John Birch Society

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
yes, pope bennedict was in the hitler youth in ww2, but that just means he was german during ww2, not that he was a nazi. every german kid was inducted (well every REAL german kid, not those jews, slavs, gypsies, homosexuals, cripples, retards, or communists)

every kid in the soviet union was a "Young Pioneer", that doesnt make them all socialists.

cardinal ratzinger/pope bennedict was not a nazi, he was a kid who nazis slapped a uniform on when their shit was circling the drain. he was also not a jew, nor was pope john paul 2, nor any previous pope.


Well-Known Member
the JBS folks are really putting on a show here.
Did you see how hard your protege Cheesus got schooled? It was pretty classic, must be all the dermal fluoride poisoning that has effected him- He resorted to trying to post random youtube videos and claim they were me- Oh and I found one that might be you buck, if it is you, you do raise some interesting points...


Well-Known Member
the JBS folk are so unaware of their idiocy that they think they are schooling people.

they weren't so adamant in real life when i asked them about the fluoride conspiracy. they seemed rather embarrassed and idiotic.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
See this is how the real powers in washington conceal their not at all secret machinations. they prop up some fuckwits like alex jones to sheik and wail madness with just a taste of truth, thus discrediting the real facts

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was a soviet propaganda piece, IT'S BULLSHIT!
Flouride WAS used by the nazis as a drug of pacification in the concentration camps, but in much higher concentrations that used for tooth decay prevention
The Federal Reserve WAS created in secret by a small group of wealthy men who controlled an estimated 25% of the world's wealth at the time.
The Federal Reserve IS a tool of the moneyed elites to maintain control of the economy and shift their losses to the taxpayers.
The Haarp Program DOES exists but it is NOT weather control
Chemtrails do NOT exist, they are a fantastical bullshit story.
There ARE organizations which meet in secret to plan how our government will act, without the benefit of legislation or oversight by the people
The Bilderberger Group is REAL but they do not sacrifice babies under an owl statue you idiots, they are bankers and politicians. they snort coke and get blown by hookers while they plot how to fuck us
The Tri-Lateral Commission IS REAL, and most of the bankers politicians and press assholes are in it. they discuss how they wioll fuck us and get us to pay for the privilege.
The Council on Foreign Relations is REAL they fuck us regularly in secret.

Pretending an asshole is not about to shit on your head does not protect you from the shit. DODGING DOES, YOU IDIOTS!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Thats Offensive!!

you should be ashamed!



Well-Known Member
See this is how the real powers in washington conceal their not at all secret machinations. they prop up some fuckwits like alex jones to sheik and wail madness with just a taste of truth, thus discrediting the real facts

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was a soviet propaganda piece, IT'S BULLSHIT!
Flouride WAS used by the nazis as a drug of pacification in the concentration camps, but in much higher concentrations that used for tooth decay prevention
The Federal Reserve WAS created in secret by a small group of wealthy men who controlled an estimated 25% of the world's wealth at the time.
The Federal Reserve IS a tool of the moneyed elites to maintain control of the economy and shift their losses to the taxpayers.
The Haarp Program DOES exists but it is NOT weather control
Chemtrails do NOT exist, they are a fantastical bullshit story.
There ARE organizations which meet in secret to plan how our government will act, without the benefit of legislation or oversight by the people
The Bilderberger Group is REAL but they do not sacrifice babies under an owl statue you idiots, they are bankers and politicians. they snort coke and get blown by hookers while they plot how to fuck us
The Tri-Lateral Commission IS REAL, and most of the bankers politicians and press assholes are in it. they discuss how they wioll fuck us and get us to pay for the privilege.
The Council on Foreign Relations is REAL they fuck us regularly in secret.

Pretending an asshole is not about to shit on your head does not protect you from the shit. DODGING DOES, YOU IDIOTS!
Chemtrails were real but they have stopped the program or started doing it at night because it was starting to get media attention.
The statue is at bohemian grove-
The protocols of Zion are real regardless of where they may have originated, just read them, it's their play book, most of it has been done or is being done, they have been very successful


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should check your facts and do your research before you go throwing around accusations of "lunacy"
I said "I'm thinkin' troll". Joining the Hitler Youth was mandatory, so there is no reflection on him. He risked his life deserting and surrendering to the Allies, he betrayed his country to do the right thing. Then you try to make it look like he was a bad guy. You're twisting facts into lies. Your agenda is showing.