Just a couple of questions

Sup guys,new grower here.I've read up on most of the guides and FAQ's on newbie's but I still have afew questions.Circumstances only allow me to grow in my room which isn't too big at all.Will cigarette smoke kill my plant?I don't think I can use the lights suggested cause one,my room is small and two,I'm renting the room so I can't make any changes to it.I have a big lamp though.Is it ok to just use one small warm fluroscent light whenever my plant needs it?And how do I know when its the right time to transplant?

Sorry if these questions have been asked before,I may have missed it.Help is appreciated.Thanks!


Well-Known Member
you need to research lighting some my friend, cuz no offense and nothing personal but you dont really seem to know any of the very basics of growing. you should go ahead and read through the grow faq till you understand the basics. if you have any ?'s after that let me know, ill be happy to help.