Juicing! in veg or flower?


Well-Known Member
ive read several articles lately that have peaked my interest.

one by a dr courtney

another with slight negative comparisons

and a cbd thread to try and get pure cbd

from what i have read courtney states that by juicing raw mj leaves you get several great things including several nutrients and minerals, A,D,E,K "volatile terpenes, and plenty of chlorophyll. (Odiferous terpenes also have therapeutic properties.) Juicing organic fruits and vegetables, especially leafy greens, is a health-positive practice, even when cannabis is not part of the mix. "

he says approximately 25 green leaves per day.

has anyone ever tried this and is yes, has it helped or hindered?

also do you use the leaves from a vegetative phase or flowering phase plant?

he has also come up with Cannatonic https://www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk/resin-seeds-cannatonic/prod_2185.html

which appears to have a cbd/thc ratio of 1:1 @7% (approx)

EDIT: also http://www.medicaljane.com/2013/07/19/cbd-gives-birth-to-new-neurons-in-the-brain-2/ which was posted on riu earlier in regards to neurogenesis


Well-Known Member

plus has anyone tried juicing their leaves for actual medical purpose or otherwise. anyone? it apparently has some actual value to it, even on toddlers @ age 2. anyone? anyone?


Well-Known Member
I've read about it too and it sounds promising, but I haven't tried it yet.
I bought a juicer and will be trying it in the future.


Well-Known Member
One thing I will say is it can be very irritating to your throat and tongue.. if you've ever licked or sucked on a yummy stem you'll probly have noticed the prickly hairs that can irritate and burn ya


Well-Known Member
What? I remember you ^^^^^^^^ he said juicing leaves, not licking a stem... Wtf do you do in your spare time? Besides shit weed?


Well-Known Member
What? How do you juice it? The bracts break off... I was simply giving an example as most people with good weed have chewed on stems a time or two....sheesh, way to contribute to this thread as well


Well-Known Member
What you juice is the dark Green leaves in veg or flower it doesn't matter... Green = chlorophyll = good that's what you are after... It scrubs cell walls and arguably can revert ailments and diseases.... To answer your question about veg or flower... During flower the plant will use up chlorophyll as it is needed (nitrogen) so it could be more beneficial during vegetative state, especially if your plant is deficient.... But I the plant has plenty of nitrogen and green leaves during flower it should not matter...


Well-Known Member
i have a large 2-3 foot male cheese dog. nice green leaves, was gonna let him grow till frost then try juicing.

any good recipes to mix with? carrots/citrus/protein shakes?


Well-Known Member
Wait so your just after the chlorophyll? Oh I thought you were going for like thca cbda or something like that. You know you can buy chlorophyll at the health store. I think cannabis does have some antioxidants that are unique to it though....anyway
I'm a fan of chai tea...that's all I got though my taste buds are lame....


Well-Known Member
to be honest it looks as though they cut up full fresh bud and leaves.
juice it
and get 600mg instead of approximately 10mg from a joint/bong/vap etc etc.

i want to use leaves from a male plant and bud from a female when shes ready. i have the male and nothing to do with him so i figured juicing the leaves would be the best option.


Well-Known Member
Sure, cut the green taste with some apples, carrots, pineapple, add some cucumbers... Qwiso that's the problem with the world...paying corporations for a plant in pill form, plus whatever else that add into it... Fresh chlorophyll has active enzymes when juice which are most beneficial ingested immediatly after juicing...fuck pills Use a masticating juicer


Well-Known Member
You don't need all those sweetners I was just listing the good ones, but I guess you could do all of them if you wanted super sweet.


Well-Known Member
I am curious about your results as I juice my breakfast and lunch on a regular basis, so sub'd to thread to see the outcome. Please let us know how it works.