JP's cabinet grow: Planning stage



I took the clip on fan and stuck the ass end into the intake hole. So cooler air is being drawn in. temps are at 88-90 at last check. I have a 120mm fan as an exhaust for now. I am trying to decide the best way to install a round fan with no freaking screw holes.

Anyone think i should just get lower power bulbs? My reflector uses three bulbs and so far the two higher versions ive bought have been too hot.

Could i get any buds with anything lower than 42 watt's?


pseudo judo

dood, im not a pro, you got more equipment then me but im just giving you my advice.

For every one foot square of canopy in your cupboard you need 130watts of light to equal the power of the sun.(but my calculations could be wrong.)

So you need to use two of your 125w cfls for your cab, this is what i would be trying to do if i was you

Some people try to use as many small bulbs as possible to achieve the same number of watts as using 125watt bulbs.

One small bulb wont get you 130watts per square foot, one bulb cant send its light out one foot. In six inches square you would need 75 watts.

If you have less that 42 watts, its only gonna be good for one autoflowering plant maybe not even that but theres a chance you could get 0.5 grams per watt per month once everythings dialled in.

Build an enclosed reflector for a 125watt bulb. i dont know if there are already threads on here like what im imagining but there are DIY cooltube threads to give you an idea of what can be done with a bit of ingenuity.

Lots of cfl growers seperate the lights from the plants using a sheet of glass and then vent the lights and the plants seperatley.

Use your thermometer and do some science! show us how you solved the problem. If you dont have a 250mm round drill bit(lets face it, who does?) jus draw out a circle and use a small drill bit and pop holes in there with it all the way around the circle.

come on guy, u can do this, i wana see you get this working.

pseudo judo

check out mikeypeenz stealth cab v2.0 for a enclosed cfl set up.

To figure out the square footage of your cab you multiply the length by width in inches and then divide by twelve to get the number of feet squared.



Well-Known Member
man somehow my account was deleted, so i had to make a new one. totally sucks but nothing i can do about it.
I will cut me a hole for the 250mm fan this week in the side wall of the cabinet. that should provide plenty of exhaust.

thank you so much for the replies, i will keep working on this box, i appreciate the continued support!
