Judyism. Something we can all believe in


Well-Known Member
Just added an additional 2 CFL 23W 35K 100 w equivalent bulbs to the mix and placed a white paper plate under Judy to reflect light back up to assist the foliage under the canopy. I believe training is complete and so I untied Judy:leaf: and now she gets to go up :!: The final decision on that will come in a few days.

More pics later...

Those wishing to repeat the sins of the past must first gain control of what is taught to our children.:evil:

And you thought the dumbing down of our educational system was random failure.:shock:

:peace: All.


Well-Known Member
Judy is having some problems again.:cry:
Some of her lower leaves are turning yellow from the perimeter and moving in. I watered her two days ago with a minimal amount of nutes and for the last 8 days I had some short galvanized wire pieces stuck in the soil to hold up a paper plate I had under her canopy to reflect light back up. Could this be Nute burn or possibly the wires leaching off zinc and poisoning her? :dunce:Judy-9-4-10-3.jpg Judy-9-4-10-4.jpg
Other than the yellow Judy looks great. She is nice and green and since I took off the training bars all her branches are turning up as planned. A view from the top and sides.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
My first judy only survived my Black thumb because of the advice people from this forum gave.
Once again I humbly seek guidance from the experts.kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
Hers they are. Two weeks from scheduled 12/12 lighting. They are 23 (J1) and 21 (J2) days old. Judette 1 was topped 8 days ago and Judette 2 is au natural.:mrgreen:
Judette 2 is on the right and last pic.

More as it happens
:peace: and may your buds always be sweet.


Well-Known Member
A lot has happened since I last posted here 16 days ago.:blsmoke:
One week ago I went to 12/12 and started with the MG Super Bloom 1/2 strength mixture. :twisted:
Judette 1 now has 6 branches LST'd out mostly flat and is growing well.:clap:
I did a LST sideways thing on Judette 2 so she is growing horizontally and looking good. No topping for herJudy-9-16-10-1.jpg
This pic is about 4 days old but I forgot to get another pic cuz I got all excited when I saw Judy's first pubes..:weed: :clap:
I intend to keep her on her side until she shows her pubes then I will turn her pot upright and allow her bud to grow with a banana curve :roll:
Just hopin like hell Judette 2 is a lady..
Now as the title says here are judy's first pubes. Alive and in living color.

OK I admit it. :fire: I'm gonna rot in hell for lusting after such a little girl but WTF.
:peace: be to all.


Well-Known Member
:leaf:Judette #1 just declared female!!!!:leaf:

Got 2 Cuttings off Judy, a week ago and a day ago and looking for roots.
Still waiting for judette # 2 to declare.:?:


Well-Known Member
Well a lot has happened since I last posted here.
Judette 2 is a girl!!!:clap:

I finally got a clone from Judy to take:-P
I made a nursery for my clones and my new mother (Judy's clone). The hole up top is an exhaust that pulls from the flower cabinet and the two lower tubes are fresh air also from the flower cabinet. The Fan will be used once the top covers are removed from the clones.
Judy and the Judettes are all flowering quite well. All looks healthy and nice. I am thinking of trying a different budding nute to see how I can get more bigger buds.
What (thats available in Southern California) a good flower nute?
Any help is appreciated.
So here are the pics of Judy as of yesterday.


Active Member
Looking great. I used foxfarms tiger bloom and big bloom they are bomb nutes. hope you got a ph kit because the nutes will change it.


Well-Known Member
It's been about two weeks since I updated, so here goes.:bigjoint:
My cabinet is getting a little crowded. Here it is with the lights off for the pic. Judy is far right with Judette 2 next and Judette 1 on the left. There are 13 CFL's varying from 23 watts to 68 watts of varying spectrum. Three 23 watters are below judy for complete penetration of light.
Judy is doing quite well. She is a little over 5 weeks into 12/12 and her buds are looking reasonable so far.
Judettes 1 & 2 are also doing well considering that they were just 4-5 weeks old (started from bag seed) when they went into 12/12 with judy. Judette 1 was topped
Judy-10-20-10-et3.jpg Judy-10-20-10-et2.jpg
and Judette 2 was LST as you can see.
Judy-10-20-10-et1.jpgShe sort of looks like a swan:confused:. Her fan blades are wider than either of her roomates and I am thinking she might be an indica blend:?:?

I am going to give Judy two more weeks before I start her two week flushing pre harvest.8)

I got a good clone of all 3 ladies and I plan to keep (as a mother Bonsai) which ever one is the most worthy and the other two will go into the Flower cabinet. I will get updated pics of the mom room later. The winner will live in my mom / clone cabinet where she will provide me with one clone every 2 weeks. Once rooted & in a pot the clone will get two weeks more with mom (18/6 lights) and off to the flower cabinet for a finish..

Once in full production I expect a harvest every two weeks FOREVER!!

I plan on spreading the joy by gifting the odd clone to various freinds.:weed:
Thusly insuring her living on and on and on .......:clap:

Hows it look now??


Well-Known Member
OK I got two pics of moms house. Currently I have 2 Judy clones (one of which goes to the flower cabinet next week) and one of each judette. All have been topped in anticipation of Bonsai training of becoming the FM (Future Mother).
The back right is the one destined to flower next week.
I am stoked. :fire:
Last time I tried to clone all I got was dead sticks.:wall:
I was sure that I was gonna have to buy clones forever but this forum has changed my black thumb to green.:clap:

Thanks for all the help ppl.


Well-Known Member
Judette 2 is looking a bit Bananna like. I really fucked with her by tipping her pot on its side and reversed the direction later.
She has a berry smell about her that I love.
I can hardly wait for her to get to cured.
Judy 11-20-10-1.jpg
LST can be fun too.

Judette 1 who I topped early and did a bit O lollypopping has 4 main buds.
Each is about 2 inch diameter and solid. Three buds shown with the fourth just left out of the pic.
She has a metallic :fire:smell but I clipped a small lower bud to feed the tops better and dried and tried. No curing but no metallic taste. Just really stoney.
Judy 11-20-10-9.jpg

Judy is nearing her time. At 9.5 weeks from her first pube, she has been flushed with RO (She always got RO H2O) since her 8 week date. No more nutrients for the last 11 days. Some of her colas are nearly the size of a coke can and nice and tight.
Judy 11-20-10-5.jpgJudy 11-20-10-2.jpgJudy 11-20-10-4.jpg
The best part is that I successfully got a clone of each to grow. :twisted:I plan on GRAFTING all three into one perfect mom.:clap:
This is a two week old pic .
Gotta get some newer mom pics posted soon.
What says the ether on Grafting pros & Cons.




Well-Known Member
Judy is down,
:leaf:Mostly dried, curing in jars.:leaf:

Final weight 50 grams. :bigjoint:Just under 2 OZ. Guessing a final fully cured weight of no less than 40 grams.
Master Kush clone grown under CFL's in Miracle grow, Scotts, pearlite, and some TLC.:clap:

Still waiting on Judette 1&2. 1-2 weeks more and they get the same.
Looking good.