Jigfresh's Grow #1 DIY Closet DWC Scrog - Hindu Skunk & White Widow - First grow ever


Well-Known Member
where abouts do you live (dont mean to sound like a nark) i noticed your pannel was outside?!?!...im in canada, all panels are inside the house, same with water heater

whats that last 30amp breaker?, looks like 14 guage wire on that...id switch out that breaker for a 15 amper or 20 if its 12 guage wire, trust me youd rather trip your breaker than burn your house down
It's all 12 gauge throughout. The 30 is whats going to the back area. I'll pick up a couple 20 A breakers, I may not be ready to rewire the back area, but switching out breakers is easy. And yeah, I would rather trip a breaker than burn this sucker down. It was actually the original in my neighborhood. Apparently Shirley Temple's uncle had it built and started the community up here, he's like the grand father of my town.

I live in the Mountains above Southern California. Becuase thay started building houses up here in the 20's there are some serious lax regulations, at least for legacy stuff already in place. But yeah, everything outside is fine. It's actually easier I think to put the panel outside as far as regulations go. Inside there are a lot more to worry about.


Well-Known Member
It's all 12 gauge throughout. The 30 is whats going to the back area. I'll pick up a couple 20 A breakers, I may not be ready to rewire the back area, but switching out breakers is easy. And yeah, I would rather trip a breaker than burn this sucker down. It was actually the original in my neighborhood. Apparently Shirley Temple's uncle had it built and started the community up here, he's like the grand father of my town.

I live in the Mountains above Southern California. Becuase thay started building houses up here in the 20's there are some serious lax regulations, at least for legacy stuff already in place. But yeah, everything outside is fine. It's actually easier I think to put the panel outside as far as regulations go. Inside there are a lot more to worry about.
so your sitting on some history eh??
now that i think of it there is no real reason why you cant have a pannel outside i guess its just wierd seeing something your not used to


Well-Known Member
Anyways...the wiring in this house makes your pictures look look AAA professional!

I'm sure there are alot of growers out there who are taking some significant electrical risks since hiring an electrician to wire your grow room is a good way to get busted. We should start an electrical thread to help our fellow medicine growers from burning down their houses!
That's scary that her wiring was so bad. What the hell is wrong with people, the people who did this work in the first place. People really don't give a shit sometimes.

As for pothead trying to wire stuff, it is definitely not a good mix. I just read 2 days ago about a house in San Deigo (mira mesa) that burned down due to bad wiring of the grow equipment. I mean you are going to go through the trouble of converting an entire house into a grow, and you can't get the electrical right? C'mon. I know it's not something people learn in school, but you should at least know enough to know that you need things done right.

I am hesitant to give electical advice sometimes. Even though it would not be my fault, I would feel bad if someone read my post about it not being hard to change a breaker, go out to their panel, start pulling breakers and stuff without throwing the main, and shock the hell out of themselves. It would suck to kill some dumb ass.

But I'm sure a thread like that would save many a fire, and I'm also pretty sure no one would kill themselves ove it.

I had to change out my furnace too. That was the first major job I did.

Hey dirtystacks, I'm taking pics today of my local.


Well-Known Member
so your sitting on some history eh??
now that i think of it there is no real reason why you cant have a pannel outside i guess its just wierd seeing something your not used to
Yeah, it's great, my living room (the original structure) is a log cabin with a wood stove in one corner. Supprisingly good accoustics with the drywall over the logs. The logs hold the bass in when I crank my stereo.

I was going to try to make the place a historical landmark, but then you can't change anything about your place without risking historical status, and if you can't tell, I'm all for upgrades and diy.


Well-Known Member
so i made a thread in the general marijuana growing sub forum to help people with electrical shit, sound advice is a must, but many people here unfortunately only want a 2 second answer
houses burn down like that all the time cuz of bad wiring, especialy if its something like what you had, a 30 amper on a 12 guage, if you whernt careful then you could load the circuit to 28 amps and the breaker wont trip...but the wire will heat up, melt, and start a fire
hopefully i can help some fellow growers in need of advice

good luck with your grow, ill be sure to check back for your updates


Well-Known Member
How are you doing friend, I've been subscribed to this post for a long while, creeping in the shadows and soaking in info.
first thing, beautiful plants.
i Haven't seen any pictures in the last couple of pages (besides the little electrical hazard that you are now aware of), how long until you chop them babies down? How is the screen going? I've been thinking of putting a screen in but I'm just not sure on some things, is it that much more effort?

