Job hunting


Well-Known Member
So I was wondering, where does everyone look to job hunt? I'm about to have my associates in business, and want to get out of this minimum wage retail job and get something a little closer to my major.

I look on craigslist, local news job finders, careerbuilder, and monster, but most of these jobs are very misleading, and a lot of them are scams.

I live in a mostly blue collar city, so there aren't many offices around where I can just go door to door.
it sucks, i have a pretty impressive resume for my age, but can't even send it out because I'm afraid everything online is a phishing attempt
believe it or not, a lot of jobs are found through personal networking. i forget the % but a lot are through connections and friends. i also look on my states workforce exchange site.
I guess I really should be networking more, just about half my family is blue collar though, which makes it hard.
believe it or not, a lot of jobs are found through personal networking. i forget the % but a lot are through connections and friends. i also look on my states workforce exchange site.

Steady jobs are unlikely to be found online. Perhaps try temping, sometimes a company will hire you on if they like you. My county has a job pool called Brevard Job Links, try looking online for one in your area. Job fairs can also be helpful, too. Mostly, though, you need to know someone to get a job anywhere. I recently got a job at KGB (a service where the customer asks a question and the agent finds the answer), so sometimes you have to settle for something mediocre before finding what you want.
thanks for your perspective but i gotta disagree. my state has a job bank where you can enter your zip code and find jobs any where from 25 to 200 miles away. most employers around here that need workers post the vacancies. there are 15 pages of legit jobs that range from computer techs to electricians, to state jobs. i got my current job this way. of course jobs are few and far between everywhere, so its tough and you gotta get it done any way u can. good luck homie.
thanks for your perspective but i gotta disagree. my state has a job bank where you can enter your zip code and find jobs any where from 25 to 200 miles away. most employers around here that need workers post the vacancies. there are 15 pages of legit jobs that range from computer techs to electricians, to state jobs. i got my current job this way. of course jobs are few and far between everywhere, so its tough and you gotta get it done any way u can. good luck homie.

I meant to say, jobs are unlikely to be found online EXCEPT on state/county job sites; that's what I was referring to about the job pool, just couldn't come up with the right words.
I meant to say, jobs are unlikely to be found online EXCEPT on state/county job sites; that's what I was referring to about the job pool, just couldn't come up with the right words.
okay i gotcha.:bigjoint:i agree then, there are a ton of scam and bullshit job ads online.
you guys arnt kiddin i hate my job and am lookin for somthin sent like 20 apps out within 3 months and nothin so far so ima start lookin into servers and shit i hate my piece o shit job that i bust my ass for minimum !!!!!! id rather work an eisier job for the same pay but i aint quittin till i got one!!!!!!!
you guys arnt kiddin i hate my job and am lookin for somthin sent like 20 apps out within 3 months and nothin so far so ima start lookin into servers and shit i hate my piece o shit job that i bust my ass for minimum !!!!!! id rather work an eisier job for the same pay but i aint quittin till i got one!!!!!!!

I'd gladly take your piece of shit job. :D Too bad I don't live closer to the Everglades.
Thanks for the input people, I'm gonna look for some of those county sites and try my luck there. I guess I could pick up the paper once and a while too haha
I get lots of calls from having my resume posted on Monster and CareerBuilder. I'm a licensed electrician and I get calls on a weekly basis. I posted my resume several years ago, and keep it up to date.
