
I understand that regional slang but I have wondered htf anyone non Scottish can understand it.
I read a bunch of his stuff over 20 years ago. Filth was the last Welsh book I read about that long ago. I understood the gist of it, but I definitely had to work at it and be in a certain mindset. I dont think i could read one of his books now lol.
I read a bunch of his stuff over 20 years ago. Filth was the last Welsh book I read about that long ago. I understood the gist of it, but I definitely had to work at it and be in a certain mindset. I dont think i could read one of his books now lol.
It's similar to reading Robert Burns poems lol.
It's similar to reading Robert Burns poems lol.
Lmao. They could've been brothers. I was in a bit of a cocaine haze while I read Welsh. Now, just coffee. And there isnt near enough of that to untangle that mess of a poem lol.
Nothing really to add there.
Lol you lads kill me , maybe not you yourself Boss , but some of the other thrips gi it Charles large potatoes ha ha and can’t even work that out. My tx you not being able to work out lol believe me I get that I read em back tru and tink WOT DA FUCK lol. But that thread was written jumbled , someone wi half a half a brain like wot the size mine is ( used to be ) can still work it out. Starts, Easy ery one , I thought this was. Up da hoops or is it hoobs lol
Can’t mem who asked for pic forgot had. This lot that tranny on me. I only said something in passin about ya flower looks a bit rough and fuck me they take it all to heart and go mental trannys, maphs nanners you name it. End result to many seed but at least I no how small the nanner can be TINY hey ho on wards and up thanks
Nothing really to add there.
Reading through this thread is like trying to read a Irvine Welsh novel lol.
pmsl laughing wot was that one called ? where they on the terraces popping pills safe
Star dog nailed. Had great nigh last night throwing bricks at ol bil fuckin great pmsl
Na jus jokes. But got a share this one wen I was a wi yoot me and me bro nicked a marked ol bil car. It was snowing , me and our kid had a Wright laugh lol. Lost my bro though in 2019 got stabbed joke. He was 44 youngers tryed to rob him , him being him wouldn’t gi wot ever it was up and one a dem chefed him up under arm pit jus punctured his heart. 8 hours they fought to save him sad sad sad. The youngest was 15 the oldest 18 , 4 a dem. He lost his life cus he wun gi it up joke. Yoots over here following the American gang culture jus sad and pointless. Thanks
Ya cun fucking make this one up. My sister jus bin cut to ribons. Big slash on cheek took little bit of the end of her nose and slashed on her forehead. Jus unreal she started mixing wi the proper scum bag heads and hard core pipers , she and I’ve found out it’s true only sniffed but I thought she must be piping if hanging around we dem scum. It was I bird who did it as well trying to rob her unreal. Ery where as gone mad the youngers are cold killers and all the bag head are dangerous scum. I’ve bin clean for 13 years the pipe and 4 years the Bobby. But I was never like that I kept my morals ya no fuckin sad I’ve bin out tonight to have wi chat:twisted::twisted: standard lol
Ya cun fucking make this one up. My sister jus bin cut to ribons. Big slash on cheek took little bit of the end of her nose and slashed on her forehead. Jus unreal she started mixing wi the proper scum bag heads and hard core pipers , she and I’ve found out it’s true only sniffed but I thought she must be piping if hanging around we dem scum. It was I bird who did it as well trying to rob her unreal. Ery where as gone mad the youngers are cold killers and all the bag head are dangerous scum. I’ve bin clean for 13 years the pipe and 4 years the Bobby. But I was never like that I kept my morals ya no fuckin sad I’ve bin out tonight to have wi chat:twisted::twisted: standard lol

The madness, thank fuck I'm out of the madness, pray your sister is okay.
It's similar to reading Robert Burns poems lol.
Nearly hahaha