Jock Horror Auto-Flower(Nirvana Seeds) closet grow


I took pics of my younger JH, named Grasshoppa , because he is still in a 20/4 program , and Shane is in 12/12 schedule and i don't wana disturb him , il take pics of him later today when i put him to light again:) , if your wondering why it has some leaves cut it's because i topped him when he was day 17-18 by trying to use FIM method , but as you can see i failed and only cut the leaves that were growing:P but hes regenerating:P


Well here's shane , my precious one:) i need some advice on why the lower leaves are not like going upwards , i don't think it's a water issue since i haven't had any watering problems with any of my plants , and i don't think it's a potbound isse because it doesnt have any roots coming out of the drain holes , i mean there are but only showing the tips of the roots , i repoted it just once, on day 34 i think and i added another layer of soil into the same pot because roots were coming out preety much:P , the plant has calyxes with white hairs , i just couldn't take a close pic , because if i do , the pic ends up beein blurry



Well-Known Member

The leaves at the bottom might be recieving less light but the plant looks fine otherwise.

I have a few af/ jh also and this is the biggest but its had way too many problems setting it back and stunting its growth and its just begun flowering now at 8 weeks old!!!!DSCF3384.jpg


The leaves at the bottom might be recieving less light but the plant looks fine otherwise.

I have a few af/ jh also and this is the biggest but its had way too many problems setting it back and stunting its growth and its just begun flowering now at 8 weeks old!!!!View attachment 1127412
Nice JH you got there irish :) , read some of your posts and it seemed that you had more than enough problems with Jock Horror:) i'm sorry to hear that mate:) , but it looks fine now and i'm hoping you get some good buds of yer kid right there:)


heres a pic of a set of pistils on one of Shane's branches , it has sets of pistils on almost all branch inter-nodes , main cola , and the end of the branches+top of the plant :) I'm really excited cause in about 1month or 5weeks il get my damn harvest:hump::joint:.for the record , Shane is 50 days today at 9 a clock:P



Well-Known Member
How many days did it take before it started to flower? I've been seeing a lot of nirvana autoflowers not start when they suppose to so I'm going to start flowering mine @ 3 weeks. Good luck with the rest of your grow!


it took 42 days and i got tired of waiting for it to auto-flower so i changed the light cycle to 12/12 works great for me:P


Well-Known Member
heres a pic of a set of pistils on one of Shane's branches , it has sets of pistils on almost all branch inter-nodes , main cola , and the end of the branches+top of the plant :) I'm really excited cause in about 1month or 5weeks il get my damn harvest:hump::joint:.for the record , Shane is 50 days today at 9 a clock:P
I am confused. It just started flowering and you going to cut it down in 4-5 weeks? I am on week 11 of flowering my auto jock. Started counting days from when i saw white hairs all over the plant. The trichs still arent amber yet.


I am confused. It just started flowering and you going to cut it down in 4-5 weeks? I am on week 11 of flowering my auto jock. Started counting days from when i saw white hairs all over the plant. The trichs still arent amber yet.
ermm from what i've read and seen , not all strains have their trichs turning amber:P , i will cut it down when 70-80% of white hairs turn orange:P


I will update some pics tomorow:P, grow is doing preety well , i think i'll harvest Shane in about 2-3max, i stopped updating thread because people don't really comment or say anything and i mostly have the feeling that no one cares at all to even look:P


Well-Known Member
im confused... if that is your plant at day 50 its definitely not an auto lol check out the link in my sig and check out my auto at day 50 its at like day 54 or suttin today and its almost done


I've also started a Jock Horror Auto and N. Lights Auto from Nirvana, it seems these aren't true autos. I even cloned the N. Lights and its not flowering after three weeks after being cut (I cut her when pistils showed).

My Jock is about three weeks into 12/12 with mostly white hairs some amber.

After searching forums high and low for Jock Horror grows it seems most people don't get autoflowering genetics from Nirvana even when the packaging says so... also I saw someone start them in 12/12 for two weeks and it took off into flowering, then they threw them back into 18/6 and it continued to flower.

Also, jock is very sensitive to nutes for me, I cant get over 400ppms or she burns; although I'm doing dwc.

Good luck and I wanna see pictures!!

Peace :joint:



Im gonna have to agree with you on saying that Jock's are very nute sensitive. Ive seen some fan leaves on mine have white spots, then most of the leaf gets crispy. Is that what you are seeing too? Check out my grow at you can see the pic on the last page of what I am talking about.
I had some initial difficulties with nutes aswell, I just laid back till they started showing signs of def.
I looked at your grow and I haven't had anything like those spots sorry to say. May be bcs of high pH'd water. I'm new to the growing scene though so make sure and just research it ^^.

Sorry to jack the thread Robymyz, I am still waiting for those pics :P.

Peace :joint:


Hey guys , so here's pics with shane and his wonderful buds , well at the moment they smell more like dead fish from the fertilizer( Bio bloom from General Hydroponics Europe) but they have awsome trich denisity and about 15-20% of pistils have turned orange(amber) , so harvest time should be in about 2 weeks i guess , because it had no orange hairs 1 week ago:P so it's just a rough estimate , i think i'm about 3 and a half weeks into flowering , haven't counted:P, i also have a closeup pic of a bud. Take note that due to trichs glistening and the light in my room beeing very luminate :P , you might need to reduce contrast to see things better on some pics:), most of the leaves have started turning a more bright green , and some a little yellow but i think's that it's from age because buds are growing very rapidly and trichs are becoming more abundant by the day , dunno why the leaves(not fan leaves) from the top buds are curlying down though