Edit: You got my 100th post!


Well-Known Member
i Haven't seen any pictures in the last couple of pages, how long until you chop them babies down?

How is the screen going? I've been thinking of putting a screen in but I'm just not sure on some things, is it that much more effort?

Edit: You got my 100th post!
I'm about to do an update right now, with pics. They are scheduled to get the chop May 20. That is my guess anyway, I'm going by trichs.

Screens going good. As far as effort, YES it is a ton of effort, at least if you want to do it corretly. Many a night I say to my wife "i'm sick of this fucking screen", but then I tell myself how I'm going to pull 3 times as much as I would have, that makes me feel better. And that 3 times as much, I just made that up, I don't think anyone has claimed that a screen will do that, but I like to think of it that way.

Do I get any prizes for being the recipient of your 100th post, or is your post the prize, haha.

Glad to have you back, you actually asked a question one time. A long time ago.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I had to spend part of the day fixing things in the closet. The exhaust for the lights was hanging by a thread (of tape) luckily it did not fall and vent the hot air directly into the room, that would have been bad. I got that fixed.

Also, on another thread someone (lampshade) suggested I add a little extra P, K, and calcium, based on the color of my leaves. The guy was really knowledgeable so I took the advise and added some of my Potash+ which says 0,7-4-11 on the front, so I figured that would give a little P and K, then I added some extra MagiCal.

A few hours later the leaves were better looking than ever. The plants seem super happy.

I tucked some more fan leaves, and cut a couple more tiny shoots that were like 14" long with tiny tiny flowers on the end.

The White Widow is coming along and has some amazing looking flowers. They are so much more well defined than the hindu skunk. It was like someone perfectly engineered the white widow flowers and leaves.

I still need to get a dehumidifier, but funding is low.

Pics below, some are the same taken twice, you pick which one you like better.


Well-Known Member
Today was an easy day. I did next to nothing with the plants. I checked the levels of everything a few times. Poked a couple fan leaves down.

In all I only spent about 10 minutes on the plants today.

Temps around 75 day 68 night
humidity around 50%
Water temp around 63
ph around 5.7
ppm around 1950 (pump it up)

So, there are no pics. Tomorrow.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Looking good man i like how the middle is low and the side are tall. I am already looking forward to my next grow thinking of how i am going to set it up, are you going to stick with just doing a dwc,and screen ??? I have had some fun working with all my different systems i have going but i am going to run a ebbaflow for flowering next time and i am trying to see what i have around the house to make my own for my veg room hahaha i like to change things see how everything works. see if i like one way more then another.

Hows your girl doing ?? ..... didn't you say you two are expecting your first kid soon ??


Well-Known Member
For the next, I'm going to stick with the dwc and screen for sure. We have different trial methods, reminds me of searches I studied in Computer science. Depth first and Breadth first searches. I'm doing a depth first in that I am going to keep the same system and try to perfect that, while you want to try different thing to see how they work, pick the best and go from there, covering the bredth of the growing techniques. Don't know if that makes sense, but it does to me.

So yeah, same setup, different strain, don't know what yet.

I'm also going to set up a separate, extra flowering space in the living room.

What I figure is I can flower 4 in the closet and 2 more in the extra space. Stay in my 6 plant limit.

haha, no kid yet. We just decided we are going to start trying soon. She is still on the pill, but will stop in a month or so. She's going to the doc next week to see what he says. Maybe this time next year she will be ready to pop. Don't worry, you think I gush about my plants, I'm going to really gush about a little guy (or gal). You got a little guy, right?

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
yea hes my little man, i love him every time he smiles aww man words cant describe it, its going to be fun teaching him everything i know plus more. I am looking forward to it


Well-Known Member
yea hes my little man, i love him every time he smiles aww man words cant describe it, its going to be fun teaching him everything i know plus more. I am looking forward to it
dude, that's so cool. I'm jealous, but there is time. Soon enough. Glad you like him so much.


