JigFresh's Grow 1.2 - Purple Kush clones - closet DWC - 650w hps/mh


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone.

So I am about 3 weeks away from my very first harvest. I'm vegging my Purple kush clones (the subject of this journal) right now under 60w of t-8/ t-5 flouros. As soon as my first grow is done the purple kush is going into the closet.

I really wanted to get this journal going. I'll include all the growing details soon.

Two pics... one of the clones.

... and one to show you I can grow.

If you want to see my first grow here's the link:


ps. I'm not going scrog this round (explanation to follow).




Active Member
I've been watching your other grow, so I'll be watching this one as well. Your previous journal has been great thanks the great posts.


Well-Known Member
Have been following your other grow...very inspiring for sure!!! I know you are bored to death waiting to chop LOL Subscribed to this thread as well...your clones look awesome ... bigger than my 3 wk old plants!!! Can't wait to start cloning myself. Will be watching in the shadows! MJ

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Very nice man, this grow is going to be sick. Did a great job on your first grow so i know your second is not going to let us down. You know i will be watching have fun man.


Well-Known Member
Your going to love doing a perpetual harvest. Of course for the amount of green you'll have on hand constantly, but the steep learning curve is so much more desirable. I love not having to wait for the whole grow to finish before i get to try out a new formula.

It becomes a day job though, i've got a couple files on my computer that i use to keep myself organized and on track if you would like them. One calculates how much of each nutrient i need to add for each rez change to reach a certain ppm, one tracks the growth and health of each plant. I'm working on a few others. I could make a file specific to what you want it to do if you ask really nice :wink:.


Edit: just got your message; files are on the way. I'll try to make them run smoother in excel for you. I just don't know excel as well as numbers.


Well-Known Member
Subscribed cant wate to see the purple kush growing iv seen and herd a lot of great things about them hope you have as much fun with this grow as you did with the first


Well-Known Member
Damn, I'm just jealous those nugs are not in my stash box... I'm talking about the ww off of the first grow, AND noooow with a second grow, going purple...

Please have a gigantic bong-load/joint on my name, thanks.

Looking good man.


Well-Known Member
good choice on the clones bud. Why arent you going scrog this time? are you guna witch over to a more propetual grow? I suppose it took a while to veg your screen.


Well-Known Member
I've been watching your other grow, so I'll be watching this one as well.
Have been following your other grow...Will be watching in the shadows! MJ
Subscribed bro
You know i will be watching have fun man.
Subscribed cant wate to see the purple kush
Please have a gigantic bong-load/joint on my name,
good choice on the clones bud.
Yo Jig, Ray Fox is here to watch the magic too...:joint:
Seriously guys... If there is one thing I learned from growing my first round, it is that this whole thing is a TEAM effort. And I am so glad to have you all on my team. With all this interest, support, and knowledge we are going to grow some seriously crazy purple kush plants.

I pledge to not let you all down with my effort. I am pretty sure the plants will cooperate, they get enough love that they should do anything I ask of them.

I really really appreciate all the kind words. If you didn't get a rep point from me it is becuase I can't give you any more right now.

Why arent you going scrog this time? are you guna witch over to a more propetual grow? I suppose it took a while to veg your screen.
The reason for no screen is that I have many projects to get done around the house that absolutely could not be done in all winter, so I don't think I'd have time to pay proper attention to one. I have all the equipment though if I change my mind.

Perpetual grow will happen starting sometime near April. Long time I know. I want to finish the purp, go to london. Come back, big monster grow #2. That will be 4 plants in the closet scrogged, and 2 more in a separate flower chamber. Then off to India. When I get back do a seed grow. Finish that up, clean everything - depollenate. Then the purpetual grow will begin. Long time I know.

And actually it didn't take much time at all to veg my screen for a few reasons. 1 my clones were big from when I bought them, rooted already. 2 I topped the heck out of them, so there were tons of branches 3 I had 6 plants for the little closet. Next time I will do 4 and let them veg another week or so.

First grow veg time (from when I got them) was 28 days. Maybe that is long, I don't know.


Well-Known Member
trivia fun!!

did you know that Purple Kush seeds started the granddaddy purp, and chemdawg and OG kush names? it is all the same strain in the begaining. the Purple Kush line has more brandnames strains then any other strain iseen so far.

best of luck. if you dont SCrog these, have you thought about LST? (light stress training)

the best way for your setup i can think of is...

use 4L to 8L pots. i think 4 will fit your grow nicely. then, punch holes in grow pot 5 or 6 around the rim.
or, if DWC again, make a frame of 1x1 wood, to make like a picture frame, to go around your bottom of plants, to secure the hooks/strings. you just need something secure to hook your ties too.

use wire coat hangers,

(NO WIRE HANGERS!! *mommy dearest*)

hook 1 end of a 12 inch piece of hanger into a hole, bent 2 inches of the part in pot to secure. then, make a 2 to 3 inch bend like a hook, to hold plant, bend stem to fit into a hook.

then, in 3 to 5 days, you will have a few new inches of growth, make a new hook, and set it up in next hole, repete the hook/tuck method. by doing this, you create a screen without a screen. when shifting into flower in 3 weeks, keep tucking in grow tips, until you see 1st set of bud-lets starting, then stop tucking like the screen method.

if you search the LST strings in rollitup to get more information.


Well-Known Member
The more you tell us the more I think you are a walking pot encyclopedia, thor. Thanks for the info as always. I beleive I will try LST this time around. So I just keep pulling the main stem under the hooks right, I don't mess with the branches? I'm going to read up on it, so you don't need to break it all down anymore if you don't feel like it.

