Jumped right in...


Active Member
Hello fellow growers!

First, I want to thank everyone here who has obviously poured their heart into making this the most useful site I've come across.

Just finished my first grow room today and I feel like I've accomplished a lot over the past 3 months. My dad has always been in construction and even though I've often "helped" it always seemed as if I was just watching. This time I did all the thinking, doing, and admiring. I've still got a long to-do-list, but hears where I'm at right now.

It's located in my attic of my detached car garage. It was the only place my lady would let me have my project; we have kids and our family come around quite a bit. I know that an attic is far from an ideal place to grow but my latitude is 38 degrees north and I'm only planning on personal use so one or two harvest a year might be possible.

Basically, I framed in a 3.5' x 7.5' section of the attic with 2x4's, covered it with plywood, and insulated it with half inch foam sheathing. I taped all the wood on wood seems with duct tape and, again, after insulation between the insulation and wood. This process was tough as I often felt like a giant in a doll house.

The components of the room are: One 400 watt Lumatek digital ballast with a HPS and CoolTube that is ventilated; One 48" T-8 Cool Florescent; One 48" 40 watt Warm Florescent; Double window fan; a space heater; and a heating pad.

I currently have five White Widow seedlings that are about 10 days old that I purchased from amsterdammarijuanaseeds.com. (Pretty reliable, but the bonus seeds that came with the purchased were all crushed up. I was surprised about the plain envelope/birthday card packaging.)

The seeds are in Scott's seedling mix and I'm planning on transplanting into FoxFarm Ocean Forest Soil after the holiday's. I've also purchased the
Liquid Nutrient Trio Soil Formula—Big Bloom, Grow Big and Tiger Bloom which I will also begin using in the new year.

To-Do-List: Ventilation, CO2, Panda Film, Clones, thermometer, thermostat, and a Mother Room. I'm not sure what to do about attic ventilation and any help would be appreciated. For now I'm planning on using the Sugar/Yeast/Water method for CO2. Once my financial situation recovers after the holiday's I plan on purchasing Panda Film and some cloning solution and dividing the room into veg/flowering. I'll also build in a mother room using a 23 watt CFL. I'll also be vegging, cloning, and flowering to figure out which ones are ladies.

For now the room is warm, the air circulation is nice, and the babies are showing great growth everyday.

I look forward to questions, comments, and future posts. Thanks again!

Enjoy the pics!

Later skaters...




Well-Known Member
very good start man! you have done some good research and your off to a great start. your right the attic is not the best place to grow but you seem to be very determined and have the will power to make it happen. if i were you the first thing i would take care of is ventilation. i would go to HD or lowes and look for an inline fan. since its in the attic u dont have to worry about the noise from a fan as much. they have fairly nice inline fans for cheap. btw what are u using to vent your cooltube? your going to need to have it at a lower heigth for a while so think about that cause that ducting looks pretty rigid. dont worry about co2 right now. i dont have co2 and i grew 3 white widow girls and got 10 ounces, just keep that in mind. also panda film is great but u can just paint ur walls white and layer the carpet with just regular visqueen plastic to prevent mold and what not from happening. you have enough space in ur attic, u could get a cabinet or dresser and put it up there for ur veg box. so u can use the whole big area for flowering with the 400 and then put the floros in the veg box. u could set up a nice perpetual harvest and yeild 2-3 plants every 3-4 weeks.


Active Member
Great ideas, especially about putting an old dresser for the veg and mother so that I can use a larger area for my SOG setup.

Good observation: the HID duct is a bit rigid but I can lower it about another 6 inches without a problem.

Since the sugar/yeast/water CO2 system is cheap and I've already purchased it I'm going to give it a try. Nice to know and hear that a yield can be large even without CO2.

One question: with the nights and days relatively cool (20's - 50's) is my ventilation issue going to cause huge problems with keeping the room temperatures high enough? What would you recommend: active intake/passive outtake or passive intake/active outtake?

Thanks man! It really helps to iron these things out with someone who knows.

Happy Holiday's!


man this is way over my head but i can see you put alot of hardwork and passion into your setup. i have no doubt you will be have a sucessfull harvest. but as far as the temp goes i just use a regular space heater and switch it on its lowest setting at night time and turn it off first thing in the morning. its kinda ghetto i know. but it seems to keep my plants at a steady 70f degrees . which is good considering it is about 30f degrees outside right now.


Active Member
I am using a space heater right now, but it's good to know that I can turn down the heat to the lowest setting and conserve some energy. I was just in there a couple of minutes ago and it warm to say the least. I'd like to get this thermostat to regulate temps.

Thanks for the info.


Well-Known Member
that would be ideal, or u could just get a timer for the heater and hook it up to just run at night. you always want to go with an exhaust fan instead of an intake fan. its much much more efficent to suck air out than to push air in. the negative pressure from air being blown out will automatically pull air in from holes, cracks etc. if u cant invest in a thermostat for ur heater just get a timer and a thermometer that records the high and low temps. keep records of this and you will be able to fine tune your heating system. glad to be of help man. im happy to help people that have done their homework first. it annoys me when people ask really stupid questions that are common sense or should have been read in the growfaq. but anyways your off to a good start man keep it up. i had to change my res today. lugging 55 gallons of water isnt fun lol.


Well-Known Member
Is the floor carpeted? If so lose it right away, or cover with heavy plastic before it gets wet. A damp carpet would be a home for mold and mildew 2 things we do not want in our growrooms. Also I'd slap some white paint on all those bare wood surfaces, just some cheap primer-sealer. This would reflect any stray light back and make it easier to clean. Neatness counts! Good luck with it.