JigFresh's Grow #2 : Vertical Scrog - closet diy dwc - 650w - Headband + Casey Jones


Well-Known Member
Hey did you get the screen thing fixed? I couldn't really tell but it just looks the screen needs to be re-positioned. There is a spot where the screen fits that piece of wood, i think if you just gently ease this back into place everything should be cool.

You probably already talked to your hubby about this but if not then i hope that helped.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys... I'm home.

Thank you so much for being so caring to my wife. It really means a lot to me.

I had another totally amazing weekend class deal. I really understood for the fisrt time how much we matter in a group. Like if you are in a group... the whole group can't work unless everyone is on board. Kinda like a weakest link type thing, but more significant.

I'll tell anyone about it if you care, pm me... no secret... I just don't feel like typing that much right now.

Going to be a nice finish, have you taken a rip yet Mrs, of his other harvest?
She don't smoke at all. It's all mine, bwahaha.

Hey did you get the screen thing fixed?
She did fix it. Thanks for the advice.

Oaksterdam clones
Great post big budder 33
Tom... you make me laugh so hard sometimes.

I finnally made it vertical....... Im ready now.....
Hell yeah wonder. You are going to have a lot of fun.


Active Member
Hey guys... I'm home.

I had another totally amazing weekend class deal. I really understood for the fisrt time how much we matter in a group. Like if you are in a group... the whole group can't work unless everyone is on board. Kinda like a weakest link type thing, but more significant.

That's why i try my hardest to stay out of groups, lol. The world is full of weakest links, therefore, so are most groups.


Well-Known Member
That's why i try my hardest to stay out of groups, lol. The world is full of weakest links, therefore, so are most groups.
I'm the exact same way.... I stay totally to myself. But that's the other thing I got is that 'you' don't matter without other people. The point of the classes is to have access to an extraordinary life. I don't have that now... and I can never have that sitting in my house.

Don't get me wrong. I can have a GREAT life all by myself. One where I do what I want, one where I am happy most of the time. But it won't be extraordinary. How many people are there that don't become part of groups that changed the world?

Now... what I mean by extraordinary is not making a million dollars. What I mean is doing something extraordinary in my life. For example... I couldn't personally get medical mj legalized in america.... BUT I could personally organize a group or foundation that could get medical mj legalized. See what I mean.

So know I'm not knocking you Don. You have no idea how much I stay alone in my house... and how much I don't talk to anyone. This isn't me saying "I'm all that". I only talk to my cats and my wife. BUT I got that I'm not going to do shit that makes a difference in the world hanging out with my cats. And I really do want to make a difference.

What I want to do (as impossible as is sounds)... is to give every prisoner in the US 'freedom'. I don't mean let them all out (although we should probably let out like 70%, that's not the point). I want prisoners to have hope... and real hope. I think I can make a real change with that in my life. It really inspires me too, because it's bigger than myself.

And on the vein of groups not being easy.... this weekend was one of the mentally hardest things I've ever done. I wanted to quit because I was so pissed off on Friday. You guys know people.... they are fucking idiots. It was killing me. But you know what... that's life. And I don't mean that's life so fuck off. I mean that's how the world is... and that's how it's going to be. Idiots will neve disappear. So if that is so.... what are we going to do about it. I am now going to figure out how on earth I can work with idiots... becuase the other choice is just staying here with the kitties.



Well-Known Member
Hey Jig, glad you enjoyed your course. whatever you get, learning always opens our eyes and makes us more prepared to tackle the world.

I like your plan and completely feel you on your personal goal. I read a Joint degree at university in Economic and Sociology. Within Sociology I focused mainly on Criminology based subjects...There are some criminologist who argue about aboloshing prisons, may be worth looking into. I wrote my major paper on re-offending and rehabilitation. It is really pathetic and a sham the system (or for the most part it is IMO.) Detterent based thinking is behind the Social and Criminal policy of today. IMO it's barbaric at least, like saying to starving people, "steal bread, and we will hang you" (which is were our current policy thinking originated)

One of my family works as a researcher in the prison service. They are also constanly being constrained into coming out with conclusions to problems that are not solving anything, only being done to fit in with budgets, etc, etc. I am sure the same exists in the US.

