JigFresh's Grow #2 : Vertical Scrog - closet diy dwc - 650w - Headband + Casey Jones


Well-Known Member
Alright guys... I need you opinion/ advise. Seems as if some of the bigger buds are starting to turn HERMIE! ahhh.

Now... not the biggest deal on the Sour Grape... she's coming down today, tommorow, next day.

The CJ though still has a bit to go. What do I do... let her get more male flowers... or cut premature.

Now, to explain what's going on... I have barely notices tiny tiny ones of those 'leaves' looking explosion from tiny calyx looking things. Bad explanaton I know.

I'm not worried about pollinating anything... to far along for that.. but will I be sacrificing anything by letting the plant go down this road anymore?


In the pic you can see what I mean on the right... it's sticking up and yellow. Damn bananas!

fuuuuk bro im sorry to hear that. rough decision hope it works out


Well-Known Member
Sorry to see that Bro. You don't have long to go though do you? Also, are those webs on the bud? Might have some spider mite issues unless I am seeing things.
I am chopping branches as I trim them. I have 4 big buds timmed and hanging. Only about 20 or 30 to go. Then onto the little ones.

And no... don't worry about mites or anything. I have 9 cats and carpets... those are just stray hair type things. And yes... I do pull all that stuff off when trimming. My sticky fingers are a mess after a while.

fuuuuk bro im sorry to hear that. rough decision hope it works out
Yeah... I'm not sure what it was. Possibly the gravity, but I wouldn't think it would do anything that fast... I just gave them gravity a week and a half ago. It could have been the horrible pH I kept them at most of the grow. Also could be something to do with the Powdery Mildew I guess.

No matter the reason, I'm not too worried about it. The whole plant should be down by saturday, and I'm not finding too many of those little things.


Well-Known Member
Bummer about the herm. It happens, still gonna be some damn good smoke. I would chop if I was worried about it. Soda Machine? I may have missed it. Looks very cool whatever it is. Whats next on the agenda?


Well-Known Member
those buds look nice. Can't wait to get up there to start trimming and try out one of those buds and check out that soda machine in action.


Well-Known Member
Here they are. Plus the soda machine. SodaStream just like you said DST.
Just beautiful my man! Those are so fat and look dense as hell. Nice work brother! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

I have the same thing in my house dog and cat. I even change my cloths before I go down in the room, but still find hairs here and there.
The soda machine looks sick too. Might have to get one of them. Can you make diet soda in it?

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
very nice looks like over a oz already,

soda machine hmmm those looks like little laundry detergent bottles, give us the low down. Might have already did just missed it.


Well-Known Member
how many plants have you grown before you got your first hermie? i'd almost like to get one just to see it up close.


Well-Known Member
Those buds look just splendid.They do look rock solid.hey jig u oughta take one of those sour grape nugs and run it thru ur juicer and make some sour grape juice.

I've always wanted to try one of those soda machines.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Dam jig the colors so many colors.........The NUG looks great man just going to be a insane harvest!!

After the nights done wasnt so bad huh, i am like you dont really like going but at the end of the night just makes you feel right.

Merry Christmas you lucky bastard lmao :lol:, hope you got to see snow this morning
