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Well-Known Member
Union is nice, for the most part. I loveo how they take so much yet give so little. aka my package as a journeyman steamfitter is $51 (in/around dc) but i only get 35 on the check. wtf! i would much rather pay my own damn insurance than to have $16 an hour taken out for what? for nothing. to make someone else rich. The union likes to steal from right under our noses but we dont complain because most union members are just hicks or "not to bright" individuals. (and by "not to bright" im talking about only a HS Diploma vs a College education)

...Union. Hmmm Yeah you will always have work, But what i cant stand is being a paid slave. Its just not my gig. I would rather start my own company doing something i enjoy, and would reward me with profit for my hard work, instead of just teasing me with bull shit ass overtime (which ruins your life) just so i can make 100k a year...but i wouldnt have a life.

....Ahh idk im wrecked and its late as shit but unions suck. All work sucks. You just have to find the right medium that works for you.
thats all bullshit. i dont even know if i believe your union talking shit like that. give so little. you make 35 dollars a hour that's little.

my package is $53 on a hour. on the check its $36.15. the 16.85 they "steal" breaks down like this. $3.50 for sis fund a retirement fund, $3.40 for another pension fund, $8.90 for health insurance, $.30 education of our apprentices and mufti million dollar hall they train in, $.20 for IP (marketing)?, and $.50 for industrial advancement funds. (something the car unions should have invested in) and this is not your money, this is what the company pays the union on your behalf so they can have qualified American employees. thats a whole lot of nothing for 16.85 a hour. the money i pay to the union is $260 a year and 1 hour of wages for every week i work, out of my pocket. hell i will give another hours wages every week just to train the educated non union employees what unions are all about.

now for the comment about us uneducated hicks with a union job, that have no idea where the off the check money goes. well for being a idiot i make more money than any friend from my high school that wasted daddy's union money to go drink for 4 years then come out a trainee. while they where off becoming a educated trainee, i was working hands on in a 5 years apprenticeship program from a college university, that paid me 50% of the journeyman's wages while i learned. learned from OJT not from a text book while i was hung over.

over time. whats over time? i work 8 hours a day unless i chose otherwise. i have never been told i have to work mandatory over time. now the boss has come to me and asked us to bail them out of a job with the overtime. its cheaper to pay overtime for a union company than to pay the off the check beni's also. overtime ruined my life, bullshit. $54 a hour has not ruined my life in anyway, as a matter of fact when i come home from overtime the wife treats me like a king. she knows who will steal that money. HER!!!!!

i have no problem with non union workers. i have a problem with no-union company who pay half of what the job should pay. i have a problem with non union company that hire illegal immigrants that steal jobs from Americans. i have a problem with a non-union workers who have to work 50+ hours a week just to feed the kids and pay the bill, while the boss rolls up in the $80,000 trucks to crack a whip.


Well-Known Member
$8.90 an hour for health insurance? wow. :shock: and "an hour". so the more you work the more insurance you get. or how does that work? seems odd to pay "by-the-hour".

and $0.30 for education. funny.


Well-Known Member
we pay $9.18 an hour for Health and Welfare, but were high risk, and we also have our own group plan.

The reason it's by the hour is because we get paid by the hour.
It's all part of the total package.
Educational: thats the Union Apprenticeship Program. (Training)


Well-Known Member
that's $1400 a month for health insurance. a lot of non union companies offer insurance for free. it's $125 a month to add a family member.


Well-Known Member
that's $1400 a month for health insurance. a lot of non union companies offer insurance for free. it's $125 a mo0nth to add a family member.
Yah it's alot of money, But we've got the Caddilac of Health Insurance.
The union did check with going with like Blue Cross/Blue Shield, but it would have been more money. I've had that cheap insurance before AFLAC...
it wasn't very good. IMO


Well-Known Member
$8.90 an hour for health insurance? wow. :shock: and "an hour". so the more you work the more insurance you get. or how does that work? seems odd to pay "by-the-hour".

and $0.30 for education. funny.
$0.30 a hour for education is ridiculous. any more and we might not look like a bunch of "not to bright hicks" LOL 10,000 sprinkler fitters in my state. that a 120,000 a year for 0.30 x 40 hrs x 10,000 fitter.

as for the insurance, apprentices have the same insurance as journeymen. but pay in less than the journeymen because of scale. a pool if you will. that is the way i understand it anyway. my insurance is great. $15 co pay, full script, full dental, full eye. $2000 out of pocket per family per year.

i love the union, i love my job. its not even the the type of work i would prefer to do. (i am a used to be/wanna be chef) but i will be damn sure my kids will get the education they need to do anything they want to do. and the union gave me the job to pay for it. if that dont help them, i will get them into the union.


Well-Known Member
that's $1400 a month for health insurance. a lot of non union companies offer insurance for free. it's $125 a month to add a family member.
that what you pay. the company pays the rest. i ran a independent restaurant for a family member. just one family was $1200 a month and that was bottom of the barrel insurance. i dont pay any premium for my insurance, the company pays it all. are you sure that not 125 a weeks. last job i had that was not union, was 90 a week for insurance.


