Journal Images


New Member
Journal images only work when I am not logged in. I have tried again and again. Cleared cache, cookies etc.

Any ideas?


Staff member
so you cannot see photos in journals when you are logged in?
is it everyone or just multiple people?
is it the blog journals?

or actual threads?

what kinda computer do you have an what type of browser are you on

also you cannot have two accounts on riu which one would you like to keep


New Member
That is correct when logged in can not access images, when logged out I can access them.

It seems to be on everyone's blog journals. EDIT: Some peoples are fine and others are mixed too. It must be the way some users do it.

I have a Dell Adamo with Windows 8.1 and use Chrome (32.0.1700.107 m)

I only have one account? The other that accesses from this IP is my partner, she is actively posting and has a journal.


Staff member
yeah some users have their settings private, openly or friends only.

what does it says when you look at them?

sometimes users remove images themselves too