John McCain......


Well-Known Member
John McCain voted in favor of increasing the Federal budget to 9 Trillion dollars 2 years ago...'nuff said.
I am looking at all the negatives of all the candidates. The candidates do a fair job of promoting their own positives. This is an election of negatives for me. In fact, right now I'm leaning heavily toward Obama, but Progressives shouldn't take too much comfort in that.

If I support Obama, it will be 'Ben Tre' logic. That's where the famous quote came from:
It became necessary to destroy the town to save it.
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Well-Known Member
In fact, right now I'm leaning heavily toward Obama, but Progressives shouldn't take too much comfort in that.

If I support Obama, it will be a 'Ben Tre' logic. That's where the famous quote came from:
regardless, Med will applaud you for your decision as will other misguided indivuals here on RIU. Can you feel the love yet? ;) :lol:

I will vote for neither. I will vote for Ron Paul. But don't listen to me, I'm beginning to understand Timothy McVeigh and the Montana Freemen.
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Well-Known Member
regardless, Med will applaud you for your decision as will other misguided indivuals here on RIU. Can you feel the love yet? ;) :lol:

I will vote for neither. I will vote for Ron Paul. But don't listen to me, I'm beginning to understand Timothy McVeigh and the Montana Freemen.
Ron Paul is a distinct possibility, but I am unsure at this time exactly what he's up to politically. Of all the candidates, he's the one with the most going for him from a 'good of the nation' POV. He'll be my good faith vote if I make one this year.

I can't support the Faux-Libertarian candidate. Bob Barr is more of an opportunist than a Libertarian.

McCain is an open border, amnesty for everybody, anti-free speech fossil.

The Progressives really shouldn't rejoice based on my support of B.H. Obama: Manchurian Candidate. My support for their sleeper agent candidate will be an ominous sign. The election of Barry Hussein Obama will spell certain doom for our way of life. We'll long for the heady days of Jimmy Carter's America.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. I will vote for neither, but then again...I'm probably going to be convicted as a terrorist one of these days in the future.
I hear you man..I like the debate of politics..but lately the choices and spin, crap...etc makes me mad enough to eat a box full of kittens...(both sides of the border)......If I was in the US and had access to a gun and lived in New Orleans..I might be a threat...........Just kidding officer...:o


New Member
Let me know Dave, I may join you. There is a whole lot I dislike about government. I "hope" Obama may correct a few things, like our foriegn policy for one, But the big picture looks bleak. The past administrations have fucked things up so bad it would take Christ himself to straighten it out, and he may be the one to do it.


New Member
John McCain is Bushs bagman...
So I spent a day and a half, knowing full well that the Colombian rescue was done with the assistance of our intelligence services, wondering, still, why they timed the rescue to coincide with McCain's visit to Colombia.
Leaders of the Colombian FARC rebel movement were paid millions of dollars to free Colombian politician Ingrid Betancourt and 14 other hostages, Swiss radio said on Friday, quoting 'a reliable source'.
The 15 hostages released on Wednesday by the Colombian army 'were in reality ransomed for a high price, and the whole operation afterwards was a set-up,' the radio's French-language channel said.
Saying the United States, which had three of its citizens among those freed, was behind the deal, it put the price of the ransom at some $20 million.
White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said the rescue 'was conceived by the Colombians and executed by the Colombians with our full support,' while implying that Washington had provided intelligence and even operational help.

Silly me! They didn't need McCain there for a photo op! They needed a bagman.
Now I wonder how long it'll be before we find out the ransom came from Bandar's little slush fund? But don't worry--McCain's just aspiring to be like Saint Ronnie.


Well-Known Member
One can question the timing of the rescue and that is fair. One cannot dispute the fact that the operation was wildly successful and the hostages were freed.

This begs the question of how Barry Ocarter would have handled it. Oh, yeah. He would open a DIALOGUE with the bad guys. He would TALK to them. And the hostages would still be hostages right now.


New Member
FARC probably had a significant portion of their forces preparing for additional kidnappings, since the Americans were coming, and we took advantage of that...........just a possibility. Misdirection.


Well-Known Member
So a newsperson, on a Swiss radio station, quotes a "reliable source" and it's now gospel. Amazing what people will believe without hard evidence.


New Member
John McCain...flippty...flopity...


New Member
John McCain...flippty...flopity...
Nice! i noticed you answered your own thread with a new user name. or should i say an old name spelled backwards...brilliant now everyone can have an alter ego...very clever indeed! I should +rep you for that idea!


Well-Known Member
Nice! i noticed you answered your own thread with a new user name. or should i say an old name spelled backwards...brilliant now everyone can have an alter ego...very clever indeed! I should +rep you for that idea!
Bongspit's last post was 6-22-08. Now we have Bizzaro Bongspit: tipsgnob. Could it be that he is UNABLE to be Bongspit any longer?


New Member
Your right! i never even checked to see how old the thread was! Welcome back! I have noticed that all you have to do is log out and make up a new name with a made up e-mail address and have dual identities


New Member
you would have to change your IP address also...but here in the czech rep we have no such knowledge....