Joe Biden announces he is running for president in 2020


Well-Known Member should laugh at right wing smear jobs, every time you see one...because that's all the response they deserve
Yes, that's what Nazis want. To minimize and diminish their opponent by any means necessary. Falsehoods and crappy unfunny shit sayings is effective at doing that. Make it part of the environment and even an accomplished, dedicated public servant like Barack Obama can be dehumanized.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Yes, that's what Nazis want. To minimize and diminish their opponent by any means necessary. Falsehoods and crappy unfunny shit sayings is effective at doing that. Make it part of the environment and even an accomplished, dedicated public servant like Barack Obama can be dehumanized.
what nazi's don't like is when you don't take them seriously...when you laugh at their efforts to demonize their opponents, when you just smile at them when they tell you stupid racist shit, when you pat them on the head and tell them to go play nice, be a good boy...don't give them the legitimacy granted by anger at their juvenile stupidity, just send them back out to try again...


Well-Known Member
what nazi's don't like is when you don't take them seriously...when you laugh at their efforts to demonize their opponents, when you just smile at them when they tell you stupid racist shit, when you pat them on the head and tell them to go play nice, be a good boy...don't give them the legitimacy granted by anger at their juvenile stupidity, just send them back out to try again...
What they don't like is to be laughed at. Go back and look at who the target it for that shitty smear job.

All I did was point out that it was a dirty smear job, which it is. I'm simply saying its a dumb joke and a tool of the right. It's not as if I went to war. Why the sensitivity?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
What they don't like is to be laughed at. Go back and look at who the target it for that shitty smear job.

All I did was point out that it was a dirty smear job, which it is. I'm simply saying its a dumb joke and a tool of the right. It's not as if I went to war. Why the sensitivity?
i'm sensitive?...i'm sensitive....? aren't you the one who was telling me the merits of non violent protest? that violence begets violence? getting frustrated turning the other cheek? keep having to force your fists to unball?
welcome to my world....


Well-Known Member
i'm sensitive?...i'm sensitive....? aren't you the one who was telling me the merits of non violent protest? that violence begets violence? getting frustrated turning the other cheek? keep having to force your fists to unball?
welcome to my world....
All I did was call a dirty smear job out for what it was. Now you are talking about violence. Why you so sensitive?


Well-Known Member
The union I work under is already locked in with Biden. I honestly believe he will make a great president. I also believe he is the best chance at taking states Trump won like Florida and Michigan.
He's been running for office since 1973. With his connections and experience, Biden will be an effective campaigner. As Senator, he was in his prime in late 1980's/early 90's and a lot of the mainstream Democrats of that era were comparatively conservative to today. He's of an earlier time, got a lot wrong by today's thinking. I don't think people change that much. My vote in the primary will not be going to a septuagenarian.

The burden of a 40-year career: Some of Joe Biden’s record doesn’t age well


Well-Known Member
Remember Hillary? Remember Kerry? Remember Biden?

That's going to be the 2024 slogan when they prop up Beto or Kamala.
May we please have our primary before Democrats gather round to support the party's nominee? The first debates are still more than six weeks away. I will listen to what they have to say with an open mind. Bernie Sanders excepted. He's already shown he is a poor leader on civil rights and women's rights issues. Bernie is OK but insufficient.


Well-Known Member
May we please have our primary before Democrats gather round to support the party's nominee? The first debates are still more than six weeks away. I will listen to what they have to say with an open mind. Bernie Sanders excepted. He's already shown he is a poor leader on civil rights and women's rights issues. Bernie is OK but insufficient.
we talking about Biden or Sanders here? Women's rights issues? Lmao give me a break.


Those are the best candidates in the running. Any of them get the nomination and I'll be happy.
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Well-Known Member
we talking about Biden or Sanders here? Women's rights issues? Lmao give me a break.


Those are the best candidates in the running. Any of them get the nomination and I'll be happy.
Bernie is OK but insufficient. Everybody else is going to get a listen from me throughout the summer. It's fine with me if you want to narrow your list early. The question hanging over all of this is what will you do if somebody not on your list gains the nomination?


Well-Known Member
we talking about Biden or Sanders here? Women's rights issues? Lmao give me a break.


Those are the best candidates in the running. Any of them get the nomination and I'll be happy.
Why should us democrats listen to an obvious right wing loser like you

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Always somebody telling us we are doing it wrong
Yet we have won the majority vote in what seven of the last eight national elections?
The only mistake Democrats made was allowing the electoral college


Well-Known Member
Why should us democrats listen to an obvious right wing loser like you
I'm a literal DSA member, I even helped canvas for Bernie back in 2015. I'll organize behind the candidates I listed. All of them well to the left of those favored by the establishment.

It's adorable you would call anyone a loser, you keyboard warrior you. I bet if I looked at your post history, you'd literally have more time invested in arguing with rollitup "right wingers" than contributing anything of value to humanity, but the self-righteous tend to lack a sense of humility.