Juicing raw Cannabis


Well-Known Member
I can't keep up with rick it seems his method changes pretty often. I prefer iso, a little over a dollar for a quart of 99%. It evaps clean you don't have to worry as much about explosions or contaminates. Its not as selective as butane to thc so you get a nice amber oil. You shouldn't ever have black oil or sludge. Should be translucent and shatter when frozen


Active Member
.Lol y'all guys.. I too was gonna post on the medicinal properties of both because I think its also important to understand that because itn s not decarboxylated you lose on all the medicinal properties that require activation of cb2 receptors......again I would run circles you literally are basing your knowledge and credibility on the fact that you met a man who possibly has a degree. What are you upset about? I merely pointed out that a chemical extraction is more efficient with the same results minus in the water solubles and bad taste lol......and bad spelling is due to being on these stupid touch screen cellphones. Please elaborate how I don't understand these "acid compounds".......well let me know when your done Googling or whatever. +rep if you actually get me to change my view or lol even arouse my interests in juicing period
I rest my case. this man knows very little. that is clear to me now.

  • I think its also important to understand that because itn s not decarboxylated you lose on all the medicinal properties that require activation of cb2 receptors.​

the fact that it is "not activated" is what gives this method of ingestion different properties, they interact differently than as if it were decarbed. and there are way more receptors than the two you know of... shall we discuss trpV1 2 and 3 or how about Gpr55? gpr18?

I can't get you to change your view if you dont like "googling" you need to learn how to spell and read on your own time, not up to me to learn those things for you. when you accomplish that. read those articles i googled for you and you'd understand that NOT DECARBED, they are in some cases MORE medicinal. i've based everything on science so far.. whatchu got?


Well-Known Member
Why would I talk about a different receptor when I specifically said the medicinal properties of cb2... how would you expect it too if not being activated....
Lol you amuse me. Keep googling


Well-Known Member
You still haven't answered why your so upset? And why not the chemical extraction with better yields also not decarbed?....stop assuming what I know and trying to discredit everyone with access to Wikipedia knows there are more than those 2 receptors I said that one because its not activated unless decarbed. Your making yourself look unintelligent and frankly its not very becoming. I know you have to Google some smart sounding stuff pertaining but can you speed up your responses so I can go ahead and do this and move on. Just like the vacuum distillation thread.


New Member
Personally I think just getting every part of this plant into your system is the way to go. I have seen first hand what Ricks method has done for me but I'm pretty sure all the methods mentioned are better than nothing at all. I believe there is valid medicine from all parts de-carbed or not. Eat it if you got it!


Well-Known Member
I agree both decarbed and non have their place but for someone reading its important to understand what may be best for your condition. I am not against juicing if you want to eat raw cannabis I think that there are more efficient ways of getting the cannabinoids, while losing the water solubles which are quite healthy though. I also would like to say that I've only said that I have a pharm d twice on this forum. I'm not one to throw it around to impress people, I'm also very consistent I've never pretended to be an expert grower or anything else remotely related but I am very knowledgeable in pharmacology and cannabinoids anyway I'm glad you found something that works for you.


Active Member
you amaze me. you think know something but.. every paragraph you've typed is ...nothing.. its drivel.

when i type.. I give INFORMATION & KNOWLEDGE

i'm an advocate of all forms - cannabis oil is number one. but juicing enhances its effects as well. it is all synergistic.


Well-Known Member
I don't see any knowledge some minor attempts perhaps.. show it to me in your last post than look at mine. See how someone can learn something from mine? Yet you still are dodging questions


Well-Known Member
Look bro hours between responses... I don't have the time to argue with you about whatever your upset over if you can't start responding ima unsub in 30 min cause I don't feel like going about this with you for days. You haven't contributed to our discussion ....
Period. Your simply tossing insults


Active Member
LOL. i answered your question earlier with academic articles that you didnt read, explaining how THCa and CBDa both are VERY MEDICINAL "and not crap" which you claimed juicing eliminates the medicinal parts because they arent decarboxylated and some stupid shit about water soluble (which you end up consuming when juicing? )... hell CBDa is killing breast cancer, i give you that information.. and you want to prance around like i didn't contribute? HAH

i havent dodged a question. i began by trying to help answer your first one "why would one juice their weed?" - you've done nothing but ignore that help.