Just a couple easy questions!


Active Member
Hey what's up riu!
I'm usually the type to google things before I post
Just because I feel like I bug cause I have thousands of questions
But in this case I would like experience growers help.

I have grown before but still learning I've done over probably
20grows and have only harvested 1 plant :\ but I won't give up!

Just a couple questions about the plant I i start another grow.
Right now im doing a micro/pc/scrog grow my plant is currently only
2weeks old I am using cfls.
I know bigger lights bigger buzz but like I said I haven't had success
In my last grow soo im working on a cab with 250w/hps but that'ss gonna take some
Time so the PCc will do for now. Anyways lets get to the point.
My questions!

How can I get my leafs to be pointing outwards and basically looking pretty no curls anything.
Would side lighting do the trick?

is watering with distilled water bad?
Would purified water be better?
Is to much light for a seedling bad?
50f during dark and 65-75f during lights on is it to cold during dark?
That's all for now guys dont want to ask to many questions then none get answered lol.

Please help and thanks!
P.s I am using fox farm ocean forest soil mixed with some rockwool balls.
And I am using the distilled water. No nutes yet I heard that soil will cover up to 3weeks of nutes.
Ok first 50f is toooo low! Secound do you have a PH meter? That would help alot to diagnose problems. You will know when your plant needs nutes because the cotyledons will start to turn yellow so if you not sure I would recommend feeding too little then too much.


Active Member
Yea idk what to do for the dark period that's the highest I can get it and the fans are off
The catyledons were a defect since sprout
One fell off as soon as the first leaf set poped out.

Yea thanks this time around I will go easy on the nutes