Jman's perpetual (attempted)organic LED and T5 HO grow.


Active Member
Alright so... gotta get some rambles out. First thing is first. Water pumps for the flower tent. There are three I am considering. First is a 400 gph pump from hydrofarm, second is a tetra 325 gph pump, and third is a lowes smartpon. I can't remember the gph for it. It was 49.99 and the filter was 39.99. So, the L/s work out to be .42 L/s, and .34 L/s, and unknown, respectively. I'm going to try for 9 every time, possibly 6, depending on size. The tetra and the smartpond have filters. I'm using Organic nutes, and airstones to keep the water from going stale of course, but this will somewhat thicken the mixture, and the goal is to minimize clogging to the pump, weekly changes of course. I REALLY want a mini fridge to keep some GO squid on hand for veg and stretch. But I digress, we need to decide if this is the proper flow rate for my rez and plant size. I'm going to be using a cooler for a rez. Fuck worrying about pythora!! I'll do pics for set-up if I can get my SD card fixed or go buy a camera. Funds are tight. Anyways, the hydrofarm is .7 L /15s and the tetra is .57 L /15s when split 9 ways. 1.05 L /15s and .85 L /15s @ 6 containers. I'm using 5 liter superoots containers. Which brings me to paragraph 2.

MY SUPER SOIL OMG MY POOR SUPER SOIL!!! We had a shit ton of rain, and I had it uncovered, to check on it, and forgot to lid it back, she got very heavily saturated, to the point of floating. :'( :'( :'(. But I'm quick on my feet, so what do I do?! I run and grab more coco coir and make a 1/2 strength Super Soil!!!! I added more silica to prevent insect infestation and (oh yeah I added the bushmaster brew and some molasses and superthrive to it as well already.) I increased the amount of this to compensate for the increase in mass, but did not change the NPK or CaMg or micronute ratios. No rain for the next few days so the lid is off to let it dry out some and then it should be ready to bring inside until its needed.

Got some nute lockout on A13 and Pineapple Punch and a few of the clones. Everything is rooted!!! Coco ftw!! Gotta get that shelf installed!! Might have to turn the Blackstar back on and finish cleaning up the bugs until I get the shelf in and the veg tents drip system dialed. I sprayed with Organocide Fish and Sesame and other botanical oils for the mites. Trying everything before I resort to droppin the DOOM on these bitches. I need to do this fast, because I have a lottttt of cuttings to take. I've got a friend that needs some fresh stuff and he's willing to take some off my hands. I'm only keeping my mothers, my plants in veg, and whatever I have flowering. Clones are only going to be for people that ask specifically. Too much hassle to worry about dealing with something like that.