Just a few questions before i begin


Active Member
So i have a whole closet to grown in and just having some trouble making up my mind.

I have a chance to purchase a 75 watt hps light which i would use along with a few 30-46 watt cfl's switching colors for veg and flower.My question is,will the hps make a decent enough diffrence for flowering or should i just scrap the hps and use more cfls switching the colors out for the cycles?
Also im still not sure if i want to use the whole closet or make a sort of cab for easier odor control.Last one,will the 75 watt hps cuase heat issues,i would prefer not to make any major remodeling of the closet(cutting holes and such)as i am renting. thank you in advance for any advice :)


Well-Known Member
the change in light cycle and change in nutrients is more what causes the plant to flower than the difference in light. so as long as you turn your lights to a 12/12 cycle and get some bloom booster nutrients you'll be fine.

as for the grow room, i would personally suggest using the entire closet and having the control system on the floor at the entrance to the closet. the heat issue can be solved by simply having a small fan in the room.

good luck!


Active Member
i know i have to switch to 12/12 but would the 75 watt hps make a significant diffrence,or should i just spend that money on more cfls?


Well-Known Member
when i grew inside i just had a few cfls that worked great. just a thirty watt on each plant for the veging. but as the get older and larger your going to need probably 2 cfls per plant. id advise you to stay away from hps because of the heat stress and price.


Active Member
Well the hps already came with a ballast,im not sure of the hook up though? and i've got about 10 cfls at the ready but it's a preety decent sized closet,it seems like i could just throw an extra fan on the hps and it should do fine becuase of the low wattage on it(only 75)If it makes a diffrence in flowering i wouldent mind making a few adjustments to cover for an extra small amount of heat,but would it be worth it?


Well-Known Member
yea, if you already have the hps then definitely use it, it should be fine if its only 75w, but i'd throw that extra fan in just for safety. as for the hook up i'm not sure what you mean, if you post pics i might be able to help. how many plants are you planning on growing?


Active Member
i don't have the hps yet i wanted to know if it would make a diffrence before i bought it and im only planning on growing 1 plant at a time plus 1 cone from said plant,after making sure it's a female of coarse.