Jonboy's '09 Automatic Blue Himalya and Automatic Little Angel Outdoor Grow


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone for the positive vibes...It's been a fun 4 months chattin' and learning from everyone in here...The weather in New England has been shit yesterday and today...I'll get pics up when the weather clears up...

nepali grizzly

Well-Known Member
sup jonboy man, that cheeze is looking damn good boy. if i were to guess the yeild i'd have to say definately 3-4oz's probably closer to 4. looks like ya harvested all your corn...yum i bet it was good. most of my corn got eaten by raccooons:sad:, feels as though i've been robbed:wall:. looks good jon.


Well-Known Member
oh and btw i really like your avatar, that kind of spider looks awesome. it has a skull-like design, very cool.
Thanks man...figured I'd harvest a lil more than a QP...6 1/2' tall and all?

Anyhoo...that spider was taken from inside my garden...she's a female cross spider...look er' up...she's, not to humans tho...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, whatever you yield it looks to be some good stuff.

I saw this one this morning guarding for me.


Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Yeah Jonboy id say you get around 4 oz...gonna be some great smoke too...and damn slab! that spider is a beast. That one spider would probably protect my whole garden from pests...
yo jon i have been watching your grow from day one bro, what happen with the short stuff 1 and blue deisel? i was wondering cause thats what i was looking at! very nice bro, you should get something to pat ur ass on the back with lol


WTF just read through 30 effing pages and the git didn't even post a harvest or smoke report!!!! talk about lame what a waste of time