Just a few ?s ....first grow


My plants are about 7 weeks old.....they are about 12-13 inches tall and have been for about a week:neutral: My buddy had 2 plants that he brought over into my grow that are about 2 feet tall and are about the same age as mine.....doing all the same things with all the plants but mine just stopped getting taller. The plants look healthy and I know diff strains will behave diff ( mine are vanilla kush his are green hornet) but it just seems that mine stalled. Out of the 5 clones I made off my mother 2 are about a foot 2 are about 10 inches and one is only 4 inches and just wont grow taller....wish I could load pics working on it.


Well-Known Member
What lights are you using? What schedule you using? Look for light leaks... Is it root bound... Slow growth can be caused by many things


I don't know what my ph is I have been using nutes ( ecogrow M 20-6-12) and I am using natural spring water....Just started with the ecogrow was using something with smaller #s so am waiting to see if there is any improvement . Don't get me wrong they are healthy(or seem to be) and if they triple in flower that would make em 3 footers. I am also going to move up to 1000 watts when I switch to the bulb for flowering and change the lights schedule to 12-12