Jonnyvee's tent grow


Hi everyone
Never did the forums before so thought I would give it a try, starting from seed that I got from a buddy a few years back, Destiny and Hawaiian Bubble or so he said, I did grow some in a closet a couple years back in the winter in a attached garage with heat piped in and got about half pound off three plants and it was cold in there.
This time I am using:
39" x 39" by 72" Agromax tent
150 watt Sun systems for veg
400 watt HPS for flower
I mix my own dirt and ferts
3 gallon pots with holes in them
I will have a carbon filter and fans as needed

I popped some seeds the other day and have 3 more than shown below, am hopping for 4 Females out of the seeds as the last 2 times it was around 50% either way, I would like to do 4 plants in the tent and would like to SCROG but don't think I will know the sex in time for that so will probably wait and do that next time after some cloning.
I would like to do this in the garage but it is like 10 degrees outside now and not much better in the garage, I could run a heat duct to it I guess but even that may not be enough as the last grow in the closet took 4 months from start to finish with the cold.
really no where for the tent in the houseIMG_8755.JPG
Any pointers and info is much appreciated.
Picture is from today at 5 days from popping


Well at day 10 and lost the other 3 so got a couple more going. Transplanted into 5" Jiffy's in a mix of:
Gallon Of Roots Organic
Handful of worm Castings
A bit of Bat Guano
I did have the light a bit low and got a little curl but it's raised now and should be fine, small plant in the back popped up next to the large one in front must have put 2 in the hole, will see how it does as I pulled it out of the other roots.
I am not very nice to the plants as far as handling them and have never had a issue with stunting, they seem to like the slapping around a little, BITCHES
Hope to set the tent up in the garage in a few days and see what the temps are in it at 20 degrees and with a 400 HPS, have a heat tube ready to vent to it also so we will see, but I am worried abut it being too dry in there if I add heat.
Anyone have any ideas on the cold garage?


Plants are much greener than they look, have the 150 on.
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Day 16 and starting to take off good, the midge in the front is still going so we will see if it makes it, the rest are doing good so not much to say still trying to get the tent up, just no time, have this in the utility room next to the garage door and there is a cool breeze from leaks however it is holding about 75F in there.



Day 21
I found a spot for the tent in the utility room for now so not worried about the garage, will fix up a closet in the garage and dump the tent this spring
Moved a few into 20 liter pots with holes in them, I think these are for hydo but am trying them, if the soil stays in we are good to go, everyone is in the tent now and thinking I will move the 400 HPS into it tomorrow and take out the 150.
A few of them are starting to take off good now, soil is Roots organic with worm castings and a bit of bat guano.
Hopping to change the light on 4 of them in two weeks and find out the sex and let em finish
also have some testers coming for the water as I have well water and it has iron in it and I never checked the PH or anything



Day 26IMG_0474.JPG
Moved 2 more into larger pots and Fimed a few of the others, going to give them a week and change the lights so I can get this moving, hopefully get at least 3 Females out of the 5 large pots but if not there are 4 more coming.
Moved the 400 HPS into the tent with a 6" fan and temps are staying at 70-75, no exhaust yet.
Also got a PH tester and the water from my well is coming in at 8 so time to get the bottled water from the store I guess, should help some as it is about 6.7 so better, will check some other sources and try and find some around 6.



Been busy and no time to post, I don't even know how long into flower these are as I haven't kept track, out of 12 sprouts I got 2 females, free seeds so it's fine, I think I still have around 4 weeks left on these 2 from the looks of it, also have 12 more seeds waiting to pop and am going to do 12/12 from start and see what happens.
Going to move the tent to the garage when these are done and do a summer there and also in the woods, just have to keep my one dog away from the outdoor one's as she is a pot hound and can shred a bush in 1 minute flat
I just looked at the start date on here and damn these are some slow growers, the one on the right is so sticky you can't touch her without getting gooed
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