Jonny B's Four Strain Bubbleponics Grow


Well-Known Member
Alright, Here's a pic of the chiller and lines. All ready to go as soon as I get my pump. Got some new spade hole cutters. Can't wait to CHILL




Well-Known Member
Nice cop on the pump. I need more bubbles in mine but funds are all spent for this grow. Next grow will be decked out : )
Ask DLC we got all kinds of shit planned for the next grow!



Well-Known Member
Whats the chiller for? To chill the RES's? I thought they were suppose to be room temp?



Well-Known Member
Wooo! The Rhino is looking stupid healthy! Im in love with this strain!

You just topped her a week ago didint you?



Well-Known Member
Wooo! The Rhino is looking stupid healthy! Im in love with this strain!

You just topped her a week ago didint you?

Yeah, slow, but fuckin Healthy! I can't wait to taste it... three more months or so.... After cloning and rooting and vegging and flowering...
Yes, topped her last Thursday.


Well-Known Member
Are you going to mother the Rhino? Im jumping off here to get on MW2, You should get on!


Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Plants are looking great, they have some thick trunks on them already. I only played counterstrike lmao and that was like shit 8 years ago was a fun game to play, i have playstation2 cant join the xbox club :-(



Well-Known Member
aw hulk, playstation is... well in my opinion its horrible haha, you should sell that thing at like gamestop and trade it in or something, for an xbox, xbox is the way to go :)


Well-Known Member
The Ionic Grow and Bloom is pH buffered like your flora. The guy at the hydro shop showed me these two. I picked Ionic sheerly because of price reasons. But Im very happy with it!



Well-Known Member
Alright, here's my little cloning Lesson using a basic misting aerocloner, as promised.

This is the Stealth Hydro Model - The Mistic cloner.

First Off

The tools

Clorox wipes or lysol for sterilization
A cup of water pHed to 5.8-6.2
Clonex Cloning Gel
A Cutting tool
A pH pen
And some weed to smoke...

The cut

First off sterilize everything. The cup of water, the cloner, the neoprene sleeves, the scissors and the knife. Make your cut flush to the trunk because that makes it easier and less stressful for the plant to heal. Use a sharp straight razor or very sharp scissors. Make the cut at a 45* angle, then immediately put it under water, then cut it again under water about a 1/2 inch higher then the original cut also at an angle. This will eliminate any air embolisms. Dip in the cloning gel and insert into neoprene sleeve. Repeat as necessary.

Pop them back in the cloner and Boom! Your all set :)

The Rooting Envirement

This is probably the most important part of the cloning process. You want a near 100% humidity around the roots and leaves of the plant while still supplying small amounts of fresh air. I've found the plants experience the least amount of stress if I cover them with a dome.

The humidity of my Veg room where my clones will be staying is around 45%-55% humidity at all times. Which is good for veg,but not great for clones. So I pull apart a pen and put the pen through the sleeve up into the dome. Supplying moisture to the clones on the upper side of the reservoir. I also rest it on the other sleeves so there is a 1/4 inch gap or so around the clones so they can get a bit of fresh air as well.

Give them a good foliar spray and pop on the Dome. Your going to want to spray them 2-3 times a day for at least the first couple days. After that back off from misting a bit to force them to push roots searching for water. If you notice any yellowing of the leaves this is the time it will most likely happen.

After about thirty min or so... Near 100% humidity...

Now I play the waiting Game