Jose Guerena Killed: Arizona Cops Shoot Former Marine In Botched Pot Raid

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I wonder if they knew if he was a former Marine before the raid and that's why they brought all the weapons and unloaded.
"He has military training and was a Marine, that makes him very dangerous..."
Hell, The Dept. of Homeland Security consider returning veterans as possible terrorists.
The very government us veterans who fought, were wounded, or died to protect sees us as threats these days.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if they knew if he was a former Marine before the raid and that's why they brought all the weapons and unloaded.
"He has military training and was a Marine, that makes him very dangerous..."
Hell, The Dept. of Homeland Security consider returning veterans as possible terrorists.
The very government us veterans who fought, were wounded, or died to protect sees us as threats these days.
Well sure, only in the military do you get to see the truth of the world. As a civilian state side your entire life you are shielded from 90% of all the bad shit in the world. War changes you. War is a racket, soldiers, sailors and Marines all see this every day, its a wonder so many come back and are cynics.


Well-Known Member
it's all about equality, we can expect to begin receiving the same kind of treatment as Iraqi's and Afghani's and Packi's and Mexicans, welcome to the NWO

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Well sure, only in the military do you get to see the truth of the world. As a civilian state side your entire life you are shielded from 90% of all the bad shit in the world. War changes you. War is a racket, soldiers, sailors and Marines all see this every day, its a wonder so many come back and are cynics.
Yea, those who never go anywhere only see and hear what they are allowed to. Being out of country you get all the news and info that is not allowed the USA. It does change you. You come back with opened eyes and, GOD FORBID, with knowledge of the real world that goes against what the government wants us to know. Our current media sure make a good filter these days. If it wasn't for the internet we would not know a fraction of things we know. The govt. hates how quickly information moves these days.
It just sucks to high heaven that those who volunteer to risk everything come back as suspect. I guess the govt. doesn't like the idea of people they trained for war to know too much about what the govt. is up to.
Even Barry Cooper stated before he left law enforcement for our side that he would target vehicles with disabled vet plates or purple heart plates as that was associated with possible drug use (Vietnam era at the time).
I am a vet and I do not trust the govt. I don't hate it, but I do not trust it. I came back and turned to MJ and I am one of the most peaceful anti-violent person you can meet. I go out of my way to avoid trouble...but if (or when) they start collecting firearms from people they will need that firepower when they come to my home. Everyone has to die and I will die on my feet before I will live on my knees.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Thats terrible, reminded me of this, I thought I would share with ya
"His behaviour was abnormal," Dr. Anne Kenshole said. "He cannot be responsible for his actions with a blood sugar that low."

OK, if I had too much alcohol to drink...
"His behaviour was abnormal," Dr. Anne Kenshole said. "He cannot be responsible for his actions with a blood alcohol level that high."
Would that statement still hold water? I don't think so.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
What's the "Former Marine" business, Once a Marine Always a Marine!
Agreed! That's why no one used the term ex-Marine. Your either a active Marine, a retired Marine or a former Marine, but always a Marine.
Fallen Marines become angles with double sized wings to stick out from the others. They earned it.


Well-Known Member
Agreed! That's why no one used the term ex-Marine. Your either a active Marine, a retired Marine or a former Marine, but always a Marine.
Fallen Marines become angles with double sized wings to stick out from the others. They earned it.
I am a little disappointed in him, he should have fared better in the outcome. I will counsel him and give him a page 11 entry when I get there. Jarheads rule!

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I am a little disappointed in him, he should have fared better in the outcome. I will counsel him and give him a page 11 entry when I get there. Jarheads rule!
Yea, and he died leaving his post with out being properly relieved or requesting permission.
Joking aside, this is not what he deserved, or anyone for that matter. Due process my big fat ass.
There is a saying in law enforcement...A dead suspect will make no statements or complaints.