Anyhow here's some pics everyone.

What I have been doing is just taking all the plants and submerging the rockwool in a nute solution for about 4 minutes. I started doing it every 8 hours but they got super droopy, so I tried 12 hours and that was still too much. I'm thinking maybe every 18-24 hours for a soak, sounds crazy but they were getting over watered (if I'm right).

I started the nutes at about 500ppm, I think I am around 850ppm now. They are showing weird yellow spots which I am assuming is from bad pH. I haven't measured ph or ppm at all (i'm going to do that today).

The lights they are under: 2 - 15w 1175lum t8's. 2 - 14w 830lum t5's.

I used some cardboard to shade the roots. Hung an old curtain in front to block light, and used a muffin fan hung on a hook for ventilation. Oh and of course the computer paper reflection in the back.

It's too funny that my first grow was totally all out from day 1... this one is about as budget as you can get, haha.

The very last picture is of the yellow spots.


Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
pics below.
aww man i caught you sleeping ;-).... sounds like your getting the watering down much easier on you just having to do it once a day...... did you have your PPM that hight last time at this stage ?? might be the yellowing problem but you said they were droppy from overing watering so yellow can be from that to man .... aww you lucky fuck arlready got your next grow going :joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
aww man i caught you sleeping ;-).... sounds like your getting the watering down much easier on you just having to do it once a day...... did you have your PPM that hight last time at this stage ??
You always catch me hulk. Punk. haha.

Yeah, I had the ppm pretty high from the get go last time. It's these beautiful clones, they can take it.

I'm going to go dig the ph/ppm meter out of the first rez... in case eveyone forgets I'm a dumb ass and my ph and ppm probes are in my old rez trapped. I put them through the pot hole, only I'm doing a scrog so I can't move the pot anymore to get the probes. I haven't calibrated in a month or so.

Anyways, I'll fix that today. I'm guessing the pH is like 6.75 or something. I'll let you guys know.

Wow nice plants man! Droxster the Dro Chokster is now subscribed!:bigjoint:
What up droxster... I'm glad you explained the name, means so much more now. And I love it. Mashed up names are the best... :wink:

When I finally harvest I'm gonna roll me a blunt just like in your avatar... only it will be purple, haha.

Welcome my man. We definitely growin some killer dro over here.


Well-Known Member
ppm on cuttings once rooted can go as high as 1200 ppm, until about 10 inches tall. if using tap water, ppm is usually 300 to 550 ppm from the tap. so, if running 800 ppm off tap water, you are really at 300 ppm nutes, the rest is junk. this is why most use distilled or RO water. if you are using tap water, you might want to kick up nuts a bit more.

(if you are using clean water, disregard this thought, this is info for those who might not know thew diff in RO or distilled water)

yellow spots are too neutral of a comment to diagnose a problem. there is too many things that come back with yellow spots, it is like leaf tips, just cuz they get a touch of burn on them, on the very tips,dont mean it is OVER NUTES, this can happen by letting them get too dry, heat too high in room, many things can crunch a leaf tip, same with spots. i will read into it.

look on bottom of leafs, look for tiny bugs, spidermites will make little yellow dots, and buying clones from a club, sometimes brings spider mites, or any other type of pests.

dj crane

Well-Known Member
Man, i wish we had clubs like that here, i mean don't get me wrond, here in Canada we are as lax as a country can be i think, but in my small city, there is no club like that, lol


Well-Known Member
I'm not complaining, but I do have to drive almost 100 miles one way to the club, so it's not like down the street. (it was when I lived in LA though)

No Spider Mites... no insects, I looked real good.

I was close on the ppm. It was 925.

pH was 5.40. I brought it up with some pH up. I used about 1.5 drops, haha. That stuff sure is concentrated/ strong.

I hooked up a little fan in the space so I can put the curtain down. So ghetto, I got a muffin fan hanging from one J hook, haha.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

I have my 1 gal RO reservoir tuned in a bit. I raised the pH up to 5.78. The ppm is 925. I am using Advance Grow A + B, Max Grow, and Cal-Mag Plus. In the tiniest amounts. It's funny because my one rez is 25 gallons right now, and this is 1, so instead of measuring out 550 mL, I'm measuring out 4 mL. (the 550 and 4 are not the same product)

Right now it has been more than 21 hours since I watered last, and the plants have never looked better. They are finally reaching a bit for the light instead of drooping down. The big fan leaves were resting on the bins they were in, now all are up on their own. The spots don't seem to be showing up anymore. The ones that were there still are, I'm guessing they don't go away.

I am going to water again at midnight, that will be an even 24 hours. Not bad for little rockwool cubes. I don't think this will work for very much longer as the roots are starting to grow out of the rockwool considerably. I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I think I may just do two mini dwc's. Get a small air pump and just keep things like they are (minus the cardboard). We'll see, I have a couple days at least. Oh, and all the big talk of buying fancy things like small airpumps comes courtesy of my neighbor... I helped her with computer things over the weekend and got paid. Gotta love it.

I have to get me some purple maxx.

The cat showed up on our neighbors deck this morning and stayed there all day. I fed her, and we are keeping her in the bathroom overnight so she doesn't get eaten by anything. She is a complete indoor cat that has either gotten out or someone dropped them off. I'm guessing the latter. The cat doesn't even want to walk where there are plants. Only on the stairs and driveway and such. And when she heard my front door open she knew the sound of a door. She tried to run in, haha. Anyone need a beautiful darling cat that like to talk a little bit.

The last pic is of the plant with the wild roots. She's a beauty. One of my others has the tightest internode spacing ever, it's wild. I'll take a pic of it in another update.

