Jigfresh's Grow #3 - Flooded Tube Vertical - Querkle, Odyssey - 1000w

I was actually just thinking about you this morning my friend. I checked out your thcfarmer journal... so I'm lurking too. Glad to hear from you. I would say, I hope all is well... but knowing you, I'm sure it is all good.

Thanks for stopping by and saying hello. Much appreciated.

things are growin well of course 8) hope u swing by from time to time but ill be on RIU still soakin up info, i even plan to be bak one day but shhhh dont tell anyone haha
Jig!!!!! I really like how things have been going for you, I havent been on here in forever and am just letting you know I like what your doing A++
Last week I took about 36 hours off. Dude... just that little time and my tolerance plummeted. I can't even imagine smoking some hash at the moment. I all of a sudden feel like one of the people I snicker at when they can't smoke like a champ. Guess I'll have to change my tune on that front, haha.

And about picking your times to smoke. I've never had that either. Sounds like something to grow into. I just want to be high all the time. Even when I'm high... I want to be high-er. Haven't been a fan of reality since about 14. It's interesting feeling it again. The other day I woke up completely clear headed. Felt very strange indeed.

yeah man I have been there.. relizing I hadn't smoked all the day before, and that realization was made because I woke up in the morning all discombobulated and almost sureal state.. being sober.. its almost as good as it is bad ;) Good luck man, it is deffinitly a good thing, back away for a while get your bearings and with the paradigm shift of a little one coming into your life, its a great chance to reorganize. much love brotha and keep fighting the good fight.

on a forum note: sick grow man! especially for it being so experimental! you got the skills that pays the bills for sure =)
Hey Jig i too have had to put down all my favorite pass times. Right now being one of those times. I have 4 kids at the moment. My girl has 2 boys who are terrors they are with us every other week, I have a daughter who is 10 who is here for the summer on top of my lil son cojo who is 16 months. Its hard to jugle all the family life/Job/grow and chill time. Damn i know brother. I love weed as much as everbody but like D said priorities first. Any hows jig you can always count on me smoker or not bru. More for me hehe. Your one of the coolest personalities ive met on riu and id be honered to meet ya some day homie. Maybe we can oust DST and a few others to a US holiday or vacation however you like.

On another note im totally loving those stunning mountain pics you shared with us. Looks like paradise in the clouds. Peace and wish the best of luck with the mini jig. peace 1bmm
Wish I had been watching closer here..... Congrats on the new edition to the fam.... Congrats on the harvest.... and by the way, you take some of the best pictures around...... macro baby.....
Thanks again guys. I'm stoked about this fatherhood thing. I know I've had a blast raising plants... it's been the most rewarding thing I've ever done. I can't imagine raising a little person. I feel lucky to even be allowed the opportunity.

I'll be sure to post a link here to the new journal, when things get going. I'll probably do the same as always. Start it up when I begin consturction. HAha, yeah construction. You didn't think I was actually going to run the same set up more than one run. This time though... I'm thinking I'll keep what I make. I'm going to do it right. Make stuff just perfect, so I can just do run after run.

I'm thinking I'm gonna start construction in bout a month. Stay tuned.....

You know I will be along for the ride ;)
Always nice to see Jigs thread pop up.....something makes me think that Jig is going to be starting a grow soon.....!?!?!?!?!
Ah I was so late to the other threads. Count me in for the next go around. You inspired me to grow for myself and my neighbor with cancer, she's to old to get an mmj card, so I sacked up and started growing, and now I supply her with meds. Under the table if you catch my drift ;). Anyways congrats on the baby and the bountiful harvests.
Mile High Love