Few years ago I had 2 x 55 gallon drums full of water upstairs, one with a constant tea on the go and other with just fresh water sitting before use. That was a PITA keeping that shit going, and those aquarium pumps were a constant hum in the house. Not to mention they were mosquito baths. I like it now, much simpler, water straight from the hose and mix concoctions up from time to time.
Few years ago I had 2 x 55 gallon drums full of water upstairs, one with a constant tea on the go and other with just fresh water sitting before use. That was a PITA keeping that shit going, and those aquarium pumps were a constant hum in the house. Not to mention they were mosquito baths. I like it now, much simpler, water straight from the hose and mix concoctions up from time to time.
I tried everything to quiet the damned air pumps, but not to my liking
Don't know why I thought about this but a few years ago I wanted some wind chimes so I bought 2 decent sized ones and hung them on my roof. All was cool until rainy season when the wind started howling and the neighbors couldn't sleep at night lmao. It was like a gong show some nights. Wife goes you gotta take those down. I say for what. She says people cannot sleep. Lmao
Those memories have me amused this morning. It was like a Buddhist monastery on speed, 24-7 chiming. And they were loud as fuck.
Wind chimes are the shit. I grew up with them everywhere with my parents. Especially my mom. She still has shit tons of them. Some inside, some outside, some in the fucking bathroom lmao. My mom's house is in the middle of nowhere. Big ass pond and all that shit. Trust me I've tried outdoors there. It's too far and the weather always seems to be fucked late summer up there, if I was able to be there for them once a week that would work but my mom's husband or whatever the fuck would trip out once he found them plants. He is all about pbr in bottles, fuck smoking that shit he says. Toothless fucking moron deadbeat looser is what he is.
Blasted some trim this morning. Shit smells amazing. I've never had a batch smell so good. Like fruity and floral notes. I hope I don't have to purge long, I wanna keep those terps bruh! I kinda feel like you have to say bruh after you say terps lmfao. West coast cats are funny. I know I sounded like a weird fuck when I stayed in cali. I had all these words they never heard like cashing a bowl out. They never heard that. They sure liked it tho. They thought it was pretty epic bruh lmfao


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It might me cal mag. I only do .5 teaspoon per feeding. I never thought about that! I'm no pro either brother u don't come off rude or nothing imo I appreciate your input, it's always welcome round here!
Would you say up the cal mag or less call mag?
Not at all. Idk if you're dealing with a cal mag issue, just referring to what I deal with lol sorry for the miscommunication.
Blasted some trim this morning. Shit smells amazing. I've never had a batch smell so good. Like fruity and floral notes. I hope I don't have to purge long, I wanna keep those terps bruh! I kinda feel like you have to say bruh after you say terps lmfao. West coast cats are funny. I know I sounded like a weird fuck when I stayed in cali. I had all these words they never heard like cashing a bowl out. They never heard that. They sure liked it tho. They thought it was pretty epic bruh lmfao
People in SC found my vocabulary to be a little funny too. Found it pretty fucked up what the people in Miami call the smoking game "baseball". They call it Chicago...smh. fucking assholes
Not at all. Idk if you're dealing with a cal mag issue, just referring to what I deal with lol sorry for the miscommunication.

People in SC found my vocabulary to be a little funny too. Found it pretty fucked up what the people in Miami call the smoking game "baseball". They call it Chicago...smh. fucking assholes
Lmfao that's some weird shit. I guess everyone has a little bit way of speaking. Rhode Island is pretty funny. Half my family is from there and if u didn't know them u might not understand what they're saying. "If only I had some flowa, then I could bake a petes er" if only I had some flower then I could bake a pizza. It get really fucking funny like "spock plugs" is one of my favorites. Uncle Tommy can't say spark. He says spock

I think I'm gonna up my cal mag a tad. Seems like alot of people add 1 teaspoon/gal per feeding for some heavier cal mag feeders. I'm determined so I'll figure this out come hell or high water. I have heard of the plants that require more experience to grow and I guess it time I start experiencing. It's mostly those tahoe sap with the rust spots as I started looking more. Seems like they have slightly stunted growth as well compared to the rest.
Lmfao that's some weird shit. I guess everyone has a little bit way of speaking. Rhode Island is pretty funny. Half my family is from there and if u didn't know them u might not understand what they're saying. "If only I had some flowa, then I could bake a petes er" if only I had some flower then I could bake a pizza. It get really fucking funny like "spock plugs" is one of my favorites. Uncle Tommy can't say spark. He says spock