Well-Known Member
I sprayed everyone with liquid light today. They raised their hands in delight.

The nugs are growing nicely, more hairs, more trichs.

Showed my parents the grow today, that was fun. They were impressed.

I picked off a couple fans leaves that were getting brown on the tips. I also tucked a bunch of fan leaves, try and get the lower sites some light.

Man it is seriously getting like jungle in here.

pics tomorrow, sorry.


Well-Known Member
I swear the plants grew a ton overnight. They look very happy, and I guess because the temps were low at the house the temps were lower in the room. I don't know why I mention that, but there you go.

I topped of the rez with a couple gallons of RO, this time I added nutes with the water, a little less than the couple gallons would have included when I filled it to begin with. My ppm is around 1950.

The trichs are starting to move on to lower leaves, and they are covering some small leaves now.

The white widow is really catching up. I really think it is going to be a monster.

I have a new strategy for the lights. Because the first week of flowering I had the dual enclosure with only one light, well, that side is totally bigger from the extra light. I was thinking if I changed the lights around the small side would catch up. But I'm realizing that there is no catching up, growth is over, so because the one side has more budsites and they are bigger and stronger to begin with I'm going to focus most of the power onto them.

I figure better to have the strong stuff stay strong, then try to make the weak stuff catch up.

borntokillspam was telling me he really like the taste and high of the buds directly under his mh in flowering. He uses a mix (kinda like me) and says the hps for him makes the buds fatter, but he thinks the mh buds are keepers. I'm excited to see the difference in my stuff.

Another thing I was reading on lilmafia513's journal was that he flushes for 3 weeks and like the taste difference. He uses gravity and molasses. I was going to try as short a flush as I could because I read longer flushing meant lower yield, but lilmafia doesn't really notice with his method. So I'm going to try like a 10-14 day flush or something.

When you guys use molasses, what are the instructions on the side of the bottle regarding hydroponic use?

(ok, stupid joke)



Well-Known Member
they are coming along really nicely, cant wait to see it all full of dense fat buds
about flushing iv been flushing for over 2 weeks ATM and have a week or 2 left before i cut the tops off my plant so i think im going to give it a half dose of nutes and continue flushing till i cut the tops off and then give a full dose of nutes while the bottom continues to grow and fatten up and then just flush after that till i harvest the bottom part (about another 2 weeks)


Active Member
Jig, I wanted to pop in to say I've read the whole thread and I am very impressed with your grow and am excited to see how it all turns out. I love to research this sort of thing and while I can't grow cannabis due to the laws where I live, I can and plan to grow veggies hydroponically and eventually, when the laws change or I move some place where it is legal, I will have a fine bank of knowledge to draw from to start my own garden!
Thanks again for sharing.



Well-Known Member
Thanks again for sharing.

Thank so much, that means a lot.

Thank you other two as well. I picked up 4 - 20 A breakers to replace my 30 A. One less fire hazard around the house.

I've been reading this thread about increasing trichome production. I don't know if I will do as much as he suggest, I'm going to try to do some things.


My parents are gone so I'm going to pay a little attention to my plants today.

I know I've given you guys a lot of pictures, but I still haven't really gotten any perfect pictures yet. I want you guys to see how beautiful the really great stuff is in the middle of the field.

Thanks for the support and for reading. We are going to have some nice buds to be proud of at then end of this.:bigjoint:

pic of moms cat.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
looking good man, its going to be nice when you can smoke your own nugs not have to spend money on nugs. Do your parents smoke ?? thats chill that you can talk to them about it and show off your hard work to them, i am still trying to get my brother to come over and check it out been trying since the start stupid brother. Didnt you say your going to look into building a extra room?? Iknow you said your not going to grow in there but why not ?? Once you have your first kid on the way then yea take it down or build another room ;-). That be nice to have a full room to move around in you can walk all the way around your grow. Do you have a attic ? or enough room for a shed ? I cant wait to have enough room for a big grow room.

Oh yea i was wondering how the taxes are up there, like for your house and land. I was wondering if there more up there then down here? I was wondering how long you have lived up there and do you enjoy it like threw the winter or is there lots of problems with like road closes and snow rock falls, just trying to get a idea of what kinda problems living up there i would come to deal with.