didnt think they could handel the nutes so i willl give them a few days in the veg room .... i want to just put them into flowering ...... i read that they should have at least two new sets of leaves at the top before flowering ??? is this right you think jig?? i thought they only need good roots.... i need to find a book and start reading up i heard this jorge guy makes a good one ...my bowls ready bongsmilie
Not sure, but I know the sog people talk about have minimal veg, like a cuople days. I saw a thread yesterday 'flowering from germination'. Don't remember what it said :eyesmoke: but I know people talk about it. How's that for no help at all.

From what I remember reading, having roots is the determining factor on the nutes and transplanting and such.

I would say it's alright to start putting them on 12/12, but you might want to give the nutes a couple days, or just start at like 1/4 strength. Better to be on the safe side.

I wish one of the RIU big dogs was watching and could swoop in and clear things up. (anyone??)

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
yea seriously i know there tons of great growers on here ........ :cuss:..... but yea i believe your right that was my plan but i dont want to do it then kill them....but it will be a learning experiance for me ;-)....are you going to keep one of those clones as a mother ?? or cut clones from them before flowering ??


Well-Known Member
....are you going to keep one of those clones as a mother ?? or cut clones from them before flowering ??
Because I'm out of money (wife will kill me if I spend any more), I'm not going to have another light, or space. I am still thinking of turning the top of closet into a veg space, but that will definitely be after harvest.

It's sad to think that these 6 will just live to provide me buds and that's it.

But it does give me a good excuse to try a new strain, and cruise hollywood again (cuz nothing says classy like cruising hollywood). On that note, I only saw one Tranny walking down the street while there.