Johnny Appleseed style....


Well-Known Member
I've always thought about going to into the woods or powerlines with a shitload of the bagseeds that me and friends have collected and just going wild sticking them in the ground, then just walking away and letting nature take its course. A few hundred seeds are bound to produce a decent germ rate. Anyone ever hear of this being done? The one big downside I could see is if they took it could screw anyone in a large area trying to grow outdoor sensi. If it could be organized to do this all over the country even just 1 yr it would keep the popo and feds so busy with large wild grows that it might make small gorilla grows a little easier. I used to keep a few seeds on my at all times and just plant them randomly around but I would never go back to see what happened. It would be great to have fields of wild cannabis across the country( yea yea I know poor quality blah blah) Lets do it Overgrow the country!!!


Active Member
Ive also considered this...But not so much of a large scale.

I used to save up seeds for that purpose...Once i found a good spot away from civilization i was gonna plant them out there.

Alot of people do this...But its usually with clones and shit...they hike to someplace with a backpack full of 50 clones, and drop them in.

I think with the seeds, its hard for the seedlings to survive more then a few days without proper care, and other plants competing with them. Also, birds like to peck the ground for seeds, and deer like to eat small vegetation.