Well-Known Member
I really cannot believe how many people can sit here and defend themselves and their lack of work ethic. Hey Alg, u ever laid carpet? Ever laid carpet in the fucking snow man? Oh wait, u don't work, u grow.... damn u must really work up a sweat loading ur bong every chance u get. why don't u peel ur ass off the fucking couch and eat another bag of funions. U are right on the fucking money with how much growers make compared to myself, cuz honestly, I'm just barely gettin by, but u know what, it aint cuz i choose not to work and be a lazy ass sittin around watching fucking plants gro. I think it's great some of u guys have oppotunitities to make a somewhat legit living off weed, i'm not trying to bash any of u guys, just ones that WONT work period and think its ok to live off of other peoples hard work. I'm out.


Well-Known Member
i dont hire illegals, as a matter of fact i hire mostly convicted felons who have hard times finding jobs elswhere yet are perfectly good employees. i think of it as my contribution to helping hard times. i myself am a convicted felon and cant get a union job if i wanted one(which i dont).

as far as the other arguements, its like argueing with christians/catholics about religion...your brainwashed and thers no hope for your recovery.

whatever, i still work. still make money. and you die-hard union boys can still suck me sideways

and me jealous...HA. i leave for work when im good and ready, take lunch when im good and ready, and go home when im good and ready. if its something i dont want to do, i dont do it or charge a fortune to do it. i love my job.


Well-Known Member
hey richjames

think of it this way. if there was nobody unemployed or living off weed and sitting at home on the net posting here all day, there be no post to read for us after work. post on folks i still need ideas and info.

that's how my grow got started. unemployed and due to a condition that leads to not so smart decisions when left to my own demise, i had to fill my time. for 3 months of unemployment i burned this site up researching for info to start the grow. took a ghetto lottery check (income tax refund) and turned it in to a grow.

now i don't pay for insurance or weed. bwaahhahahaha:lol:

in my experience unemployment only lead me to better jobs. for those that cant work i feel for them. for those who don't want to work :finger:. for those who don't have to work i have my jealousy and they have my envy so its all good.


Well-Known Member
Thats exactly what i'm sayin. I mean shit, I totally feel for those who can't find work, but they're actually tryin ya know. Now, I don't live in one of those states that will even let me have a single seed, stem, any little piece of weed all those gets u thrown in the county jail so i don't have the option to grow for a living, hell I feel lucky that I even get away with smokin the shit. Like u, I too envy those with that option, and take their job seriously producing some dank med shit, it's their way of giving back ya know.


Well-Known Member
i dont hire illegals, as a matter of fact i hire mostly convicted felons who have hard times finding jobs elswhere yet are perfectly good employees. i think of it as my contribution to helping hard times. i myself am a convicted felon and cant get a union job if i wanted one(which i dont).

as far as the other arguements, its like argueing with christians/catholics about religion...your brainwashed and thers no hope for your recovery.

whatever, i still work. still make money. and you die-hard union boys can still suck me sideways

and me jealous...HA. i leave for work when im good and ready, take lunch when im good and ready, and go home when im good and ready. if its something i dont want to do, i dont do it or charge a fortune to do it. i love my job.
come on, you hire convicted felons because they work for nothing because nobody else will take them. the sprinkler fitter trade was built on the backs of convicted felons. you can get a union job with a felony.

brainwashed my ass. i have worked as a unorganized worker my whole life. i only been in the union for 4 years. i am not even turned out yet. i have paid off all the debit i racked up working for non union employers for 15 years in 4 years of union pay. my kids can actually think about going to college. my wife can actually work a job that she wants to and be home with the kids. instead of dumping my kids at a sitter to go make $10 a hour and pay out 5 of it to the sitter.

o yea i leave for work when i want, i go to break when i want, i go home when i want. its all about 40 for 40, nothing less and only more when asked not told. union is respect for the worker which leads to respect for the job. end of story.


Well-Known Member
its crazy how its always the non union contractor who want to be sucked sideways for free. offer a proper wage maybe one of those convicts have some experience in that area.


New Member
to all who bs about unions i had union carpenters gig for 2 yrs money got 2 b pretty good union paid my full med vision dental taking home not net take home 1500 week not for the first year was making 500 take home but FUCK THEM they dont want me im a stoner maybe i picked wrong job site refinerys fuckin drug tests,drug dogs , fuck i was tested, searched,check points pulling into parking lot,and most of all i could of died in that hell hole was evacuated emergency situations fukin shit in the air u dont want 2 know about ya i finally got caught random couldnt get synthetic up 2 temp kind of a blessing picked up work and was unjustly fired been collecting 1800 month


Active Member
a stay at home mom is one of the most important job on the planet........and never can be a dead-beat.


Active Member
This past year, since September of '07. Been on more interviews than I can count, printed out my resume so often that every time I see it I want to puke. Have a permanent groove in two fingers of my right hand from filling out so many fucking applications (for those employers for whom the resume is not enough). This is the first time in my life that I haven't been able to get ANY income generated. Of course, this is also the first time in my life that I've lived in such a rural area and wanted to find work.

Used to be a stay-at-home mom, does that count as dead-beat?
a stay at home mom is one of the most important job on the planet........and never can be a dead-beat.


Well-Known Member
why did you win the unjust firing case.

my union contract only allows testing when hired into the union. unless you cause $1000 worth of damage, show up to work under the influence. or get hurt. the job site can test randomly, but i can refuse. i wont be able to work there but i have that choice. this is a small company so they will tell us well in advance if that job is coming up. if you get caught with drug while at work you are out of the union not just a job. if you have a problem they pay for rehab and give you a second chance, and a third before you will be kicked out of the union.

beside who the hell wants some stoned or drunk out of there mind employee working in a fucking refinery or power plant? i think 3 mile island happened because dude was off smoking a joint? lol