I think I'm gonna up my cal mag a tad. Seems like alot of people add 1 teaspoon/gal per feeding for some heavier cal mag feeders. I'm determined so I'll figure this out come hell or high water. I have heard of the plants that require more experience to grow and I guess it time I start experiencing. It's mostly those tahoe sap with the rust spots as I started looking more. Seems like they have slightly stunted growth as well compared to the rest.
Spock plugs lol reminds me of the family Guy episode where Lois was talking about the animal rights group PETA and Peter kept thinking she was saying his name , funny shit.
It wouldn't hurt to up the cal mag dosage , you recommend any specific brand for cal mag?
Spock plugs lol reminds me of the family Guy episode where Lois was talking about the animal rights group PETA and Peter kept thinking she was saying his name , funny shit.
It wouldn't hurt to up the cal mag dosage , you recommend any specific brand for cal mag?
I'm using botanicare because it got pretty good reviews. It seems to work alright. I only use a half teaspoon and I think that's the problem now is im under dosing cal mag when they hit flower I need to up that shit to 1 teaspoon. Smells like a dentist office or some shit tho lmao. I got a gallon it was pretty cheap.


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I'm using botanicare because it got pretty good reviews. It seems to work alright. I only use a half teaspoon and I think that's the problem now is im under dosing cal mag when they hit flower I need to up that shit to 1 teaspoon. Smells like a dentist office or some shit tho lmao. I got a gallon it was pretty cheap.
Same one my hydro guy says to get, like 12 bucks a quart I think, not too bad
Lmfao that's some weird shit. I guess everyone has a little bit way of speaking. Rhode Island is pretty funny. Half my family is from there and if u didn't know them u might not understand what they're saying. "If only I had some flowa, then I could bake a petes er" if only I had some flower then I could bake a pizza. It get really fucking funny like "spock plugs" is one of my favorites. Uncle Tommy can't say spark. He says spock

I think I'm gonna up my cal mag a tad. Seems like alot of people add 1 teaspoon/gal per feeding for some heavier cal mag feeders. I'm determined so I'll figure this out come hell or high water. I have heard of the plants that require more experience to grow and I guess it time I start experiencing. It's mostly those tahoe sap with the rust spots as I started looking more. Seems like they have slightly stunted growth as well compared to the rest.
I run organic and all amendments i there, but one strain (dog) is getting some rust spots. Shes a greedy bitch I think. I guess Ill supplement he with some to see if I stop getting spots.

I dont think I even have cal/mag jug anymore. havent used it in years.
I've had the "rust spots" using RO water mostly. CalMag always nipped it in the bud. But it will not fix spots it just keeps them from spreading more. I've also read that to much CalMag can cause airy buds late in flower. So i've always tried to phase it out around mid flower
I've had the "rust spots" using RO water mostly. CalMag always nipped it in the bud. But it will not fix spots it just keeps them from spreading more. I've also read that to much CalMag can cause airy buds late in flower. So i've always tried to phase it out around mid flower
I wasnt worried much initially, but now I am seeing new ones, its just in the Dog I think.
Not really sure about adding cal/mag to organic soil, but maybe epsom salts
i've read oyster shell meal is a good source of calmag
It sure is and it doesn't take forever to activate in the soil like the dolomite lime.

I use this one:
I have Dolomite lime and plenty of it, not to mention other stuff I cant remember right now that should provide it, but maybe its not enough?
IMG_20170108_113417[1].jpg IMG_20170108_113502[2].jpg
You can see some leaves affected in these pics on the bigger Dog
Yes the issue is the dolomite will take a while to become active in the soil, and that resolves nothing for you right now if you have a plant having issues.

Throwing in liquid calmag runs the risk of ruining the organic environment in that pot/dirt. I would first try some foliar feeds with water and epsom salt or the like and go from there. Maybe that can get you by for the dolomite to kick in? Unless the plant is flowering then we do not want the foliars.