Anyway, will finish ranting and just say, in the words of a famous sports brand, Impossible is Nothing!




Well-Known Member
I have a strong feeling for inmates in our corrections system. I still write letters to various inmates, to this day. I do whatever I can for them. Sometimes passing letters, or getting pictures together so they can have them inside. Some of these guys and girls don't have anything better on the outside than on the inside. That needs to change. Glad you feel similarly about this.
Everything sounds good to me....


Well-Known Member
I agree with the last few post of you fellas.The judicial system is pretty much a scam in many different ways.I have experienced it first hand and have friends incarcerated to this day.Much can be done to change things, it just not gonna happen overnight and with people like jig that really intend do something extraordinary it will happen.:clap:

Jig also grows extraordinary plants:weed: too!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey Man, I like your passion! Without people doing something to make a difference, the world would be a lonely narcissistic place. Keep making a difference:clap:
The grow looks great and it is very cool that your wife was so concerned about your girls while you were at class when she doesn't even smoke. You got a good one. :-o She sounded so concerned lol it sounds like my wife. I get calls at work sometimes when she checks on them during the day. Gotta love em.
The ladies look great man!


Well-Known Member
Hey Man, I like your passion! Without people doing something to make a difference, the world would be a lonely narcissistic place. Keep making a difference:clap:
The grow looks great and it is very cool that your wife was so concerned about your girls while you were at class when she doesn't even smoke. You got a good one. :-o She sounded so concerned lol it sounds like my wife. I get calls at work sometimes when she checks on them during the day. Gotta love em.
The ladies look great man!
My wife will do the same thing. Sometimes I find it very nice, and other times it is stuff I already know, and didn't want to deal with it, nonetheless talk about it with her. There are a lot of us married men on this site..... damn......


Well-Known Member
We are all individuals!! Or women are. My good wife would probably do something in a complete emergency, other than that, she holds her breath when coming into my grow room, she really can't take the smell, she has an extremely acute sense of smell. I have told her she should go into wine tasting...but she doesn't really drink a lot either. She keeps me on the straight and narrow though.


Yeah then you got the guy they let out and killed four cops he didn't even know, so what do you do? The system needs help for sure and the system probably made that guy worse idk, just some bad apples out there.

Jig the grow is lookin great! Hey i was wondering, I'm from kansas and you say your growing legal? how does that work?

Also i got more than 4 oz. dry off my first plant. I was pleasantly suprised. :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah then you got the guy they let out and killed four cops he didn't even know, so what do you do? The system needs help for sure and the system probably made that guy worse idk, just some bad apples out there.

Jig the grow is lookin great! Hey i was wondering, I'm from kansas and you say your growing legal? how does that work?

Also i got more than 4 oz. dry off my first plant. I was pleasantly suprised. :)
Not to sound like asshole but dude where u been? 13 states I believe have passed medical marijuana laws allowing people to grow for personal use.state laws allow it but the FEDs keep trying to stick their nose in shit.California is leading the way. Hell, I'm not to far from u premo


Well-Known Member
Miztaj... it's a tough call whether you accomplished your goal of not sounding like an asshole. Haha... just kidding bro.

Premo... about 15 states or something have some sort of medical guidelines for MJ. California is trailblazing a lot of things in the area, but I feel like some of the other states have some really great policies.

I'm pretty sure in Montana, they accept any states Medical card. So I think I can go to Montana and legally buy pot. Then there are places like New Mexico that run the entire deal through the State board of Health (or something lke that).

Anyways there are all kind of wild laws in different places.

I'll respond more later.


Well-Known Member
I really need to get the girls on HCO's Gravity... but I'm busy today... so tomorrow.

The real news is.... I sampled the Sour Grape... IT"S OFF THE HOOK.

And that i with an hour dry on my furnace and not cure and with 70% clear trichs.

I'm quick drying a sample of Casey Jones now.

I am actually about to run out... so I'll give you guys the breakdown of both highs.... THIS SHIT IS GOING TO BE BOMB!!!
