JohnnyO's Coffeeshop

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[QUOTE="SICC";3760535]*walks in and take's a shit on the on the floor*

*grabs a Molotov cocktail and throws it into the store as i run out*[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE="SICC";3760578]Yes, cracker jax is right, it was only a Shirley Temple, i wouldn't harm the Elderly :lol:[/QUOTE]

What's goin on SICC? Why you trying to burn me to death in a coffeeshop? :cry:
ahh refreshing thx gg
hopefully I can make it home now lol that OG almost has me knocked out.

you must have smoked this shit before :-P.... smells like toe cheese and kerosene.... tastes just as bad :) .... more than a few hits, and its damn near sedative:eyesmoke:
you must have smoked this shit before :-P.... smells like toe cheese and kerosene.... tastes just as bad :) .... more than a few hits, and its damn near sedative:eyesmoke:
haha I dont think I have,more of an afghan kush guy.
the toe cheese doesn't seem that familiar but the kerosene an the sedative does.
I think this is some more wet
Am I on fire again hahaha
The coffeeshop is closed indefinitely.

Sorry folks. You can blame a shitbird or two for things coming to this.

I do not know when we will reopen, or even if we reopen.

But all is not lost.

If you can find the place, and if you can make it past the guys at the door, "Knuckles" and "Little Tiny;" drop by JohnnyO's Speakeasy.
Okay, we're back open.

But I've been warned, if any unlicensed dealing goes on here - I'm shut down.

The last clown that tried to be a pricky-nuisance claimed he took a shit, but all that was left after he staggered out was a dead gerbil in a puddle of jizzum.
This is the official closing of the Coffeeshop.

Some will call this a Martyr Post. LOL!

I call it an explanation.

I have closed the shop on several occasions without warning due to troll eruptions. And I have taken some friendly ribbing from regulars who got locked in or out of the shop without warning.

When I started this thread I clearly stated that it was a vision of the future. A fantasy. Yet it never fails that someone comes along who does not get it, who chooses to denounce the 'pretend' Coffeeshop.

In reality I was attempting to provide members here with a vision of what life could be like after re-legalization becomes a reality. My theory was that if it could be imagined, it could eventually be achieved.

The biggest travesty of cannabis prohibition is it turned us into criminals. In order to realize our objective here we will need to shed the black market mentality.

You would not enter and bar with a liquor license in good standing and pass out beer you brought in.

You would not go into a pawn shop and bid against the guy behind the counter over an item another customer wanted to sell.

You would not sell car stereos out out of your trunk in the parking lot of an electronics store.

Try any of those three examples and see what happens.

Why do some cannabis users insist that once re-legalization occurs, different rules will apply to them?

A coffeeshop such as the one I described will have a license to sell cannabis. They will not risk that license by allowing people to come in off the street and sell or give away the same product they pay overhead to sell legally.

Most of you got it it.

Unfortunately some did not.

So my thanks go out to everyone who enjoyed hanging out here.

But the fantasy is over.
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