Jock Horror review!


Well-Known Member
Some eye candy. Pic 1 JH lemon pheno, Pic 2 JH fruity pheno, pic3 Blue mystic (I don't know what the deal is with the leaf discoloration, nute damage is the only thing I can figure its been there the entire time). Notice how the JH's are more stout buds, the very tips of the buds were clipped off 25 days into flower, it looks like it made a big difference. Enjoy



Well-Known Member
that JH fruity pheno looks amazing big yield from that one.. great job, im smoking my jock horror now and its a very good smoke i find a small bit during the day to get some work done and a lot on the weekend to get baked!:blsmoke: nice relaxing stuff:peace:


New Member
[:neutral:....................................:eyesmoke:quote=Token;303837]:lol:, Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkk Jock Hore, It is shit they never ripen it seems. I've been helping another user with there grow and he had two of them and had nothing good to say about it, and it has a fishy sweet after teast I mean i liked the smoke of it but as for growing indoors I will say one thing "Don't" it will be a wast of money for you.[/quote]


Well-Known Member
[:neutral:....................................:eyesmoke:quote=Token;303837]:lol:, Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkk Jock Hore, It is shit they never ripen it seems. I've been helping another user with there grow and he had two of them and had nothing good to say about it, and it has a fishy sweet after teast I mean i liked the smoke of it but as for growing indoors I will say one thing "Don't" it will be a wast of money for you.

I found the jock horror very easy to grow they like there nutes they stretch a good bit in flowering but apart from that no probs, good smoke 2, maybe the person you are helping is just a bad grower if it taking a while to ripen just cut hrs to 14 dark/10 light.. and 20$ for 10 seeds how is that a waste??????


Well-Known Member
Lacy, those JH above were very easy to grow for a first time grower (the blue mystic sucked), 50 days they started getting water and molasses only and will prob get cut at 60 days. Don't know how much dry weight they will render, hopefully more than a half each, short veg period, first grow, and height less than 30in at completion of grow (top of buds were nipped early and stems were pinched repeatedly through out flower). These 2 phenos look like they would do very well lolly popped and SOG. Can't verify smoke yet but if the lemon pheno smokes half as good as it smells I'll be in for a treat, and yeah the fruity pheno is shorter and is going to yield a little better. I think mandala and/or Joey Weed is next on the list.


Active Member
I'm growing jh as my first grow (3 weeks from seed, so far so good) did you guys veg for 4 weeks, will that be ok? I was also planning on a scrog but looks like I won't need to judging by what I've read here, what do you think? (I'm growing in a wardrobe)


Well-Known Member
Your males are going to grow much faster in veg (that my experience, all of the 1st plants put into flower turned out to be males). Ideally veg for 4 weeks (longer if growing fewer plants and topping plant instead of SOG. I highly recommend SOG for this strain, if you don't have enough seeds, take clones soon after they are put into flower (if you are trying to flower as fast as possible) (use the lower branches as they will be trimmed of at some point anyhow), take clones within a week of putting in flower. Ideally make a veg only area and keep one successful clones for each plant in flower to determine which ones to save as a moms (numbered to match with originals already in flower). Then couple weeks later pull some clones off the previous clones (which if u labeled carefully u will know what sex they all are and can throw out the male clones if you so choose). So clone every 2 weeks from mother and put the rooted clones into flower. Then you will have a continuos supply of chronic. PS you veg area will only need a little bit of light and it doesn't have to take up much room, a few cfls will suffice for lighting. I recommend building a bubbler cloner, very easy and cheap ($10-15 at wally world). Let me know if I can help.


Active Member
Grew it out multi- times and can honestly say"one of the best I have ever encountered. Nice withe hairs and very strong. My buddies say it " only need to use 1/2 the amt to smoke "because of its potence. Good Luck. Remember all these seeds are good its how "Green is your Thumb."


Active Member
:lol:, Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkk Jock Hore, It is shit they never ripen it seems. I've been helping another user with there grow and he had two of them and had nothing good to say about it, and it has a fishy sweet after teast I mean i liked the smoke of it but as for growing indoors I will say one thing "Don't" it will be a wast of money for you.
i am a firm believer in is an unstable strain so there is more guesswork than with stable strains, but i have had a complete grow with this and i love not a pro yet, but i would recommend it for anyone who knows what they are doing! and does take a very long time to mature, but it is mostly a sativa that does take longer than most....


Active Member
nirvana will be wour best bet there great fast discreat shipping very good quality and some of the bests prices out there and they ship to everywhere even the us


Well-Known Member
Jock Horror at 7 1/2 weeks, i'll take her at 9

it ain't a bad plant at all, and it smells exactly like orange juice


Active Member
hi everyone. I just ordered jock horror and snow white from I have grown their snow white, but never their jock horror. I plan on growing both of them together in a 10gallon bubbler/drip system. I ordered the seeds about 10 days ago and it still says "in transit." The last step of the process is "shipped" so I am wondering if that's correct. I have ordered from them before and had the seeds by now. great job on the plants though everyoneand happy growing.


Active Member
i am a firm believer in is an unstable strain so there is more guesswork than with stable strains, but i have had a complete grow with this and i love not a pro yet, but i would recommend it for anyone who knows what they are doing! and does take a very long time to mature, but it is mostly a sativa that does take longer than most....
I had one JH herm and since I had never seen what stages a bud goes through, it pollinated the whole crop before I caught it. My bad.

I chopped it three weeks early with no flush cause I was pissed and wanted to get on with the new veg that was in progress.

I have been smoking this for two weeks and I have to say I am impressed. 18 day cure so far and it just keeps getting better. Very high ceiling, no crash, and very smooth sweet flavor.

I have just gone into flower with six of these and I am looking forward to tasting the result of a complete finish. So far so good...

I'll get back here with the results. Maybe even do a smoke report ha. I have found that this is a very effective med strain and I'll be keeping some in the tent for the foreseeable future.

Peace to all


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear all the positive feedback on the Jocks.

I've currently got 4 females in the veg room just waiting for the cloner to be free before I flower. So far they've done very well, fimmed at about 5" they all have at least 3 tops with nice close nodal spacing.

Considering this is touted as a mostly sativa strain, the growth is very compact and the leaves are quite broad. (I had one male with some of the widest fans i've ever seen.)

Anyone grown this strain in an Ebb and flow (or any other zero veg) sea of green? I'm hoping to be able to grow these on my tables without them getting 3 feet tall out of controll.

And because i don't have any recent pictures of my jocks, here is some White rhino I harvested a couple weeks ago.

I'm hoping Nirvana will be 2 for 2 with me.

Keep those photos coming folks, I always love to see shots of what i'm growing.