Joe steals Nancy's purse

That all you got? Scream fascism! More while you endorse executive overreach. It's kinda sad.

The trade bailout has now spanned three years and surpassed $23 billion, even though it was never appropriated by Congress. Instead, the money was funneled through USDA’s Commodity Credit Corporation, a Depression-era agency that can borrow from the U.S. Treasury to stabilize the farm economy.

talk about executive overreach, huh? or was it just tRump buying votes??

it's kinda sad.
I'm far from rich. My daughter just started private school for high school, my son is still homeschooled. My wife is working mornings to help pay for it, and my daughter is also working at the school to help support her tuition. We got some financial aid support as well.

No clue why you guys go private or homeschool, assuming it all broadly falls under doing what you think is best for your kids. I was more talking about non-religious affiliated schools, mostly that I think kids should all have access to the same quality that the rich kids get at whatever prep academy do, if home or religion based school gets that done then cool, but that is what I was looking at as the measure.

My kid went to a pretty fancy preschool on a scholarship. We lived in the hood and they had some 2 hour a day thing at the regular school as well. It's pretty night and day in terms of what they were getting exposed to and how they had started prepping kids. Do what you gotta do to get them the best you can, it's admirable to put the effort in.
I'm far from rich. My daughter just started private school for high school, my son is still homeschooled. My wife is working mornings to help pay for it, and my daughter is also working at the school to help support her tuition. We got some financial aid support as well.

I heard a crazy Stat today about public school from DOE. 9.6% (10% for those on common core math)of kids report sexual assault from teachers. I think it was from 93' but I just heard it.
i had to pay farmers because of tRump's failed trade war. and it didn't go thru Legislature.


Yeah dude like I said before you're barking up the wrong tree. I'm not down with any of it. Elastic currency is literally the root source of every political issue I can think of. So fuck Trump really. And none of you Fucky McFuckersons like Biden either. You did the same as me and voted for the lesser of 2 evils with your own subjective criteria.

The trade bailout has now spanned three years and surpassed $23 billion, even though it was never appropriated by Congress. Instead, the money was funneled through USDA’s Commodity Credit Corporation, a Depression-era agency that can borrow from the U.S. Treasury to stabilize the farm economy.

talk about executive overreach, huh? or was it just tRump buying votes??

it's kinda sad.

Agreed. Screw the USDA. Let's prop up ag prices by buying and destroying food. Get rid of it, state issue.
Wow, $24 billion a year for the next decade. We could have ended homelessness with that.

We spend more than that on wars when republicans are in office but your ok with it

what did Bush’s war cost and how long did it go on? So you’re ok with bombing kids just not helping them with school?
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We spend more than that on war’s when republicans are in office bin ok with it

what did Bush’s war cost and how long did it go on? So you’re ok with bombing kids just not helping them with school?

Why do they need help with school, why is it so expensive? Why could people afford it in the 50s with a $1 min wage when the top tax rate collects the same receipts at 90% as it does at 40%?
Agreed. Screw the USDA. Let's prop up ag prices by buying and destroying food. Get rid of it, state issue.
What is it? Tourette's or Asperger's. Which is it that afflicts you?

Your statements are loaded with emotion and have nothing substantial to back them up. What made you come up with that statement? It made absolutely no sense.

Just like that Judicial Watch case you cited. It was laughed out of court. But you kept referring to it as if it was something significant.

I'm pretty sure your mama had it diagnosed. What is your problem?
What is it? Tourette's or Asperger's. Which is it that afflicts you?

Your statements are loaded with emotion and have nothing substantial to back them up. What made you come up with that statement? It made absolutely no sense.

Just like that Judicial Watch case you cited. It was laughed out of court. But you kept referring to it as if it was something significant.

I'm pretty sure your mama had it diagnosed. What is your problem?

Did you just see Roe overturned? What's the reason?
Where is Agriculture in the Constitution?
Where is Immigration?
Where is Education?

Where's the emotion?

Navy v Egan is current law.
President cannot be charged with espionage.
Judicial Watch v NARA 10-1834 is current law.
President determines what are his records. No criminal actions can occur.

Laughed out of court you say? It was for the exact opposite reason you are trying to peddle with propaganda or ignorance.

Such is life if you don't read.