From Farmers Almanac

12th-16th A barren time. Best for killing weeds, briars, poison ivy, and other plant pests. Clear wood lots and fencerows.
And there's a little section of a couple butt fucked black dog 3 lmao. They just starting to regreen in the small leaves and bottoms. That one is the worst in the garden. I think I might have to specially feed the black dogs with higher cal mag then the rest the girls. Which after reading isn't all that uncommon for some strains to be cal mag pigs. Kinda like some strains like a little more nitrogen than others in the flower stage. I just like to keep my plants green and happy till the natural fade.
I think maybe plants may need more or less or certain mineral etc based on what they offer in terms of terpenes and cannabinoids likely.
The Phases of the Moon
Superior Cannabis gardens are what gardeners want for their efforts, and planting by the phases of the Moon makes this possible. Seeds germinate faster. Plants are hardier and more disease-resistant. They blossom sooner and bear more fruit. Just as importantly, they better resist the stress of harsh weather, drought and insect infestation. Naturally, good gardening techniques must still be adhered to. Gardens need be watered, pruned, mulched, hoed, weeded and fertilized. If you have an outside or in side cannabis garden, paying attention to the Moon phases may be the easiest part of your cannabis gardening experience but the one with the biggest rewards.

Gardening by the moon phases is all a matter of timing. Since we are able to anticipate the phases, we can plan ahead and maximize the connection between the solar system and biological cycles to gain optimum results in the cannabis garden.

The Moon symbolizes emotions, instincts, habits and routine. It describes the ways in which we feel most nurtured and secure. The Moon also reflects the public mood as it changes signs every two to two and half days.

The Moon travels monthly through each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac, staying approximately 2 and a half days in each sign. As it does so it forms an angular relationship with the Sun that we call a Phase of the Moon. Phase actually means the angle between Moon, Earth and Sun. Moon orbits the Earth and the Earth orbits the Sun. It is the Earth's orbit that defines the ecliptic which is divided symbolically into the Zodiac.

First of all, phases occur in two stages - Waxing and Waning. The Moon is Waxing - growing - during these phases: New Moon | Crescent Moon | First quarter Moon | Gibbous Moon

It is Waning - shrinking - during these phases: Full Moon | Disseminating | Second Quarter | Balsamic

As a general rule of thumb when the Moon is waxing, plants develop leaves and above ground systems, when it is waning plants develop their root systems. Planting leafy crops such as cannabis that grow above ground are best sown at waxing moon and those that will require strong root systems or grow below ground should be sown after full moon, in the waning phase.

We can now divide these phases into four quarters.

New Moon to First quarter

First quarter to Full Moon

Waxing Full Moon to Second quarter

Second quarter to New Moon again. - Waning
These 4 phases can be useful to apply the rule of thumb Plant | Feed Harvest|Destroy If you get these 4 main quarters fixed, you will go a long way to understanding cycles.

The 4 intermediate phases also form a quaternary of activity.




Crescent moon phase is when the best germination occurs and is a good time for thinning out seedlings to give room for the rapid growth that occurs at the next phase. Gibbous moon phase is when there is a greater uptake of nutrients from the soil, and swelling of fruits. Disseminating moon is an excellent time for seed setting and ripening. Balsamic phase is the best time for destroying weeds, pruning trees, and all preparation for the next cycle.

It is important to note that you should not do any gardening task at the exact time of a phase. Wait a few hours. Each of the exact phase positions marks a critical time as the moon makes a shift from one phase to the next.

Because the Sun stays in a sign for a full month there are some months that are better for certain gardening tasks than others. Interfacing the Sun cycle and the Moon's cycle takes a little skill but is not 1 difficult once you apply the logic.

If the Sun is in a 'fertile' sign for a month, then you should take advantage of that month to do some gardening - naturally the best results occur when the Moon is also is a fertile sign and the correct phase with the Sun. The best days for doing specific tasks will depend on the Moon's sign. To synthesize the phase with the sign is important in planting. There is no point in planting at the correct phase, if the Moon is in an incompatible sign - one which might damage or inhibit growth.

Remember the Sun stays in a sign for approximately a month, the Moon passes through all 12 signs in a month, so stays in a sign for approximately 2 and a half days. A new moon always occurs when the Sun and Moon are in the same sign. A full moon occurs when the Moon is in the opposite sign to the Sun.
He definitely made a name for himself. That's why I asked because I was kinda surprised he is east coast. Not saying east coast doesn't have awesome growers but west coast always seems to be where the majority of breeder come from so it was surprising to find that out.
true, it's been legal out that way for a bit, they were smart and cashed in first. But my "bible belt" state is going to take a while I'm afraid. I used DC seed exchange when ordering Doc's gear I'm so used to ordering over seas it is nice to get my beans in 2 days. I wanted to go US for a while but just been going with Breeders Boutique for a minute now. They have some nice genetics and prices are more than fair especially if you catch them on their 50% off sale. I was going to get some Sin City gear but all the hermies people were getting scared me off, and the prices. Hard for me to drop $100 or close to it when I can find good genetics for around $50 or less.
I try to harvest outside at the harvest moon. But I've never planted according to it. Interesting point about the gravity being stronger and making the plant work harder, thus making it more vigorous. If that's the case I may drop some on the next lunar high tide. Am I right about gravity being stronger and effecting growth?
Whipping up a batch of 30 ppm colloidal silver. Turns out s1 aren't likely to be an exact replica of mom. Very close but its the same genetics realigned so grandparent and parent traits are likely to come out unless the genetics are really stable or at least that's the way I broke down what I read about it. Some breeders make s1 seeds just to check stability of f1 strains for further breeding I believe they were explaining. It's hard to find good info that a moron like myself can understand lol.


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